The truth and nothing but the truth. People please wake up

These people were injecting kids with plutonium and sterilizing people and injecting people with syphilis
that is fucked up but still doesn't answer the question, please show me the connection, seems more connected to eugenics if anything but thats only a theory. Hitler and nazi's are not part of the NWO or Illuminati.
I don't know about them hiring him to do specifically this , makes sense in context sure but I don't really believe that the NWO and eugenics are connected...maybe they are but maybe they aren' definitely doesn't fir the illuminati "bloodline"...but it does fit into the NWO conspiracy theory pretty well, I think CONVENIENTLY fits into the puzzle in this case.

I still think fluoride is just all about greed of a select few people even though a fucked up evil eugenics scientist was involved that happened to work for the government on the manhaten project.
I don't know about them hiring him , makes sense in context sure but I don't really believe that the NWO and eugenics are connected...maybe they are but I don't see it...

The same people who run our country and funded the Nazis were doing the same things here and there
Nazis used fluoride in the concentration camps- Bush funded the Nazis
Eugenics was in full swing here before during and after the Nazis
Fluoride is poison- eat a gram right now- you will die, would you add that to your water or food? Do you think it is an accident it is added? Why did you think it was added?- For your teeth right?- They just came out and said there reducing the ammount they add because it has been damaging peoples teeth and affecting there bones....
There not going to stop adding it, they just said they will add less...
The fluoride being added is also contaminated with other chemicals
I will go on to say the only valid hole I have ever heard in the Fluoride being part of the NWO strategy theory is the fact that fluoride is not added at the federal level and some communites have never added fluoride.
Oh yeah I forgot about prescott bush and the bush nazi connection..


Oh yeah I forgot about prescott bush and the bush nazi connection..

We were killing and sterilizing drunks retards sluts and blacks before the Nazis and keept doing it after- Look into the planned parenthood- gates connection also. and check out the scientists we took from the nazis and had continue there work- The NWO are globalists not nationalists - they keep it in the family and play us all off eachother. they finance both sides of wars and use it to kill us off and make themselves richer.
its not a conspiracy

its right in the open

this is all public knowledge

Yup, people just need to open their eyes, it is literlly all around you. Most of the stuff the OP posted is true,I have seen it in documentaries and news reports (not lamestream odviously ). Food Inc covers a lot of the GM food stuff mentioned. Read the Novel "Medication Madness" by Dr Peter Breggin. WOW.

As the middle class is brought back under control and the first and third world countries draw even with regards to living standards the final solution will become much more clear. This is all part of the plan.
The same people who run our country and funded the Nazis were doing the same things here and there
Nazis used fluoride in the concentration camps- Bush funded the Nazis
Eugenics was in full swing here before during and after the Nazis
Fluoride is poison- eat a gram right now- you will die, would you add that to your water or food? Do you think it is an accident it is added? Why did you think it was added?- For your teeth right?- They just came out and said there reducing the ammount they add because it has been damaging peoples teeth and affecting there bones....
There not going to stop adding it, they just said they will add less...
The fluoride being added is also contaminated with other chemicals

beardo 1 gram of fluroide will not even come close to killing you
the LD50 (amount lethal to 50% of people exposed) is 930mg per kg
thats 0.93grams per kilo that you weigh
if you weigh 80 kg you would need to take 74.64 grams to reach that level
fluoride concentration in water is about 1mg per litre of water
you would need to drink 74,640 litres of water to reach that level

now lets see what else someone might happliy drink like caffine
LD50 is 150 - 200mg per kg
an 80 kg person would need to take 16 grams to reach that level
Red Bull is 80 mg/250 ml of caffeine
so if you drank 200 cans during the day you'd have reached that level
beardo 1 gram of fluroide will not even come close to killing you
the LD50 (amount lethal to 50% of people exposed) is 930mg per kg
thats 0.93grams per kilo that you weigh
if you weigh 80 kg you would need to take 74.64 grams to reach that level
fluoride concentration in water is about 1mg per litre of water
you would need to drink 74,640 litres of water to reach that level

now lets see what else someone might happliy drink like caffine
LD50 is 150 - 200mg per kg
an 80 kg person would need to take 16 grams to reach that level
Red Bull is 80 mg/250 ml of caffeine
so if you drank 200 cans during the day you'd have reached that level

