What's the better political strategy?

In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy:

  • change the minds of moderates/conservatives

  • convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote

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Well-Known Member
In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy: trying to change the minds of moderates/conservatives or trying to convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote?
have you ever been active in a political campaign? ever knocked on doors of "low propensity" voters, or even just called them?

until you do, leave it to people who have.

and please stop making all your shitty stupid fucking threads. thanks.
You want to try to change the minds of moderates/conservatives, everyone knows that

You want to do that by moving the Democratic party right, and appealing to them

While the whole country is screaming in unison to run left

You're squandering a golden opportunity because of your own selfish ego

That's why you're going to lose
You want to try to change the minds of moderates/conservatives, everyone knows that

You want to do that by moving the Democratic party right, and appealing to them

While the whole country is screaming in unison to run left

You're squandering a golden opportunity because of your own selfish ego

That's why you're going to lose
you have no idea how a party runs a get out the vote campaign. we do not even bother calling anyone who has not voted democrat before. you are a fucking idiot in so many goddamn ways that it hurts to watch you make such an ass out of yourself and prove what a naive child you are.
we do not even bother calling anyone who has not voted democrat before.
Convincing people to vote Democrat who have only ever voted Democrat is a genius strategy to win elections

In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy: trying to change the minds of moderates/conservatives or trying to convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote?
Bernie is doing exactly what you say in terms of pandering to white moderate conservatives
In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy: trying to change the minds of moderates/conservatives or trying to convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote?
Fight for the hearts and minds of Independents because they're the ones who decide elections.
you have no idea how a party runs a get out the vote campaign. we do not even bother calling anyone who has not voted democrat before. you are a fucking idiot in so many goddamn ways that it hurts to watch you make such an ass out of yourself and prove what a naive child you are.
How's that working out for ya? Your party has only lost 1000 seats since Obama took office- and promptly helped everyone BUT the middle class.

Keep moving to the right. In fact, join the Republicans. After all, your hero Obama bragged about being a Reagan Republican.

Scream at the Right. Scream at the Left. Then wonder how to get out of the corner you've painted yourself into.
again, you have never spent one second on a political campaign ever so maybe you should not comment on how they are run until you do, you naive goddamn child.
Have you asked your doctor for something to deal with your foaming at the mouth disease?
You want to try to change the minds of moderates/conservatives, everyone knows that

You want to do that by moving the Democratic party right, and appealing to them

While the whole country is screaming in unison to run left

You're squandering a golden opportunity because of your own selfish ego

That's why you're going to lose
This is exactly why I think now is an historic opportunity for a Progressive Left Movement to come and represent everyone left behind by both major party's moves to the right to service their corporate donors.
Fight for the hearts and minds of Independents because they're the ones who decide elections.
Then why did Bernard run as a democrat? Jill Stein offered to step aside and let him run as the Green Party candidate. If he is so popular, he would have been elected emperor for life of the United States of Earth. Instead he craftily forged a splinter party in hopes of getting a chance of a future DNC run, at the cost of seeing a fascist carrot elected.

"If I ever tell you who to vote for, don't listen."

"Vote for Hillary Clinton."

"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump."

"Trump is the best thing that ever happened for progressives."

That's always been the aim, to "take over the DNC". So why not just own the fact that your little faction put Trump in office? You guys threw everyone else under the bus to build political power. Look, I get it, you hate Clinton more than you hate Trump, it just annoys me that you swear to be so progressive. The rest of us are terrified.
Then why did Bernard run as a democrat? Jill Stein offered to step aside and let him run as the Green Party candidate. If he is so popular, he would have been elected emperor for life of the United States of Earth. Instead he craftily forged a splinter party in hopes of getting a chance of a future DNC run, at the cost of seeing a fascist carrot elected.

"If I ever tell you who to vote for, don't listen."

"Vote for Hillary Clinton."

"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump."

"Trump is the best thing that ever happened for progressives."

That's always been the aim, to "take over the DNC". So why not just own the fact that your little faction put Trump in office? You guys threw everyone else under the bus to build political power. Look, I get it, you hate Clinton more than you hate Trump, it just annoys me that you swear to be so progressive. The rest of us are terrified.
If he didn't run as a Democrat he would never have been able to shame the 'why didn't you run as a Dem?' criticism. Now that he's done that and it's become obvious that's not a viable strategy, perhaps he'll be able to run as an independent more effectively.

As someone with military experience, I'm continually surprised at your unwillingness or inability to look at his options strategically.

Maybe blame Trump's supporters for electing him.

I don't hate Clinton more than the Chump. I voted for her in the general. The problem is that there isn't enough difference between the two. I'm not alone in this assessment, which is why she isn't President.

People voted for Obama's 'hope and change' message- and we got 8 years of the same thing as before. The mood of the country was ugly in 2016, because people did not want more of the same. The Chump's campaign strategy was very shrewd in that he recognized this desire and pandered to it- while of course never intending to do any such thing. Clinton's approach was the same, but she was not as successful as convincing the American voting public.

That said, neither is the leader we need. We need a modern FDR, not another Reagan Republican. Once again, our republic depends on it.
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two white males who have never spent a single minute on a single political campaign ever (who don't even march or call their representatives either) mansplaining how to win an election is the whitest thing ever.
two white males who have never spent a single minute on a single political campaign ever (who don't even march or call their representatives either) mansplaining how to win an election is the whitest thing ever.
And yet here you are being as confrontational as possible, thinking that will win you anything at all.

Doing the same thing while expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
And yet here you are being as confrontational as possible, thinking that will win you anything at all.

Doing the same thing while expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
campaigns do the exact same thing every time to drive out their voters and get different results every time you traitor bitch.
campaigns do the exact same thing every time to drive out their voters and get different results every time you traitor bitch.
Lol derp. Because America is totally different than it was 40 years ago.

Name calling without substance. Typical low information voter.