What's the better political strategy?

In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy:

  • change the minds of moderates/conservatives

  • convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
You act like a wannabe cult leader; doing your best to drive everyone away who doesn't slavishly agree with everything you say.

Extreme intolerance is an ugly thing, Buckwit.
I know you don't care but Bush and his administration were prepared to let the automotive industry die and with it the jobs of thousands of well paid union workers with good benefits. There was no plan for replacing those jobs.
I know you don't care but Bush and his administration were prepared to let the automotive industry die and with it the jobs of thousands of well paid union workers with good benefits. There was no plan for replacing those jobs.
And yet the vast majority of average Americans are no better off.

You've made some good points above about Mr Obama's record. To keep that momentum going, I'm advocating we keep pushing hard and to the Left.

Mrs Clinton was not going to fit that bill. She had a 'public' position and a 'private' position. I call that being dishonest.
And yet the vast majority of average Americans are no better off.

You've made some good points above about Mr Obama's record. To keep that momentum going, I'm advocating we keep pushing hard and to the Left.

Mrs Clinton was not going to fit that bill. She had a 'public' position and a 'private' position. I call that being dishonest.
I know you don't care but Obama changed military policy to enable openly LGBT men and women to serve.
And yet the vast majority of average Americans are no better off.

You've made some good points above about Mr Obama's record. To keep that momentum going, I'm advocating we keep pushing hard and to the Left.

Mrs Clinton was not going to fit that bill. She had a 'public' position and a 'private' position. I call that being dishonest.
Quick. unemployment rate 2008
unemployment rate today.
So did Bush. Or something.
The compassionate conservative? Nope

Don't ask Don't tell was repealed by congressional action and signed by Obama in 2010. It required successful vote to end a filibuster by those Republicans who as @ttystikk would say are the same as Democrats that managed to get the bill done at the very end of 2010 over universal Republican opposition..
my point is that you incessantly recite trump talking points.
My point is that you're the most intolerant person here. You spew hate fueled posts at both left and right. You lie about the destruction of your party. You defame the fastest growing political movement in modern American history, even though you agree with most of its platform.

And you slur and smear those you disagree with just like the orange idiot himself.
You mean they aren't giving out junk loans anymore?
Oh, so you're fine with corporations owning hundreds of homes and getting into the slumlord business, while simultaneously driving home prices up and out of reach of private individuals and families, thereby wrecking their opportunity to use their home as their primary retirement savings vehicle?

You sound like a Republican.
I know you don't care but passage of the ACA put Medicare in better financial condition.
And the whole thing was a giant missed opportunity for single payer healthcare for all Americans but instead you want to give them credit for the greatest giveaway to the health insurance industry in American history.
Quick. Owner occupied home ownership rate in 2008 and today.
I know you don't care but since the 2009 economic recovery act was passed by Democrats against universal opposition by Republicans including another vote in the Senate to override a filibuster by Republicans, the economy has added 16 million new jobs and recorded more than 75 straight months of economic growth.
buddy up to some more holocaust deniers.
That's just it. In some ways you're actually worse. You spend a truly impressive amount of time actively trying to chase anyone who doesn't agree with The Buckwit Party Line out of the political section.

No one else here is nearly as rabidly, virulently intolerant as you are.

This section would be a far more diverse, not to mention civil, place without you.

This isn't about whether I agree with your positions, it's your preferred tactics.

Everything you do here is antithetical to the consensus and coalition building necessary to win elections.