The truth and nothing but the truth. People please wake up

The real truths would be that fluoride is not healthy in unregulated dosages so it shouldn't be added to the water especially for babies teething, a babie gets the same dose as an adult and that not the proper way to give people drugs. They really shouldn't be putting anything in the water or the food without our consent, especially drugs. The reason I say its hysterical is lets take fluoride specifically as an example, the OP insinuates that every water source has fluoride added, simply not true, most water sources do not have this anymore, ever since the 1990's this practice has been banned city by city more and more rapidly as scientist and dentist found that it was dangerous.

Its also a bit hysterical to say this is one master plan to kill off humans or something by a select few elite or something, sure I do believe in the NWO, of course how can you not, its very real, but these are things I feel are disconnected, dots are connected where they probably shouldn't be. A lot of these issues are from corporate greed and apathy, hardly an evil plot to take over the world, its the corporations plot to take over their desired market, example Monsanto would be the one to blame for the GMOs and for the Fluoride that goes back to the inventor of fluoride who campaigned in the 1930's for the purpose of making a fortune.

Overall all of these problems mentioned in the OPS post can be summed up into one word, corporatism, corporate interest taking preference over the people and the moral, ethical, and humane way to do things out of greed. Take people out of the equation and looks what happens..

Therein lies the problem, If we treat people as corporations they will seek and destroy. Corporations have one goal - PROFITS - they have no principals and they could care less if people suffer or even die, more and more corporations are given the rights of humans - In 2010 we saw corporations earn more rights then people, they can now contribute unlimited amounts to political campaigns above the radar via SUPERPAC's
th reason why babies have the same dose as adults is that fluride is important in the early stages in life. your being given a "babies" dose not a baby being given an adults dose

please could you show some studies done by these "scientists" that have found its dangerous to back up this "fact" of yours

the GMO claims that is a paragraph of pretty much all nonsense will a liberal splattering of falsifications a huge part of it didnt have anything to do with GMO at all
As a member of the Hidden Central Ruling Elite, I wish to report an equipment failure. My "Destroy auauthorized internet thread and reverse-VanEck kill all who read it" button is glitching. ~sigh~ Must use plan B. Expect black helicopters, and good-bye. cn
th reason why babies have the same dose as adults is that fluride is important in the early stages in life. your being given a "babies" dose not a baby being given an adults dose

please could you show some studies done by these "scientists" that have found its dangerous to back up this "fact" of yours

the GMO claims that is a paragraph of pretty much all nonsense will a liberal splattering of falsifications a huge part of it didnt have anything to do with GMO at all
do you really need me to google this for you? American dental associations and many prominent organizations have been fighting this for a long time, recently they won a case in may and the material safety data sheet of the fluoride providers ordered to add the following warning.

Prolonged or repeated overexposure to fluoride compounds may cause fluorosis. Fluorosis is characterized by skeletal changes, consisting of osteosclerosis and osteomalacia and by mottled discoloration of the enamel of teeth if exposure occurs during enamel formation of children and infants.
If you are concerned about fluorosis in infants in children, you can minimize exposure to fluoride by using non-fluoridated water, for children and for reconstitution of infant formula

Example of an updated saftey data sheet from a fluoride vendor:

In January of 2011 the CDC lowered the maximum level of fluoride allowed in tap water from 1.2 ppm to 0.7 ppm.

Public Health and Human Services (PHHS) Departments across the country, ADA, FDA, AMA, etc have all published or gone against fluoridation of water. The practice of fluoridation of public waters has been discountined not just because of this warning but because its a waste of money as their is no proven benifits to adding fluoride to the water. The only reason its in the water is because the inventor of fluoride in the 1930's made a lot of money selling it.
As a member of the Hidden Central Ruling Elite, I wish to report an equipment failure. My "Destroy auauthorized internet thread and reverse-VanEck kill all who read it" button is glitching. ~sigh~ Must use plan B. Expect black helicopters, and good-bye. cn
oh hey there im field operative 8 from disdain and disinfo division it's alright i got this thread covered ;)
do you really need me to google this for you? American dental associations and many prominent organizations have been fighting this for a long time, recently they won a case in may and the material safety data sheet of the fluoride providers ordered to add the following warning.

