Okay...some of you may or may not know I have Anxiety. I get perscribed Xanax once a month. LAst month me and my mom got into an argument. She called and called my doctor office and then yelled and threatened him till he sent a "certified letter" to my house dismissing both of us. I'm 20 years old. I didnt do anything wrong (as she is trying to say I abuse my medication...infact it is the only medication I NEVER abused because I REALLY need it). She never told me, I recentley moved out, and when I first made a new appointment there was no problem. Now a few days later they called and told me what happend.
I had to embaressingly tell them the situation about my mentally ill mother who is trying to emotionally destroy me in every way she can and actually had a panic attack and passed out when finding out they didnt want to treat me. I told everyone at the office that I have been hospitilized for attacks, never misused them, and never been rude or broken any of the doctor paitent rules that we have.
The doctor is coming in tommorow and ultimatley it's up to him.. We get along pretty good. But do you think he may not take me back because of my mother saying all this bullshit? I'm really worried Im going to have to go to the emrgency room to get the medicine I need =/