87 year old woman punched in the face!

…aaaand how would "they" do this?
By imposing mandatory counseling, fines, parenting classes, anything to bring forth a level of accountability. when i grew up my parents knew all of my friend and there parents, if i did something wrong while i was out my friends parents would beat me call my mom and dad and i got another beating when i got home. hence the saying "it takes a village to raise a kid"
They need to make the parents accountable. maybe then they will take a more active roll it there kid's life.
I'm an old man. When I was a kid parents were financially responsible for their kids misdeeds. Didn't really make much of a difference, there still were asshole kids running around. Assholes and punks will always be assholes and punks
I'm an old man. When I was a kid parents were financially responsible for their kids misdeeds. Didn't really make much of a difference, there still were asshole kids running around. Assholes and punks will always be assholes and punks
True you can not save everyone, but dose that mean you don't even try to save at least one?
By imposing mandatory counseling, fines, parenting classes, anything to bring forth a level of accountability. when i grew up my parents knew all of my friend and there parents, if i did something wrong while i was out my friends parents would beat me call my mom and dad and i got another beating when i got home. hence the saying "it takes a village to raise a kid"
Those mandatory impositions are already in place. Courts order these already and parents blow them off. It takes multiple no shows (from the parents) and fines that glut the court system for months and years. You can't legislate a value system or morality.

It's shouldn't be the government's job. People should be allowed to defend themselves when the incident happens. Granted the old lady prob. couldn't defend herself too well, but if another stepped in on her behalf and smacked those two little punks, they would learn right away that harassing someone probably isn't a good idea.
Those mandatory impositions are already in place. Courts order these already and parents blow them off. It takes multiple no shows (from the parents) and fines that glut the court system for months and years. You can't legislate a value system or morality.

It's shouldn't be the government's job. People should be allowed to defend themselves when the incident happens. Granted the old lady prob. couldn't defend herself too well, but if another stepped in on her behalf and smacked those two little punks, they would learn right away that harassing someone probably isn't a good idea.
Yes i am sure thats true but what about personal responsibility ? was there anyone else on the bus ? if so why no one intervened. we want to sit back and complain about our system of checks and balances as long as we don't have to get involved.
Don't kids parents in the states get sued all the time for their kids being little shit fucks?

I thought that's what it was like stateside. You sue the fuck out of each other!

I blame television for this impression. I watch a lot of American court drama.
By imposing mandatory counseling, fines, parenting classes, anything to bring forth a level of accountability. when i grew up my parents knew all of my friend and there parents, if i did something wrong while i was out my friends parents would beat me call my mom and dad and i got another beating when i got home. hence the saying "it takes a village to raise a kid"

when will people like you realize you can't legislate morality? i'd worry about your own house and stay the fuck out of everyone's business.

your cliche of "it takes a village to raise a child" is more bullshit for the brain dead. it takes an aware and involved parent
Yes i am sure thats true but what about personal responsibility ? was there anyone else on the bus ? if so why no one intervened. we want to sit back and complain about our system of checks and balances as long as we don't have to get involved.
Exactly my point. The law protects the criminals. If anyone intervened and smacked down the teens, THEY would get sued. Like I said, if people were allowed to defend themselves and others without the law getting involved (these more minor issues) It would make people thing twice.

We are no longer allowed to defend our person/loved ones.

when will people like you realize you can't legislate morality? i'd worry about your own house and stay the fuck out of everyone's business.

your cliche of "it takes a village to raise a child" is more bullshit for the brain dead. it takes an aware and involved parent


IT's not the village's problem or my responsibility to keep OTHER people's kids in check, but is SHOULD be my right to defend myself if one of those ill behaved little twits tried to put their hands on me. I would go to jail instead though.
when will people like you realize you can't legislate morality? i'd worry about your own house and stay the fuck out of everyone's business.

your cliche of "it takes a village to raise a child" is more bullshit for the brain dead. it takes an aware and involved parent
If you would have read my first post i clearly stated that the parents are the ones to blame. but nooooooo i guess you missed that part hu ? we were discussing more ways to make the parents accountable. And i am a proud NRA member, and have a concealed permit and my baby bettsy goes with me every where. And why can't we have an adult conversation and agree to disagree with out the name calling.
If you would have read my first post i clearly stated that the parents are the ones to blame. but nooooooo i guess you missed that part hu ? we were discussing more ways to make the parents accountable. And i am a proud NRA member, and have a concealed permit and my baby bettsy goes with me every where. And why can't we have an adult conversation and agree to disagree with out the name calling.
I feel bad for the lady, but believe me one day they will punch an old woman in front of a real man and thats where they fucked up. Parenting and role-modeling smh.
If you would have read my first post i clearly stated that the parents are the ones to blame. but nooooooo i guess you missed that part hu ? we were discussing more ways to make the parents accountable. And i am a proud NRA member, and have a concealed permit and my baby bettsy goes with me every where. And why can't we have an adult conversation and agree to disagree with out the name calling.

what name did i call you? i'd prefer an adult conversation so if you stop your whining about we can have one

wtf does being a nra member have to do with it? or letting me know you're armed?
This happened in the UK???!!

Are you aware that the prison system is different there? Do you know that you get 10 years for murder and less for rape so in actual fact you are walking the streets with these people blissfully unaware.

At least in the US, life means life and you don't share society with released murderers, rapists etc.

The issue regarding this current incident is mainly that they are minors, under 16 and can't be dealt with. Fuck political correctness.

Where I live the elderly are majorly respected. The doors open on the metro and if it's busy people look up to give up their seat.

Over there, old people are undoubtably scared to go out and even afraid in their own homes.

sadly, not always lahada... :(, we have life, and what is called life without the possibility of parole.. if you get life, you can serve x amount of years and be eligible for parole, but if you have life without, obviously, that means that you're never going to see the light of day again..
Exactly my point. The law protects the criminals. If anyone intervened and smacked down the teens, THEY would get sued. Like I said, if people were allowed to defend themselves and others without the law getting involved (these more minor issues) It would make people thing twice.

We are no longer allowed to defend our person/loved ones.


IT's not the village's problem or my responsibility to keep OTHER people's kids in check, but is SHOULD be my right to defend myself if one of those ill behaved little twits tried to put their hands on me. I would go to jail instead though.

ways around that .......just yell i am in fear for my life

later on in court they have to prove u were not .........it just takes 1 to keep u from going down and like u said u really want to hit them so someone else will

look at zimmerman and a few of the others
Several months back at the grocery store I witnessed a young mouthy kid get knocked the fuck out by the son of a old lady who the mouthy kid had cursed out. He had parked in the handicapped parking space and the old lady said something to the kid and the young lad took offense and started tongue lashing the old woman . Well I guess the old lady's son came to mom's rescue and he started getting the same cursing that his mom did and after hearing enough he threw one punch and knocked the kid out.
The son had to be in his 60's and the kid was around 19 or 20 yrs old ....I can only think that if the young lad had been given proper training this whole episode could have been avoided !