
Well-Known Member
I believe you. Rotten teeth are a sure way to reveal the flaw in socialism. That's what Canadians and Brits both tell me.
You're a great example of the "moral right"..even though we're helping in your war..you'll still denigrate us and Britain as a whole, I say right or left,..you say Canadians & brits....... again thanks...hell of gang..


New Member
You're a great example of the "moral right"..even though we're helping in your war..you'll still denigrate us and Britain as a whole, I say right or left,..you say Canadians & brits....... again thanks...hell of gang..
So because you fools embraced socialized medicine and can't see a dentist as you would like, we Americans should have rotten teeth too? Good point.


Well-Known Member
Government mandated anger management? If Obama wins, I wouldn't be surprised.

"We will be checking voting records, and those guilty of voting against change will be required to participate in anger management classes, which will be held at Guantanamo Bay Resort. Stand-by for the list of names to be announced, so you too can enjoy the splendor of Cuba."

It's your palanism i don't get Mr. partisan.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
You're not a rugged American; I don't expect you to "get it".
Rugged enough after 3 years in your incredible country.Seven years away, i still take an interest. I was American! for better or worse. Now i'm here and not American. Get it?


New Member
Rugged enough after 3 years in your incredible country.Seven years away, i still take an interest. I was American! For better or worse, now i'm here and not American. Get it?
I think so....you want to "come home", right? I don't begrudge you for that, but the stance you take regarding American politics, as a non-American, I do begrudge. To think your words carry weight, ridiculous. It should serve only as a portent of the misery to come. Your folks misdirection should be our lesson to learn.


Well-Known Member
she can just borrow a bottle of drugs / pills from cindy mccain. then she will feel great and forget it all. like mccains drugged up wife feels all year long amazing. Pills make the world go round for some. and if she gets caught taking them. mccain knows people who will make a felony dissapear. ask his pill snorting criminal wife. shes obviously not in jail where they both belong.


New Member
she can just borrow a bottle of drugs / pills from cindy mccain. then she will feel great and forget it all. like mccains drugged up wife feels all year long amazing. Pills make the world go round for some. and if she gets caught taking them. mccain knows people who will make a felony dissapear. ask his pill snorting criminal wife. shes obviously not in jail where they both belong.
Go Obama!................:sleep:


Well-Known Member
"wheres my pills" cindy mccain.

"i didnt mean to steal pills meant for people hurting" cindy mccain

"get me out of this now john! im not doing time for these pills " cindy mccain

"dont worry my trophy wife, ill make this felony dissapear" THE MAN WHO WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT.


Well-Known Member
"wheres my pills" cindy mccain.

"i didnt mean to steal pills meant for people hurting" cindy mccain

"get me out of this now john! im not doing time for these pills " cindy mccain

"dont worry my trophy wife, ill make this felony dissapear" THE MAN WHO WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT.
Funny guy. :mrgreen:


New Member
"wheres my pills" cindy mccain.

"i didnt mean to steal pills meant for people hurting" cindy mccain

"get me out of this now john! im not doing time for these pills " cindy mccain

"dont worry my trophy wife, ill make this felony dissapear" THE MAN WHO WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT.
You trying to avoid the question?


Well-Known Member
mccain to wife # 1 .

"honey, i know you waited 5 years for me to return from war, and were married with children, but im leaving you for this hot blond i just met named cindy. shes got a lot of money and you know this is best for my political career. my plan of getting media attention by turning down release has made me a celebrity, with cindys money ill be president. good bye wife #1, watch the kids, trophy wife #2 Im coming..." The legacy of John McCain