one more thing#
the LD50 of water (in rats this time) is 90ml/kg
so if you too that value for a 80kg person thats 7.2 litres of water

heres a woman who found that out
beardo 1 gram of fluroide will not even come close to killing you
the LD50 (amount lethal to 50% of people exposed) is 930mg per kg
thats 0.93grams per kilo that you weigh
if you weigh 80 kg you would need to take 74.64 grams to reach that level
fluoride concentration in water is about 1mg per litre of water
you would need to drink 74,640 litres of water to reach that level

now lets see what else someone might happliy drink like caffine
LD50 is 150 - 200mg per kg
an 80 kg person would need to take 16 grams to reach that level
Red Bull is 80 mg/250 ml of caffeine
so if you drank 200 cans during the day you'd have reached that level

A lot less than 200 cans of redbull in a day can kill someone
beardo 1 gram of fluroide will not even come close to killing you
the LD50 (amount lethal to 50% of people exposed) is 930mg per kg
thats 0.93grams per kilo that you weigh
if you weigh 80 kg you would need to take 74.64 grams to reach that level
fluoride concentration in water is about 1mg per litre of water
you would need to drink 74,640 litres of water to reach that level

now lets see what else someone might happliy drink like caffine
LD50 is 150 - 200mg per kg
an 80 kg person would need to take 16 grams to reach that level
Red Bull is 80 mg/250 ml of caffeine
so if you drank 200 cans during the day you'd have reached that level
I checked my "facts" and if we are to believe wikipedia is accurate and not pro fluoride propaganda then I was wrong- It might take five times as much fluoride as I suggested to kill you.
While the minimum fatal dose in humans is not known, the lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g (which is equivalent to 32 to 64 mg/kg elemental fluoride/kg body weight).[28][29][30] However, a case of a fatal poisoning of an adult with 4 grams of sodium fluoride is documented,[31] while a dose of 120 g sodium fluoride has been survived.[32] A toxic dose that may lead to adverse health effects is estimated at 3 to 5 mg/kg of elemental fluoride.[33] For Sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6), the median lethal dose (LD50) orally in rats is 0.125 g/kg, corresponding to 12.5 g for a 100 kg adult.[34] The fatal period ranges from 5 min to 12 hours
I remember when I was first encountered those facts that you posted. I spent months trying to figure out if everything was connected and conceived by one entity with globalist ambitions or if each was the result of individuals motivated by greed or consequences of incompetence. I've since favored the latter. As much as I love the idea that there is a small group of people that meet in some underground lair deciding all of our fates. There are simply too many inconsistencies. Logistically, this plan would be so complicated and require so much participation by hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting accomplices that I just can't believe it all.

Although, I did read a study recently that could give some credibility to the theory that there is a powerful group with massive influence over everything we do. It's not quite the smoking gun that connects all of these things to one organization, but it does show that there is a "super-entity" that has some ownership in a large of percentage of the worlds most powerful transnational corporations. It at least shows that there is a network large enough and diverse enough to pull off what you're suggesting.
Here's a link to an article that links to the study. I'll warn you that the study is a very dry read.‘super-entity’-of-global-corporate-control/
I have to agree with bedspirit, I studied this for awhile also and my conclusion was that it was some greedy individuals, I think beardo layed out what the alleged connections are nicely and it all does fall together but a few of the connections rely on some fuzzy evidence. For example the Prescott Bush Nazi connection is nothing more than a photo and a newspaper clipping, not real hard evidence.

It also interesting that the same scientist that pushed the flouride at one time worked on the manhatten projected and has connection to eugenics and THUS possibly a connection with Nazis but this doesn't nessecarilly mean it was related to the nazis, there is no real evidence of this. The idea that hitler was part of the NWO is also highly controversial and additionally it does not fit in with the Illuminati bloodline.

So really, its very fuzzy to connect the NWO to fluoride although it does fit perfectly into that puzzle there is no actual hard evidence.

In conclusion, I go back to believing that fluoride was the work of some very evil and greedy men trying to simply turn a profit. Although the image in my mind of a guy with a handlebar mustasche winding up his car in a tophat has now transformed into an evil eugenics scientist thanks to beardo.