the republicans must reinvent or go extinct


Well-Known Member
Well aren't you so HIGH and mighty. If only I was tolerant like you. If we all were , this world would be Nazi Germany.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Well aren't you so HIGH and mighty. If only I was tolerant like you. If we all were , this world would be Nazi Germany.
Youre free to say whatever you want man. Me pointing out the hilarity of it doesn't equate to intolerance.
I think veganism is funny too, but that doesn't mean I'm intolerant of vegans, they have the right to be free just as you or I do.

That my friend is tolerance, I can disagree with you but still support your right to be an oaf.


Well-Known Member
Youre free to say whatever you want man. Me pointing out the hilarity of it doesn't equate to intolerance.
I think veganism is funny too, but that doesn't mean I'm intolerant of vegans, they have the right to be free just as you or I do.

That my friend is tolerance, I can disagree with you but still support your right to be an oaf.
So I can call you a socialist liberal. your are free to your own opinion , I am just calling it how i see it.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Yep, like I said you have the right to be a blithering idiot if you choose that path.
I must say though, I suck at this socialist thing, my business keeps turning a profit.
Rock on Ryan


New Member
never before has a president won with an economy this bad.

this was the republican's election to win, and they lost. they lost BAD.

they will really need to reinvent themselves.
Your right, I have been saying this for awhile now, people are starting to figure out they are completely full of shit, especially last year and this year. REAL Libertarians are taking over their spot.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
His cmoment is in no way racist, you misunderstood his point.

The GOP is becoming a party of white males, there is no disputing that if you look at the voting breakdown.
Hispanics voted GOP at around 30%, blacks much lower. The females also favored Obama.

They are reaping the seeds the sowed with their policies, their base is shrinking as the country further changes its demographics. Plainly put, the country is getting browner and the GOP is ignoring that fact with their out of touch policies
Only an idiot wouldn't notice the change in the USA. I don't believe it was about the color of anyone's skin but the content of the platform.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
No shit. They used hatred and vitriol to hang together the last four years, now they will gladly hang themsleves seperately. Good riddance to the Republican party as we know it.
The first one that needs to go is Reince Priebus. Smug bastard. He isn't fit to wipe Michael Steele's ass.


Well-Known Member
Only an idiot wouldn't notice the change in the USA. I don't believe it was about the color of anyone's skin but the content of the platform.
What about when the content of the platform contains some planks that many people construe to be racist and/or sexist?


Well-Known Member
That is absolutely correct and they do need to be more inclusive and tone down the Holier than Thou attitude.

On a side note: It is a shame that our country no longer makes millionaires at the same rate anymore. It is what I aspire to attain - wealth and security for my family. I believe if you were honest it is what you want for yourself. I know UB does.

You sound racist to me. You had me right up to the words, white men. It's not just white it is all colors and both sexes that are business owners and millionaires.
Winter Women sorry that your eyes are blind to see what the Republican party has become ever since Obama was elected the first time. Certain members of your party are very much guilty of bigotry and racism. America is the great melting pot and that is now showing in the way her people vote.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Winter Women sorry that your eyes are blind to see what the Republican party has become ever since Obama was elected the first time. Certain members of your party are very much guilty of bigotry and racism. America is the great melting pot and that is now showing in the way her people vote.
And it's about fucking time.