
Well-Known Member
About what, the humor in the situation?

A liberal feeling he is entitled to another's money and taking it by force. Leaving a nice signature to boot. Maybe we will all get a nice B on our face when we all shell out more taxes.
I don't mean to be a dick Zen, but i'm still stumped.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to be a dick Zen, but i'm still stumped.
He's referring to Obama's promise to give more "tax cuts" to 95% of American Workers when there's a lot that already don't pay taxes, thus they are getting hand outs from the rest of society, stealing the money of others because they feel "entitled" to it.


Well-Known Member
So because you fools embraced socialized medicine and can't see a dentist as you would like, we Americans should have rotten teeth too? Good point.
Again you're wrong..we can see any dentist, dr or go to any hospital WE pick, at any time we want, we don't have some suit telling us where we MAY go...not some cheap HMO to make money by screwing you..... here we pay maybe $10.00 per week in tax.. a salary of $450.00 before tax, take home about $390. So that is about $60. for provincal, fed. tax..and any union...so we pay about $520. per year ,thats not per family member,thats for them all, in tax for UNLIMITED care..everything FREE...In the US it costs $12,400 per year as reported by CNN this week...so who are the fucking retards getting ripped off...If you want to make a point..get your facts right 1st.. Our country doesn't make money on the backs of the ill... What sort of society makes a profit on the sick....


New Member
Shit we pay more than $60 per week just for social security, that doesn't include federal, state and medicare tax either. Yes we are getting screwed, yes we are sick of it, yes we'll like some lubricant in the future.


Well-Known Member
What do the Obama SA apologists have to say about this?

Robbery turned into a brutal, politically motivated attack when the predator saw the McCain bumper sticker.

All hail the Chosen One!
The 'B' in this photo is backwards. Either that photo has been horizontally flipped (uh....why?)..... or that was carved by a dumbass IN THE MIRROR.

Strange the happened 'just outside' the CCTV covered area eh?

Big P

Well-Known Member
Hey Big Pee, you really like to sensationalize things. It says it was a scratch, that didn't require medical attention. What it didn't say was the scratch disappeared when she wiped it with some spit.

You said "Mutilated," and "carved into her face."

Sounds like some RNC propaganda.


Actually Pooroast I saw the story on drudge and all i did was cut and paste the title in my thread, since the story was still developing it was all the information availble

It was shocking to me and i thought people would be interested to talk about it on here which they are

after reading and posting the story once it became available I was glad to hear that it was atleast not how i imagined it from thet title.

Mutilated, i thought meant like some sick twisted fuck carved up a gurl over the election

anyway its a horrible attacked either way

but anyway pooroast:bigjoint: i love ya cuz u the hydro guru and you are helpful

what do u think GH flora series with Koolbloom anything else I should be adding to me soup?

PS: yes i do like to sensationalize things:bigjoint:

Big P

Well-Known Member
The 'B' in this photo is backwards. Either that photo has been horizontally flipped (uh....why?)..... or that was carved by a dumbass IN THE MIRROR.

Strange the happened 'just outside' the CCTV covered area eh?

picture her on her back on the ground. now picture him standing at the end of her body where here head is. he carved the B into her face while she was in essence upside down.

if its a haox thats one twisted bitch to be punching herself in the eye and carving things in her face.

that puppy is going to scab up im sure


Well-Known Member
I just saw on the news, the police are wondering why the B is on backwards, they are going to give her a polygraph. seems a little fishy to me, because not only is the B backwards but don't think if someone was scratching your face you would move or squirm, but the B is practically perfect


Well-Known Member
picture her on her back on the ground. now picture him standing at the end of her body where here head is. he carved the B into her face while she was in essence upside down.

if its a haox thats one twisted bitch to be punching herself in the eye and carving things in her face.

that puppy is going to scab up im sure
OK.....so he's using ONE HAND to hold down both her BODY AND HER HEAD (holding her still enough to draw a legible 'B').

And while doing this, instead of putting his own body weight on her to hold her down, he stood above her head?

That doesn't sound very plausible to me, in fact it sounds like the attacker made it pretty awkward for him self.

Now, can no one think of anyone who might PAY A GIRL to do something like this....with an aim to say...uh...smear a reputation by association? That sounds pretty twisted no?

I can't imagine it would take too much money to get a self harmer to carve a 'B' in her face.


Well-Known Member

picture her on her back on the ground. now picture him standing at the end of her body where here head is. he carved the B into her face while she was in essence upside down.

if its a haox thats one twisted bitch to be punching herself in the eye and carving things in her face.

that puppy is going to scab up im sure
That's very inventive, but that's not how she said it happened.

