Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Gaining Ground

This pretty much sums it up:

Thanks Berniebabies!
Anecdotal evidence is all you have

Twice as many Clinton supporters voted for McCain in 08 than Sanders supporters voted for Trump, even though those who voted for Trump had never been registered as Democrats and never intended to vote for Clinton anyway

ANYTHING to continue to deny the faults of the Democratic party. Anything to deny you don't support a statist totally congruent with your anarchistic views
Anecdotal evidence is all you have

Twice as many Clinton supporters voted for McCain in 08 than Sanders supporters voted for Trump, even though those who voted for Trump had never been registered as Democrats and never intended to vote for Clinton anyway

ANYTHING to continue to deny the faults of the Democratic party. Anything to deny you don't support a statist totally congruent with your anarchistic views
Lol, you want to talk about dodging/denying?

Care to answer the question I've been asking you retards for 2 days?
You mean over it like a Berniebaby who is glad Trump won?
Some 12% of those who voted for Bernie in the primary ended up voting for Trump in the general- but not for the reason you keep trying to stretch over the facts;

Indeed, those Bernie primary voters were Independents and Republicans who broke from voting for the right, adding even more support to the contention that Bernie would have won, by poaching votes from the right.

Your schtick is stale and ignores the facts on the ground, not that your positions were ever in much danger of making sense.
Anecdotal evidence is all you have

Twice as many Clinton supporters voted for McCain in 08 than Sanders supporters voted for Trump, even though those who voted for Trump had never been registered as Democrats and never intended to vote for Clinton anyway

ANYTHING to continue to deny the faults of the Democratic party. Anything to deny you don't support a statist totally congruent with your anarchistic views
You're so fixated on Clinton as your response to everything as if I support her but you're not actually answering much. Just cherry picking shit out of context and concluding with "YOU SUPPORT HILLARY!". It really confirms my position that the Bernie or bust crowd was willing to risk a Trump presidency and continues to find the silver lining in it while constantly conveying ignorant views social views such as blatant bigotry.

Did I describe a Trumptard or did I describe Berniebro or both? Same same?
You're so fixated on Clinton as your response to everything as if I support her but you're not actually answering much. Just cherry picking shit out of context and concluding with "YOU SUPPORT HILLARY!". It really confirms my position that the Bernie or bust crowd was willing to risk a Trump presidency and continues to find the silver lining in it while constantly conveying ignorant views social views such as blatant bigotry.

Did I describe a Trumptard or did I describe Berniebro or both? Same same?
You just confirmed you aren't listening at all.
Sanders presented legitimate criticisms of the party. Sorry he didn't suck your dick the whole time. Again, has anybody raised more money than him for the DNC and down ballot Democrats? How is that not playing ball?

How do you think it could be improved?
His policies are not socially progressive to me. It's good for fiscal liberals though. Bernie is not reaching out to minority communities. In my opinion. From the Wa Po article, he's going after the moderate Democrat and Repuplican white voters.

I don't know why you would think I'm unhappy with Sanders's treatment of the Democratic party. I'm just fine with what he said. It made sense once I figured out that he ISN'T interested or needs a majority of African American and Hispanic voters to succeed as would be the case if he stuck with Democrats in his reform movement.

I have no idea how much he's raised for Democratic down ballots. Why would I care? And I don't care that he's snubbing leadership or criticizing the policies of the Democratic Party either. He's also not anything like the Bernie Babies on this board too. I'm OK with Bernie's plan now that I've gotten a sense of what he's doing. Not that that should matter to anybody but myself.
We could hold the free college classes in parking lots to save money.
Living in a college town, I can assure you that there are plenty of ways they could save money.

They suck taxpayer cash now like you flat fucking would not believe.

Just for openers you could fire the entire executive team; after all, it's supposed to be a school so WTF do we need them and their six and SEVEN FIGURE salaries for?