What's the better political strategy?

In order for Democrats to win elections, what do you think is the better political strategy:

  • change the minds of moderates/conservatives

  • convince Independents and those who normally don't vote to vote

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The Republicans went on to set the record for filibustering. They even filibustered their own bills.
Then they blamed Obama for gridlock.
Throw a brick through the window and then burn the building down rather than repair it.
LOL I know, he's never been good at listening and now has just gotten dumb and dumber.

Take a look at the dates on those actions. the 2009 Democratic Congress kicked ass. By 2010 Republicans gained leverage with the filibuster in the Senate and everything ground to a halt.
It is because Obama was just like Bush, but darker.


63 seats. America was telling us... move left, move left!!!!
Is that what you call this? A disagreement?
Lol right?

Their terror and hatred of ideas that threaten to poke holes their own carefully manufactured assumptions is palpable, to the point where honest questioning of their dogma is simply not to be tolerated.

Hence their new nickname; 'the intolerant'. So much for their self image of Democrats being open to new ideas.
0 to 5 with none of the usual suspects casting their votes

Can't say I'm surprised. Can't admit independents and non voters is the right way to go because then they'd be agreeing with the majority. Can't say moderates/conservatives because then they'd be agreeing with the right wingers they oppose.

They have no out.
0 to 5 with none of the usual suspects casting their votes

Can't say I'm surprised. Can't admit independents and non voters is the right way to go because then they'd be agreeing with the majority. Can't say moderates/conservatives because then they'd be agreeing with the right wingers they oppose.

They have no out.
i can't wait until you waste your time calling unaffiliated voters for the bernie campaign.