
Well-Known Member
Any reply I would give would only be outright 100% racist.

..it aint fuckin right, that's someone daughter, sister.

I take that shit personal!!!
I'll leave it as that.


Well-Known Member
I think so....you want to "come home", right? I don't begrudge you for that, but the stance you take regarding American politics, as a non-American, I do begrudge. To think your words carry weight, ridiculous. It should serve only as a portent of the misery to come. Your folks misdirection should be our lesson to learn.
I guess only someone as clever as you should stand in judgment of whether a person's words have weight. I will always treasure America. As a relatively free person, i retain the right to comment on what i perceive to be reality. American propensity affects the whole world. Why on Earth would you begrudge me?


New Member
Don't take it personally, when Coo Coo runs out of arguement he gets all quirky. He backed a losing horse and now feels the fool so he's got to take it out on somebody, that's what internet tough guys do, don'tcha know?

I guess only someone as clever as you should stand in judgment of whether a person's words have weight. I will always treasure America. As a relatively free person, i retain the right to comment on what i perceive to be reality. American propensity affects the whole world. Why on Earth would you begrudge me?


Well-Known Member
This goes to show that some people can't handle politics. Don't take it to personally, we are all Americans here, we want what is best for our country, its just that we don't agree how to do it. Obama doesn't condone this, so I don't hold him responsible. However I do find a little humor this ironic situation. Forced distribution of wealth haha


New Member
Right now there is forced re-distribution of wealth. What do you think the IRS is? They take the money from the people and give it to the numbskulls on capitol hill, who are also taking gifts, kickbacks and bribes from lobby groups. If that isn't redistrubution of wealth I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Don't take it personally, when Coo Coo runs out of arguement he gets all quirky. He backed a losing horse and now feels the fool so he's got to take it out on somebody, that's what internet tough guys do, don'tcha know?
No misshester, i didn't know. He's probably deliberately misspelling more -rep for me as we speak.


Well-Known Member
This goes to show that some people can't handle politics. Don't take it to personally, we are all Americans here, we want what is best for our country, its just that we don't agree how to do it. Obama doesn't condone this, so I don't hold him responsible. However I do find a little humor this ironic situation. Forced distribution of wealth haha
Hmm. What do you mean?


New Member
I guess only someone as clever as you should stand in judgment of whether a person's words have weight. I will always treasure America. As a relatively free person, i retain the right to comment on what i perceive to be reality. American propensity affects the whole world. Why on Earth would you begrudge me?
"Your mother is a whore....." I take it kind of like that..... :blsmoke:

And I didn't say you couldn't comment or that the info you posit is not useful; it is. Just not in the way you think. "Fuck McCain, he's no good for America!", from a foreigner, especially a foreigner from a country whose economy is not the envy of the world, and especially especially from a foreigner who seems to hate the current sitting US President, is very "weighty", to me.

I don't really begrudge you, I begrudge your propensity to talk American politics as if you have personal experience, first hand, on the topic of which you speak. Three years, huh? Great place, isn't it?


New Member
The state of the US does affect the rest of the world.

Calling someones mother a whore is chidish. Did anyone call your mother a whore? Please try to be less disrespectful to others, especially since the rest of the world thinks Americans are assholes anyway, you are just making the rest of us look bad.


Active Member
It is pretty funny that someone can "carve" a B onto there own face, do it wrong (mirror image) and make big news.


Well-Known Member
Reading this thread, I can only imagine what I'd be reading had the attacker been a McCain supporter against an Obama volunteer. Too funny.

Anyone who would dismiss/marginalize this attack should be ashamed of themselves.

Had it been me...I would've sent this piece of shit on his way to meet his Maker.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty funny that someone can "carve" a B onto there own face, do it wrong (mirror image) and make big news.
If the pic was taken w/ a traditional camera, the print could have been developed w/ the negative reversed. Happens all the time.


New Member
it really almost looks like it's part of a keychain, you know how people get those keychains with an initial on it, or some kind of tacky handbag part.

Do you watch CSI? There was that episode were the mob of people were beating up random people and one victim had a big "F" on her from being hit with a purse.

What if she got in a bar fight the night before and was embarrassed about it so she made up a big fat lie? Maybe there is more to this than meets the eye.


Well-Known Member
"Your mother is a whore....." I take it kind of like that..... :blsmoke:

And I didn't say you couldn't comment or that the info you posit is not useful; it is. Just not in the way you think. "Fuck McCain, he's no good for America!", from a foreigner, especially a foreigner from a country whose economy is not the envy of the world, and especially especially from a foreigner who seems to hate the current sitting US President, is very "weighty", to me.

I don't really begrudge you, I begrudge your propensity to talk American politics as if you have personal experience, first hand, on the topic of which you speak. Three years, huh? Great place, isn't it?
I can see how three years would never be long enough for you to feel at home anywhere else. I, however, felt quite at home in your country, and in the spirit of its core values, loved it. Why patronize me by suggesting what i say is of use only in a way that i'm not aware of? You are projecting your nationalism, i have none, at least until our shores need soldiers to protect our crops from the hungry brown people.haha

Gimme a wee break here. If you wish to debate the politics of my own country, the stuff that demands my true attention, pick an aspect of it and chat away.


Active Member
I think that the odds are heavily stacked that she drew the B. It certainly is not carved, it is very superficial, and works out perfectly to be scratched on using a mirror. If she was struggling at all he would not be able to sit there and do that. Skin is not rigid so to mark that clearly takes time and a steady hand, time that in the open in public is not available to an assailant. I think until conclusive video comes out I'm going to stick with she did it.


Well-Known Member
"Fuck McCain, he's no good for America!" Those are quotation marks cc, are you suggesting i said that? I don't remember. Give me the source, and i will gladly stand corrected. If however you don't, well?