
New Member
mccain to wife # 1 .

"honey, i know you waited 5 years for me to return from war, and were married with children, but im leaving you for this hot blond i just met named cindy. shes got a lot of money and you know this is best for my political career. my plan of getting media attention by turning down release has made me a celebrity, with cindys money ill be president. good bye wife #1, watch the kids, trophy wife #2 Im coming..." The legacy of John McCain
I thought his legacy was going to be dying in office and leaving that bitch Palin as President. Or was it defeating the first half black Presidential candidate? Either way, I'll remember him fondly when he's gone.


Well-Known Member
"Honey, ive got a headache, what should I take" John McCain.

"John be more damn specific, you know ive got 1100 types of pills and bottles. How the hell should I know, hire someone for that damnit, NOW I SAID!" CIndy McCain

"Yes Ma'am" John McCain


New Member
"Honey, ive got a headache, what should I take" John McCain.

"John be more damn specific, you know ive got 1100 types of pills and bottles. How the hell should I know, hire someone for that damnit, NOW I SAID!" CIndy McCain

"Yes Ma'am" John McCain
"What should you take? I don't know, call Limbaugh. He'll know."


Well-Known Member
itll open with a giant bottle of pills turning over and inside each pill is a character. but it will be based in the future where obama is president. John McCain works in trophy wife factory, Cindy Mccain is inside of psychiatric hospital because after doing 1100 pills a month for years, shes lost it.


New Member
itll open with a giant bottle of pills turning over and inside each pill is a character. but it will be based in the future where obama is president. John McCain works in trophy wife factory, Cindy Mccain is inside of psychiatric hospital because after doing 1100 pills a month for years, shes lost it.
I stopped reading last post. You've got the libs by the balls though, I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Brains and a keyboard. You guys are half way there.


If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to run an ant's go-kart around the inside of a doughtnut. Have you ever noticed that when you get behind a keyboard some idiot starts typing? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ahh, good times. funny stuff. UNSUBSCRIBED now. time spent fighting the inevitable is time lost. obama is ahead and will win. but dont worry CIndy Mccain knows some pills thatll make the sadness go away.


New Member
Damn you guys are slow......I can't even really start having fun until I got abouy 4 of ya's to slap around, simultaneously.


Active Member
The assailant was carving in "ebomics"... you drop the first vowel, "Obama" now is said as "Bama". Being in a rush he could only carve a "b". Bada-bing!!

So apparently the attacker not only knows how to rob, beat, punch, steal, use a knife, and spell, but he VOTES too!! Bada-bing!!

Anyway I think Palin is HOT! Too bad the election won't be decided on the web site "Hot or Not"! Bada-bing!!

I really think her last name should be "Impalin", because that's what I'de love to do to her with my penis!! Bada-bing!!

Guys and gals that concludes your comedy for this evening. Hope you all enjoyed it ;):-D


New Member

If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to run an ant's go-kart around the inside of a doughtnut. Have you ever noticed that when you get behind a keyboard some idiot starts typing? bongsmilie
Ant's go-kart?..:lol:..you should apply for one of BO20's writing positions. You guys together; unstoppable.


New Member
The assailant was carving in "ebomics"... you drop the first vowel, "Obama" now is said as "Bama". Bada-bing!!

So apparently the attacker not only knows how to rob, beat, punch, steal, use a knife, and spell, but he VOTES too!! Bada-bing!!

Anyway I think Palin is HOT! Too bad the election won't be decided on the web site "Hot or Not"! Bada-bing!!

I really think her last name should be "Impalin", because that's what I'de love to do to her with my penis!! Bada-bing!!

Guys and gals that concludes your comedy for this evening. Hope you all enjoyed it ;):-D
Good thing the fucker didn't know how to spell Obama....it would have been a bloodier mess.