Prolonged or repeated overexposure to fluoride compounds may cause fluorosis. Fluorosis is characterized by skeletal changes, consisting of osteosclerosis and osteomalacia and by mottled discoloration of the enamel of teeth if exposure occurs during enamel formation of children and infants.
If you are concerned about fluorosis in infants in children, you can minimize exposure to fluoride by using non-fluoridated water, for children and for reconstitution of infant formula

Example of an updated saftey data sheet from a fluoride vendor:

In January of 2011 the CDC lowered the maximum level of fluoride allowed in tap water from 1.2 ppm to 0.7 ppm.

Public Health and Human Services (PHHS) Departments across the country, ADA, FDA, AMA, etc have all published or gone against fluoridation of water. The practice of getting rid of fluoridation of public waters has been discountined not just because of this warning but because its a waste of money.
i googled fluoride years ago took me ages to wade thru the crap to find any decent info

"CDC lowered the maximum level of fluoride allowed in tap water from 1.2 ppm to 0.7 ppm"
its that dangerous that they carried on putting it in water?
Im not really sure how dangerous it is and I wouldn't argue that, a lot of doctors say its very dangerous, but I will argue that there is no bennifits to putting it in water, they shouldn't be putting drugs in the water and everyone shouldn't get the same dose of a drug, thats the point, its only added because it supposedly "helps teeth" which is not even proven.

when this case is herd at city council meetings people are like "WTF why are we paying all this money to do this useless and potentially harmful thing, why are we even adding drugs to the water, what a waste of money..." and its stricken down everytime
i googled fluoride years ago took me ages to wade thru the crap to find any decent info

"CDC lowered the maximum level of fluoride allowed in tap water from 1.2 ppm to 0.7 ppm"
its that dangerous that they carried on putting it in water?

I think the better question is why would they lower it, whats the point of that?
Steve Jobs had cancer and he died this is proven, Why the hell would they kill steve jobs anyway? That wouldn't make any sense.
I think the better question is why would they lower it, whats the point of that?
beause with modern mouthwases and toothpastes there are extra sources of flouride

One such test was conducted in the neighboring cities of Newburgh and Kingston, New York. First, the children in both cities were examined by dentists and physicians; then fluoride was added to Newburgh's water supply. After ten years, the children of Newburgh had 58% fewer decayed teeth than those of nonfluoridated Kingston. The greatest benefits were obtained by children who had drunk the fluoridated water since birth. Other studies showed that teeth made stronger by fluoride during childhood would remain permanently resistant to decay. As the evidence supporting fluoridation accrued, thousands of communities acted to obtain its benefits

How Poisonmongers Work

The antifluoridationists' ("antis") basic technique is the big lie. Made infamous by Hitler, it is simple to use, yet surprisingly effective. It consists of claiming that fluoridation causes cancer, heart and kidney disease, and other serious ailments that people fear. The fact that there is no supporting evidence for such claims does not matter. The trick is to keep repeating them—because if something is said often enough, people tend to think there must be some truth to it.
The epidemiology of allergy is never simple. I noticed in this paper that they didn't discuss the makeup of the flouride control doses, such as in the "patch test". The occurrence of dermatitic reactions to patch adhesives is not terribly uncommon. This paper was probably rebutted, as the ADA claims no confirmed cases of allergy to fluoride in doses encountered outside industry.
The "fluoride is poisonous" idea has taken on the traits of a meme (a real one, not those silly photo quips calling themselves memes). A meme is an idea that propagates itself for its own sake and becomes essentially impervious to reason, like the idea that an alarm clock's display WILL herm your plants. The fluoride meme concentrates in especially susceptible populations, marked by credulity toward a variety of other successful noetic parasites carried by most proponents of global conspiracy. cn
Dangerous or not they shouldn't add drugs to water, especially if it will be given at uncontrolled dosages, thats not proper medical practice, you don't give a 100lb woman the same amount of drugs as a 200lb man, common fucking sense don't put drugs in water, simple as that, dangerous or not. If you want to use fluoride thats a personal choice.

I don't even think we need to go there and argue if its dangerous...and comparing it to hitler ...I trust that quote about as much as the "fluoride united" quote..gimme a break. The only one that have incentive is the people who want to put fluoride in water they obviously have something to gain, money, so Id say I probably trust them the least, what do these anti-fluoride people stand to gain? Fluoride free water thats it! but back to the point.... DON'T PUT DRUGS IN PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES WTF! THAT'S A NO BRAINER COMMON!