
Well-Known Member
Shit we pay more than $60 per week just for social security, that doesn't include federal, state and medicare tax either. Yes we are getting screwed, yes we are sick of it, yes we'll like some lubricant in the future.
This morning a report was released by the National Institute of Health in the US saying that Dr.s are giving out placebo's and not telling patients, plus they're charging the insurance Co. for the real meds. Yeah I like our system...... My choice for everything and as many opinions as I want anywhere... plus here no one gets denied for catastropic (sp) or pre existing illness.....

Big P

Well-Known Member
This morning a report was released by the National Institute of Health in the US saying that Dr.s are giving out placebo's and not telling patients, plus they're charging the insurance Co. for the real meds. Yeah I like our system...... My choice for everything and as many opinions as I want anywhere... plus here no one gets denied for catastropic (sp) or pre existing illness.....

is being a liberal considered a pre existing condition?:lol:


New Member
I saw that on the news too and it pisses me off. Prescribing fake meds that people have to pay for. What a bunch of shit, now that is fraud. I don't see how they can get away with that.

Last month my husband hurt his back and one of the 'scripts was going to cost $300 and that is with insurance. We didn't fill that one. It was for a non drowsy muscle relaxer (for daytime use) He just took the regular ones, ( they cost $12) we decided it didn't matter if he was drowsy, his back so so stiff that he was only driving his recliner.

This morning a report was released by the National Institute of Health in the US saying that Dr.s are giving out placebo's and not telling patients, plus they're charging the insurance Co. for the real meds. Yeah I like our system...... My choice for everything and as many opinions as I want anywhere... plus here no one gets denied for catastropic (sp) or pre existing illness.....


New Member
This morning a report was released by the National Institute of Health in the US saying that Dr.s are giving out placebo's and not telling patients, plus they're charging the insurance Co. for the real meds. Yeah I like our system...... My choice for everything and as many opinions as I want anywhere... plus here no one gets denied for catastropic (sp) or pre existing illness.....

It was the system which was manipulated by some less than scrupulous doctors. While a system is made up of paper, it is the humans which corrupt it.
The fact that it was looked into and the fact that you as a citizen have a National health Institute to address these transgressions is good news. The system has regulatory teeth of which you were just made aware.
Look to the perpetrators; any system can be corrupted and is on a regular basis. Private or public, no matter.

So while you can ride a horse backwards, it is not recommended. ;-)



Well-Known Member
is being a liberal considered a pre existing condition?:lol:
A marvelous one at that......

It was the system which was manipulated by some less than scrupulous doctors. While a system is made up of paper, it is the humans which corrupt it.
The fact that it was looked into and the fact that you as a citizen have a National health Institute to address these transgressions is good news. The system has regulatory teeth of which you were just made aware.
Look to the perpetrators; any system can be corrupted and is on a regular basis. Private or public, no matter.

So while you can ride a horse backwards, it is not recommended. ;-)

Doesn't the idea of greed by Dr.s scare you ?? The idea that a Gov. allows profit over health is obscene... what happened to the "by the people for the people"....(as long as someone makes a profit) that should be added... We the people... please... its we the rich........
Wait till (god forbid) you're on the table waiting for that bypass thinking how you'll keep a roof over your families heads.. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Good to see that the republicans haven't lost their touch....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha can't win fair....win dirty.... ha ha ha ha ha........ :):):):):):)


Well-Known Member
Just on Rick Sanchez CNN....she worked the phones on the McCain campagne.... I guess the right is trying to start a race war so they can blame Obama.... Fucking great ..I love this that she actually works for McCain...and FOX has egg on their faces too....

