"i dont listion" yes that is correct you didnt listen there fore you LOOSE the debate....I followed up with logical points stating exactly why i was right and why you are wrong but instead of countering my conclusion with facts of your own you simply say " im a troll" LOL that means you arent...
No worries good luck let me know how it turns out......If you dont yield alteast a lb from how its set up then id say switch to normal way....I yield 1.5 lbs per cycle in a 4x4x7 tent with one 1000w hanging horizontel....so if you dont get close to that then what your doing might be more work...
Ok if you dont have A/C dont grow in the summer end of story case closed i dont know why people are even debating this.... Also in your first post you said you want to do it right so why you using that little cabinet?? why not do it right and get a decent grow.......That little cab wont yield...
It will work but not sure about a few things you got going on.......One is that screen you have up on the sides....I dont really get why ou have the screen in there it appears to be almost flush up agaisnt the tent wall if so the plants arent going to grow into the screen most likely because one...
If panda is giving you so much trouble why dont you just not use it?? You can Use FLAT white paint and get the same results its easyer to clean it last longer and its less hassle......Also if you do go with pain make sure you get the MOLD additive and the Titainum additive mixed in at the...
they stopped making those toxic gas tents like many years ago......there are no more toxic tents it was one company that had them they stopped makin them and people are still talking about it like its a commen thing.......ITS NOT
You didnt get anything i said in one ear out the other.......You still talking like your 2 zips is not a fail ITS A FAIL YOU ARE A FAIL YOU FAILED PERIOD END OF STORY ...........i CLEARY layed it out logically for you and you still try and argue i even used math to show you how stupid you are...
Just buy some panda film it reflects just fine and if your a new grower reflection will be least of your worries everything like Temp, Humidity, Ventulation and Light should be your priority.... Panda film is like $1.00 a ft super cheap easy to clean light proof and can be better for mold then...
FIRST OF ALL ...Slimdick One dosent have to be a drug dealer to use a 1000w My mom is very sick and she sustains her years worth of medicine With 1 grow cycle in a 4x4x8 1000w Grow Box. This is not for selling she does 1-2 proper grows a year and yields 1lb-1.5lbs per cycle. she dosent have to...
Dont be a pussy, man up get a 1000w and do it right......enough with the stealth grow box that yeilds peanuts...........grow box made by mattel toy Co. lol
Lol You are the usless cunt filling the forum with useless newb questions( isnt there a newb section?)........like i said before you can buy more flowers for less money then you will put into that shoe box grow......If the means dont justify the end result then its a fail. You sound like one of...
I tell all the newbs the same thing and ill tell you too.,..........If you box is exhausting its hot air back into the same room the box is in then you will never have your temps under control.......You must redirect your exhaust so the old hot air is pushed outside or into atic or anywhere but...
If you create negative pressure with a proper exhaust then the smell will be no problem........
FYI ..... if you are just exhausting your box back into the room the box is in then you do NOT have a proper exhaust set up.....
Ok All air conditioners create heat some how and that heat has to go someplace........ Also if your running an Airconditioner i hope you have a dedicated fan for your lights because if your just exhausting your room the entire time the light is on then you are wasting energy on the A/C if the...
Not looking so good really..........Biggest noob mistake is thinking you dont need a proper vent system.......With out it your just pissing in the wind...... If your not going to do it right just tell him to buy his cannibas this way we can save some poor plants from being torchered
what about in county's like solano county where they dont issue busniess lic that say dispensay....what do you say to that then?? How is there a way to be legit when the county wont let you?? id love to know what you suggest ???