If you pull directly through your lights (dedicated light exhaust) you can install a hepa filter on the intake. They sell these nice ones that
http://www.growwurks.com/organic-air-greenhouse-hepa-filter-4-6-8-10-and-12-inch.aspx have 4",6",8",ect. fittings on the end to connect to duct work. They state that they are washable and reusable for many years of use but who knows I can't seem to find reviews of people using them.
I use a passive intake and on that intake I attach a homemade lightbox with a 12x20 Hepa filter designed for filtering air for home heating systems. They are on the cheaper end from really crappy ones for 8 to 10 dollars upwards of 30 to 40 depending on size and thickness. They carry these at the local hardware store or even wally world.
For smaller intakes I used a hepa filter designed for a upright vacum cleaner it is a nice think hepa 99% allergen,dust,mold,ect and measures 6x6, ofcourse no true hepa filters are cheap it was $20 at the big hardware store.
It's hard to choose a hepa vacuum filter or equivalent online because they hardly ever give you the dimensions just the model numbers..
Is this kinda what you were looking for?