What's the better political strategy?

In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy:

  • change the minds of moderates/conservatives

  • convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
If he didn't run as a Democrat he would never have been able to shame the 'why didn't you run as a Dem?' criticism. Now that he's done that and it's become obvious that's not a viable strategy, perhaps he'll be able to run as an independent more effectively.

As someone with military experience, I'm continually surprised at your unwillingness or inability to look at his options strategically.

Maybe blame Trump's supporters for electing him.

I don't hate Clinton more than the Chump. I voted for her in the general. The problem is that there isn't enough difference between the two. I'm not alone in this assessment, which is why she isn't President.

People voted for Obama's 'hope and change' message- and we got 8 years of the same thing as before. The mood of the country was ugly in 2016, because people did not want more of the same. The Chump's campaign strategy was very shrewd in that he recognized this desire and pandered to it- while of course never intending to do any such thing. Clinton's approach was the same, but she was not as successful as convincing the American voting public.

That said, neither is the leader we need. We need a modern FDR, not another Reagan Republican. Once again, our republic depends on it.
you cannot discern false information from factual information and you have proven it over and over and over again.
You've given up the first duty of citizenship to question your government and political organizations and swallowed everything your establishment matters tell you.

Then you spend your days screaming obscenities at everyone who commits the 'treason' of actually thinking for themselves.

I pity you, but I have no respect for your positions.
It is naive to say Obama and GW were the same thing.
Hmm. Both bailed out banks instead of citizens. Both presided over the explosion of wealth and income inequality. Both expanded foreign wars and drone strikes.

But Obama was cool.
Hmm. Both bailed out banks instead of citizens. Both presided over the explosion of wealth and income inequality. Both expanded foreign wars and drone strikes.

But Obama was cool.
I know that you don't care but 20 million Americans had healthcare that they didn't have and never would have if Obama were the same as GW.

Entitled white boy
I know that you don't care but 20 million Americans had healthcare that they didn't have and never would have if Obama were the same as GW.

Entitled white boy
Ah well there's that. So of course in spite of all the rest of his shortcomings, now he's perfect.
Why you commenting on better strategy?
Your strategy resulted in Trump
So your answer is to just keep taking whatever crumbs the Democrats leave us?

Whatever happened to blaming the Chump on those who actually voted for him? You're so stuck on finding people to blame that you are blind to everything else.

You're intolerant and worse, you lack any shred of an ability to imagine a better life.

I pity you, but I don't respect your positions.
You've given up the first duty of citizenship to question your government and political organizations and swallowed everything your establishment matters tell you.

Then you spend your days screaming obscenities at everyone who commits the 'treason' of actually thinking for themselves.

I pity you, but I have no respect for your positions.
you sound like you are in a cult.
So your answer is to just keep taking whatever crumbs the Democrats leave us?

my wife had a pre-existing condition and couldn't get health insurance on her own before obama.

her $40,000 caesarian bill just came back in the mail. we paid $0.00 for it. because we have insurance now, thanks to obama and the democrats.

you are a traitorous rat.
So your answer is to just keep taking whatever crumbs the Democrats leave us?

Whatever happened to blaming the Chump on those who actually voted for him? You're so stuck on finding people to blame that you are blind to everything else.

You're intolerant and worse, you lack any shred of an ability to imagine a better life.

I pity you, but I don't respect your positions.
I know that you don't care but Obama's two supreme court appointees were part of the Supreme Court ruling that defeated an attack on Unions ability to fund court cases for their members.

Entitled white boy
How about we forget the dinosaur with all the baggage and find a liberal who can win? Maybe Elizabeth Warren, who has accomplished more for progressives in one term than bernie has in 27 years in the house and senate. Unfortunately she won't run in 2020.

Or pick another candidate. ANY other candidate. One who didn't cost an election (and that includes ralph nader).
You've given up the first duty of citizenship to question your government and political organizations and swallowed everything your establishment matters tell you.

Then you spend your days screaming obscenities at everyone who commits the 'treason' of actually thinking for themselves.

I pity you, but I have no respect for your positions.
I know you don't care but DREAMERS were able to pursue college education after an Obama executive ruling.
How about we forget the dinosaur with all the baggage and find a liberal who can win? Maybe Elizabeth Warren, who has accomplished more for progressives in one term than bernie has in 27 years in the house and senate. Unfortunately she won't run in 2020.

Or pick another candidate. ANY other candidate. One who didn't cost an election (and that includes ralph nader).
Yeah, I mean we have three more years. I would like to see the younger crowd start to step up. I'm not saying Sanders shouldn't run, just saying he's an old and uninspiring leader.