I live about 45 min from there.......If its the same place im thinking of in Norcal right? Kinda ghetto....haha.....You had to know that tent wouldnt be tall enough if you veg for as long as you did....
That one tall ones looks like a phat yield.........Id say alteast a lb easy...I harvested mine lat night....9 3 foot tall super lemeon hazes under 1000ws
lol...........Rep just for making me laugh bro........
Ok so you dont run Co2 at night ever and in a sealed room (closed loop) you must have a Dehumidifier and for a room that big Id think you'd want a pretty big one no doubt.......
Also, Are you using a full 18 x 8 space for your grow...
You need exhaust, and Dont exhaust back into the same room the grow box is in because then you are recyling the same air....You are heating that air exhausting it back out then passivly sucking it back in heating it further and so on til you have a snow ball effect.... You Should exhaust all...
Yes you dont need an intake fan....You just need an exhaust fan......And yes having those fans inside the tent are good but that is not an exhaust setup those fans are just blowing the air around inside the tent you need to pull air into the tent while exhausting old air OUTSIDE.....If you not...
Ya listen to jaz you dont need to mix other brands in just do the full line up.....and add some calmag.......also i havent heard any complaints about the shooting powerder its great
There only like 2 bucks more then plastic pots and thats the cheap plastic pots..Nice square pots cost the same as a smart pot so i find it silly all the ways people try to save a buck but really in the big sceam of things were talkin dollars here.......I mean i spent thousands on my grow im not...
I think thats probably the best idea......a 10 x10 grow room is a pretty big grow to take on......If you only want 5-6 plants then that space is more then enough .....Id make a 4x4x7 grow space inside the shed and put it off to one side of the shed so you have room to work inside the shed....You...
I have same problem i just clean the inside of the tube once a month problem solved....
My friend puts panty hose over his intake before it goes into his tube...Not sure if that really works or just makes him feel better....The only true way to fix the problem is like pazu said you get a hepa...
well you mean besides what i already said? like A/c , heater, dehumidigier, Two fans, hepa filters, control panel, insulation and drywall?? You still didnt give us the deminsions of your shed.......You say you only want to grow 5 plants well that shed is kinda big for only 5 plants unless you...
Wow your comment high lights your lack of experiance......Congrats you just won dumbest post of the day......Theres a winner every day and today thats you.....
Do you even know what a smart pot does??
Dont listen to non sense middle84 smartpots/ geopots they are great and they work very...
Im harvesting a crop of super lemon haze today....and then im turing one of my grows into a closed Loop system....Me and my dad already made a contral box is proccessor inside and 120v outputs and its hardwired to my PC inside the house and thats connected to router i can control everything from...