Take a look at this picture. Does that look like a real black eye to you? There's no swelling and the coloration is all wrong. It looks more like what someone might do with a Halloween make up kit to me.

There are a lot of people questioning this story, even Michelle Malkin(!) has her doubts.

We have enough low-lifes and thugs in the world running loose and causing campaign chaos and fomenting hatred without having to make them up.

She was probably thinking about people like this...

If you don't vote for McCain, you endorse these types. Remember that if McCain loses and you did nothing to prevent Obama from winning.
And this from Salon...

This isn't the first time this year that Todd has claimed to be involved in an election-related incident. Earlier this month, she posted to YouTube a video she shot of a janitor at New York's Queens College. In it, she says, "This janitor took down all of my signs ... and tore them apart ... I am really perturbed. He closed off the bathrooms and is making it very hostile."

Salon was able to find some of Todd's personal Web pages, which we're not linking to in order to protect her privacy. What appears to be her MySpace page, which gives her age as 23 rather than 20, is private. But the quote at the top of it is visible -- it reads, "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths [sic] off, but its [sic] better if you do."


Well-Known Member
Take a look at this picture. Does that look like a real black eye to anybody?

Good point, how could a blow bruse BOTH EYES (the left a lot, the right jst a little) but not bruse the Nose?

Either she's an attention seeker, or she's been put up to it, but I don't believe for a second that that happened the way she said.

Big P

Well-Known Member
yea this could be a total hoax,

the fact that its just a scratch and no blood cam of it

also the fact that the B is so perfect

fox news seemed to think it was a hoax also.

but i trust a good investigation is in order, if it is a hoax this gurl should go to jail and learn a valuable lesson.


Well-Known Member
yea this could be a total hoax,

the fact that its just a scratch and no blood cam of it

also the fact that the B is so perfect

fox news seemed to think it was a hoax also.

but i trust a good investigation is in order, if it is a hoax this gurl should go to jail and learn a valuable lesson.
Yeah, as should whoever (if anyone) has put her up to it.

Is political fraud a crime?

Actually....I guess all politicians are guilty of this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, as should whoever (if anyone) has put her up to it.

I'm guessing it was her own bright idea. She probably craved the attention. Well, she's got plenty of attention now.

20-year-old Ashley Todd is now reportedly facing a polygraph test to be administered by officials after claiming she was brutally beaten over her political views...

Now there may be proof that Ashley Todd isn't telling the whole story. Police have admitted that there are "several inconsistencies" with her story.

Officials have reportedly requested a polygraph test be performed because her "statements about the attack conflict with evidence from the Citizens Bank ATM where she claims the incident occurred."

This story's going to fall apart before the evening news.

And remember, a vote for McCain is an endorsement of people like this, who think we're dumb enough to fall for this bullshit.


Well-Known Member
During a second interview by police she now claims she was sexually assaulted , but her first interview she said nothing of be sexually assaulted. I can't wait to hear the results of her polygraph test. Also she claimed that the man sat on her chest and kneeled on her hands while carving the "B", so Big P the "man" didn't do it while above her head, so either this man carved a backwards "B" ooorrrr this woman scratched it into her face while looking in the mirror

Big P

Well-Known Member
During a second interview by police she now claims she was sexually assaulted , but her first interview she said nothing of be sexually assaulted. I can't wait to hear the results of her polygraph test. Also she claimed that the man sat on her chest and kneeled on her hands while carving the "B", so Big P the "man" didn't do it while above her head, so either this man carved a backwards "B" ooorrrr this woman scratched it into her face while looking in the mirror

my lord if thats what she did, she has the IQ of a watermelon:bigjoint:

lol stupid bitch every time she saw her face in the mirror the B looked correct :bigjoint: loooooooooool

im glad she didnt cut her arm off to get the point across:bigjoint::bigjoint:

ok sorry but I have to post this

this just in there been a plot to kidnap obama!!!!!!!!


and pls dont label me a racist its just a stupid joke.




New Member
Although possibly not political, Al Sharpton (former Dem POTUS candidate) and Tawana Brawley might be able to answer that question.
Exactly, Dave. The hypocrisy of the left is simply amazing. Hymie Town, anyone? :blsmoke:

And the "B" is backward. Not only is the jerk a leftist who feels he's entitled to the fruit of someone else's labors, he's obviously a victim of our government monopolized schools systems.



New Member
This thread is a great civics lesson to everyone.

Poor Martin Luther King. Thankfully he is not alive to see what has become of his dream.
