I think 4x4 is best for a small garden.....However to maximize your yield in a 4x4 space you would want atleast a 600w light and I prefer 1000w for 4x4 so that also something to consider... What ever you do dont limit your height because it will end up being a bitch to deal with.....Also make...
No doubt its difficult but i live in an apartment to and i have figured out a way to exhaust out side with out anyone noticing.....If your ever interested in how i did it id be happy to share with ya....
Ok dude whats your ambient temp in the room your box is in?? Thats what really matters.......Your cab is always going to be hotter then your ambient temps so if your room is 75 degrees then your box will NEVER be 75 degress unless you have a AC so just food for thought.. also i wanted to make...
Your talkin about a pretty small space i mean little over 2ft by 2ft thats not much to work with you be lucky to get 2 maybe 3 plants in there .....Also the fridge is not going to be easy to alter its fiberglass and metal and heavy......Why not just make life easy and buy a small grow tent or...
If im correct your saying that your pushing air through your carbon filter?? The filter is designed to pull air through it not push thats why the dust filter is on the outside...... Why not just put your carbon filter INSIDE in front of the fan thus eliminating the noise and at the same time...
I can tell that the tent is a more expensive tent by looking at the cross member bars at the top....see how they are thick and do not bukle downward?? thats means its a nice tent and those bars can easly support a fan and filter Its the same material you have on a backpack strap or the straps on...
Dude you have the same size tent as me and you have an 8" exhaust fan...... Now i know for sure that you DONT need that intake fan thats just over kill and waste of money......Your 8" fan is plenty strong enough to create a passive intake bro.......Im not hating im just tellin ya the...
i dont have all day to find every article that was writtin on the subject......heres a few links i found just in 2 mins of googling so look through them make up your own mind.......Or google is yourself and see what you can find.........I will say this theres alot of threads about this subject...
Ok first off i dont know why you think HID light cost so much more then T5s i work at a hydro shop and 4 foot T5s cost about the same as the 400watt lights......Second if you get a digital ballest theres no hum at all...I have a quantum digital ballast and that shit is silent no its VERY...
Well from my expriance doctors are greedy money loving bastards ....Im sure you wont have any trouble finding a new doctor to give your money too....I mean really have you ever heard doctors private conversations?? I have over heard doctors talking to eachother about patients and you really...
that guys right you totally got played that cop played you like a fiddle......asking to search your home and you say yes?? Bro there trained to get you to say yes they will say whatever they have to to trick you into saying YES.......Man just reading this is pissing me off.....lol dude if they...
what are you talking about it sounds like you have half the info and mixing it with another half that you dont know what your talking about....You dont have to be a caregiver to grow plants for someone ....All a caregiver is is someone who dosent qualify for a doctors note so they become the...
I wouldnt be suprised but really who cares....Im more worried about why we have a nation full of people who cant even go to the hospital without putting themselves in debt.....thats more fucked up then anything
Dust the finger prints......LOL thats the dumbest thing i heard all day you really thing the cops are going to dust for finger prints?? on a bong?? lol you know how much it costs just to paythe salary of the guy that has to proccess the evidance over a bong?? Yea right thats rediculous bro...
I dont know where all you guys live but everytime a cop as pulled me over and said it smelled like pot a search of my vehicle as ALWAYS followed EVERYTIME.....they dont even ask me they just say it smells like pot step out the car please....Not even giving me an option to say no..they just say...