Then why did Bernard run as a democrat? Jill Stein offered to step aside and let him run as the Green Party candidate. If he is so popular, he would have been elected emperor for life of the United States of Earth. Instead he craftily forged a splinter party in hopes of getting a chance of a future DNC run, at the cost of seeing a fascist carrot elected.
"If I ever tell you who to vote for, don't listen."
"Vote for Hillary Clinton."
"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump."
"Trump is the best thing that ever happened for progressives."
That's always been the aim, to "take over the DNC". So why not just own the fact that your little faction put Trump in office? You guys threw everyone else under the bus to build political power. Look, I get it, you hate Clinton more than you hate Trump, it just annoys me that you swear to be so progressive. The rest of us are terrified.