Big P

Well-Known Member
you lefties never cease to amaze me,

how come when we all thought it was real attack u said well that it has nothing to do with obama or the dems, its an isolated incident

but now that everyone knows it was fake why do you say it has everything to do with Mcain and the republicans? and that this was an actual plan and not an isolated idiot

you make yourselves look dumb, and are openly revealed to be hypocrates and decievers

is this how you act in your normal everyday lives?

its these types of actions that make you terrible debaters. and always so easy to pick apart and expose

if you were smart you would have said somthing else to convice people like me that maybe you guys are right

but instead u make yourselves irrelivent


Well-Known Member
Sounds like another retarded liberal defending a criminal.
What do the Obama SA apologists have to say about this?

Robbery turned into a brutal, politically motivated attack when the predator saw the McCain bumper sticker.

All hail the Chosen One!
The assailant was obviously a leftist and a supporter of Barak Hussein Obama ... I mean, not only did he feel that he was entitled to her hard earned money, and took it by force, he also tried to take a pound of flesh along with it.

Perhaps he had a medical bill to pay and didn't have insurance. bongsmilie

Any reply I would give would only be outright 100% racist.

..it aint fuckin right, that's someone daughter, sister.

I take that shit personal!!!
I'll leave it as that.
A liberal feeling he is entitled to another's money and taking it by force. Leaving a nice signature to boot. Maybe we will all get a nice B on our face when we all shell out more taxes.
ha hah ah ha ha ha :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
New Theory

This was all a scandal manifested by the liberals in an despicable attempt to portray "dirty tactics" done by republicans. Democrats have learned the best way to humiliate the opposition is to tarnish their name from within by an actor representing the other's party and doing unhonorable acts such as this. ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!



New Member
damn im from the burgh and didnt even hear about this...guess i should watch the news more...what the hell does the letter B stand for in the presidential campaign anyway?? Barack?? gimme a fuckin break...lol....


New Member
A marvelous one at that......

Doesn't the idea of greed by Dr.s scare you ?? The idea that a Gov. allows profit over health is obscene... what happened to the "by the people for the people"....(as long as someone makes a profit) that should be added... We the people... please... its we the rich........
Wait till (god forbid) you're on the table waiting for that bypass thinking how you'll keep a roof over your families heads.. :blsmoke:

Yes the "idea" of greed concerns me. However, it matters NOT which entity (public or private) is in charge of a particular industry, corruption will follow like night after day. Count on it. the best you can do is keep things as transparent as possible and root out corruption when and where you find it.

People bandy the words "greed" with labels of good or evil attached. In my opinion, this is wrong headed. Greed is a basic component in the makeup of a human being. It is a tool which humans have utilized for survival in their environment since our appearance many eons ago. It is not good nor evil, it just is. It's what got us here in the first place. Ask any Anthropologist for the skinny on that.

Instead of giving up on the private sector and giving control of your health to a Govt. whose efficiency is overwhelmingly in question, we should look at how we can lower rates in the private sector.

One way off the top of my head is to call off the hyena lawyer industry which feeds on insurance companies. Think Obama is going to give you TORT reform? Please. That alone would make a measurable difference.

Another way is to keep the regulatory Govt. agencies in place but cut the waste and redundancy they inherently create. At this moment taxpayers give the equivalent of the entire country of Canada's GDP to the Govt. to pay for regulatory oversight. Their ENTIRE GDP!!! Think about that.

No, better to not go over the cliff with national health care just yet. As with man made global Warming, there is no pattern of success from which to go by. No country has been able to pull off National health care to any success comparable to the US present day "broken" free market system.

Canadians don't come down here for their health you know. Oh wait, maybe they do. ;-)

Look before you leap.



Active Member
It is pretty funny that someone can "carve" a B onto there own face, do it wrong (mirror image) and make big news.

I think that the odds are heavily stacked that she drew the B. It certainly is not carved, it is very superficial, and works out perfectly to be scratched on using a mirror. If she was struggling at all he would not be able to sit there and do that. Skin is not rigid so to mark that clearly takes time and a steady hand, time that in the open in public is not available to an assailant. I think until conclusive video comes out I'm going to stick with she did it.

I'm just going to quote myself a couple of times here. :blsmoke: