The truth and nothing but the truth. People please wake up

If fluoride was so good for you why doesn't the rest of the world use it? Fluoridation is predominantly an American practice. Many socialized countries have removed fluoride from their water. Water is drank, its not swished around the mouth and spat out. Fluoride only helps teeth when it comes in contact with enamel, it does your teeth no good in your belly. Know how they found out Fluoride did stuff to your teeth? Cuz high levels of it fucks teeth up, bad.

fluorosis is very rare.

my wife recently went to the dentist in our low SES, non-fluoridated water neighborhood. they knew right away she grew up with fluoridated water, but because her teeth were healthy, not harmed.
1: the decision to fluoridate water or not is decided on the most local level possible.

2: someone please tell me what the "fluoride conspiracy" even is. the JBS people used to say it was a commie plot, now people like tryingtogrow say it is a plot to give us chemical lobotomies to make us passive and turn us into nazi's. seeing as how the two were mortal enemies, i need someone to clarify WHY they are poisoning peopl ein the next town over, but not mine.

fucking fluoride. REALLY?
because people get more applications of fluoride nowadays than they did at the advent of fluoridated water. duh.

oh so they wanna keep our(plural) DOSAGE (not plural) in check...I see....So ...yea....people like your wife were getting poisioned so they thought they should tone it down a people don't get sick....uh...yeah................................
The truth of the fluoride conspiracy is nothing more then some rich dude in the 1930s trying to make a lot of money and sell a lot of fluoride and he did really well and lobbyed a lot and talked with a lot of powerful people, he made a killing...and now here we are ...still being pimped by him from the grave in whats only a small fraction of cities remaining that use

it is controlled on a very local level and its almost always ruled to stop putting fluoride in the water since 1990 cities that add it to their water are rapidly declining, following scientific studies, chemist, denstist, and assosiations such as health and human services.. However, usually the determining factor it is a waste of money. Also people just don't like chemicals being put in their water unnecessarily of course.

Its not a mass NWO conspiracical plot to kill humanities or slow us down and make us stupid in my belief lol
The truth of the fluoride conspiracy is nothing more then some rich dude in the 1930s trying to make a lot of money and sell a lot of fluoride and he did really well and lobbyed a lot and talked with a lot of powerful people, he made a killing...and now here we are ...still being pimped by him from the

Its not a mass NWO conspiracical plot to kill humanities or slow us down and make us stupid in my belief

i like you for the fact that you are often reasonable. very reasonable.
Its not a mass NWO conspiracical plot to kill humanities or slow us down and make us stupid in my belief
I beg to differ
I think it was intentional, and it was a way to get rid of toxic waste at the same time as makeing us sicker and dumber
this guy is freaked out by the war machine. hey man it happens and its scary. the feeling you get when you realize the war machine has been alive, moving, and killing literally thousands a day. the problem comes when you decide to go all He Man and fight against the entire war machine - yourself. don't go running around the neighborhood swinging nunchucks at criminals. join city council or something.
I beg to differ
I think it was intentional, and it was a way to get rid of toxic waste at the same time as makeing us sicker and dumber

How do you connect those dots? Id like to see the relation between the inventor of fluoride and how tis tied to anything, he was just a dude in a tophat that sold shit imo
How do you connect those dots? Id like to see the relation between the inventor of fluoride and how tis tied to anything, he was just a dude in a tophat that sold shit imo

Flouride was invented by the making of is a toxic byproduct
Their might have been a PR campaign- that is what I think you are talking about
The inventor of fluoride was dude in tophat that drove a wind up car and he lobbyed and sold a lot of fluoride, he really enjoyed fine cigars, moonshine, and had a handlebar mustache...pretty sure that's how it goes...please explain how its connected to the NWO
Ok so it was the 1950's I was wrong...on the date :)


and yeah so theres the connection...the Manhattan project..but how do you get from the Manhattan project to the NWO
The inventor of fluoride was dude in tophat that drove a wind up car and he lobbyed and sold a lot of fluoride, he really enjoyed fine cigars, moonshine, and had a handlebar mustache...pretty sure that's how it goes...please explain how its connected to the NWO

Come on really?
That doesn't sound like propaganda? Who is this guy who "invented" and "sold fluoride", how did he invent it? how did he make it? and from what? what was his company called? where did he go to school? where was his lab where he "invented Fluoride"?
Your version sounds like it came from a schools educational video from 1960-
Ok so it was the 1950's I was wrong...on the date :)


HA Ha I nailed it- We were posting at the same time- 1960's "Educational" video= Propaganda, Give me 4 min to watch this...and I will respond
HA Ha I nailed it- We were posting at the same time- 1960's "Educational" video= Propaganda, Give me 4 min to watch this...and I will respond

I'm not sure if you have been trying to invoke debate or be funny- but your video reafferms my belief
This doctor your citing was our Dr Mengele
and yeah so theres the connection...the Manhattan project..but how do you get from the Manhattan project to the NWO
and yeah so theres the connection...the Manhattan project..but how do you get from the Manhattan project to the NWO

These people were injecting kids with plutonium and sterilizing people and injecting people with syphilis
Look into this one- It's scary but it is true
Fluoride is poison and is also bad for your teeth