Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Gaining Ground

man, i hope you are right. they better be putting the best and brightest together as we speak to have a firm gameplan established.
The current Establishment needs to be booted out on their asses for taking the money while ignoring the needs of their constituents. Either they do it or the Progressive Movement will do it for them.

It's been a long time coming, some 40 years by my reckoning.
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The current Establishment needs to be bored out on their asses for taking the money while ignoring the needs of their constituents. Either they do it or the Progressive Movement will do it for them.

It's been a long time coming, some 40 years by my reckoning.
That Medicaid bill Ryan almost passed but for the united front presented by Democrats would have killed a lot of elderly. That was a Republican initiative. Yet you would put them in charge for a couple more decades while building a third party?

Can you name these establishment Democrats and exactly what they are doing that is so wrong?

Why is it that Sanders didn't get much support from African Americans? Did you notice that Sanders isn't going anywhere near areas with large populations of black people?
That Medicaid bill Ryan almost passed but for the united front presented by Democrats would have killed a lot of elderly. That was a Republican initiative. Yet you would put them in charge for a couple more decades while building a third party?

Can you name these establishment Democrats and exactly what they are doing that is so wrong?

Why is it that Sanders didn't get much support from African Americans? Did you notice that Sanders isn't going anywhere near areas with large populations of black people?
Have you noticed they won't touch that question of registering to collect unlimited donations from individuals and corporations?

Not even their usual tirade of "you're not progressive enough"...
What does he think the Republican Party has done for him? Is he a millionaire? It's an honest question.
he says he's repub because they are for small gov't and they are fiscally responsible. LMAO.
as much as i hate to say it, he hated the fact that a black man was pres. and probably wasn't too happy with the thought of a woman either.

as far as i know, they arent' millionaires. lol.
Have you noticed they won't touch that question of registering to collect unlimited donations from individuals and corporations?

Not even their usual tirade of "you're not progressive enough"...
Maybe we have been put on ignore? In any case, they can't seem to find an answer, can they?

Inconvenient of us to ask difficult questions.
I'm still asking how come Bernie couldn't attract African American, Hispanic and women's votes in 2016 and what he's doing to bring them into Our Revolution?

Iowa, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.

He ought to include Oregon. We are 2% African American here. Fits in well with Bernie's crowd.

Because most of them think like you.
Maybe we have been put on ignore? In any case, they can't seem to find an answer, can they?

Inconvenient of us to ask difficult questions.

Yep, put people on ignore who you should be trying to win over.

It's funny, wasn't put on ignore until I started asking why Justice Democrats set themselves up to accept unlimited Corporate donations...
can't afford 3 houses on a Senator's salary. gotta have corporate sponsorship.

who was the guy who suggested all of Congress should have corporate patches on their suits like Nascar drivers? was it Carlin?
The Left always seems more compassionate to me. At least the Left in this country. The Right always come across as being mean-spirited, quite nasty at times and always put money before people. They seem to worship money and power. They don't take responsibility for their actions. They think that they can legislate their way out of most domestic problems, rather than looking at more difficult but ultimately effective means. When the Conservative Party loses power or support they always say "We have to modernise" but they conflate modernity with decency. In the end it is a lose-lose situation because once they have gotten rid of, or nullified, the Left opposition they then turn on themselves. They believe in the 1%. Many people aspire to be like them but forget that they can't all be one of the 1%.
Because most of them think like you.
Well, "them" black people didn't vote for Sanders. Which is why Sanders is starting a whole new party for white people. The thing is, white people already have a political party, the Republican party. Competition is good, I guess.

Have you noticed that he's avoiding areas with large populations of African Americans and Hispanic people?

He's right to do so, though. Sanders isn't very good at relating to people who aren't white. Because "when you are black you are poor and live in the ghetto."
he says he's repub because they are for small gov't and they are fiscally responsible. LMAO.
as much as i hate to say it, he hated the fact that a black man was pres. and probably wasn't too happy with the thought of a woman either.

as far as i know, they arent' millionaires. lol.
A bad case of swallowing the propaganda, it seems.

My grandfather was a racist prick, plain and simple. It was jarringly inconsistent with his PhD and subsequent career in education.
can't afford 3 houses on a Senator's salary. gotta have corporate sponsorship.

who was the guy who suggested all of Congress should have corporate patches on their suits like Nascar drivers? was it Carlin?
YES- at least it would then be truth in advertising!