Well-Known Member
They've got balls!
You know what's wrong with your facts..?:
There are 2400 transgender currently serving in our armed forces.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
They've got balls!
You know what's wrong with your facts..?:
There are 2400 transgender currently serving in our armed forces.
there are currently 15,000+ transgender military members you retarded bigot.
No one who is patriotic, courageous, and selfless enough to serve in the armed forces should be denied that opportunity because of who they are.
As you said yourself at the top of this very post, 'no one knows'. An argument can be made for the idea that transgendered people feel strongly that they have something to prove to themselves and therefore would seek out military service in numbers disproportionate to their population percentage.You really are a completely hopeless drama queen:
The truth is, nobody knows. My estimate is based on actual percentages of the population, not drama queening like yours is. That estimate above assumes that .17% of all transgenders join the military. I find that highly, highly unlikely given the discrimination they already face. I mean, what are the odds that the military has three times the number of transgender people than the rest of the civilian population does? Because that is exactly what the ABC estimate is saying.
Transgenders make up .6% of the population overall. I find it very difficult to believe that they actually make up over 1.5% of the military as you suggest they do.
In fact, of all the completely moronic, unfounded, drama queening posts of yours, that one takes the cake.
Lol you beat me to itAnother fun fact: As far as the U.S. Military is concerned, they have exactly ZERO Transgenders. None. Not one that they know of.
So, again, what is the point?
Distraction. That is the point. If you're Trump, you throw shit out there that overall effects nobody but gets everybody's panties in a wad so that they at least temporarily forget how completely full of shit you are.
Every single transgender person I've known has been better at life than me (and I don't do too bad myself). Upon meeting a transgender person, it is safe to assume the person you're meeting is no coward right out of the gate. I can't even imagine the courage it must take to deal with those circumstances so honestly.
I'm guessing you're not very secure in your own sexuality that you'd feel so threatened by the idea.If I encountered a person who was begging to have their wiener cut off and a pussy glued on, one who begged for hormones to wear their mask comfortably, one who needed antidepressants just to deal with the their mental illness, one who suffered from various mental illness all their life and still do, the last thing I would consider is their courage. courage or mental illness, slippery slope eh
Another fun fact: As far as the U.S. Military is concerned, they have exactly ZERO Transgenders. None. Not one that they know of.
So, again, what is the point?
Distraction. That is the point. If you're Trump, you throw shit out there that overall effects nobody but gets everybody's panties in a wad so that they at least temporarily forget how completely full of shit you are.
...Estimates show that there are between 1300 and 6000 active transgender service members, accounting for somewhere between 0.1 and 0.5 percent of active serving members. Transgender care would cost the military between 2.5 and 8.5 million dollars annually, according to a RAND corporation analysis published last year. That amounts to a healthcare expenditure increase of 0.04- to 0.13 percent.
A single F/A-18 plane costs around $70 million. Outfitting the Afghan National Army in a proprietary camouflage pattern may have cost the government $28 million. The Pentagon flushed over $100 billion in administrative money, and then tried to hide the results of an internal study reporting that fact, according to the Washington Post...
...but they do their jobs just fine after being jacked up on DoD supplied amphetamines for weeks at a time during combat deployments, right?imagine commanding an army of men only to find out they're all drugged up posers waiting for sexual reassignment on the public dime on the front line of your troops. Without the use of steroids and antidepressants, they likely would not be able to do their job as they are. could there be a possible issue with this in the mind of a General. I think so
...Estimates show that there are between 1300 and 6000 active transgender service members, accounting for somewhere between 0.1 and 0.5 percent of active serving members.
I'm guessing you're not very secure in your own sexuality that you'd feel so threatened by the idea.
imagine commanding an army of men only to find out they're all drugged up posers waiting for sexual reassignment on the public dime on the front line of your troops. Without the use of steroids and antidepressants, they likely would not be able to do their job as they are. could there be a possible issue with this in the mind of a General. I think so
...but they do their jobs just fine after being jacked up on DoD supplied amphetamines for weeks at a time during combat deployments, right?
Just admit it. The idea of gender reassignment scares the living shit out of you and that's why you have to hate it so much, isn't that closer to the truth?
Noone argues with you, the point of the quote was not the numbers estimate but the cost estimate, which is the reason trump stated.There are presently 1.3 million active military personnel.
.5% is 6500. They can't even do the fucking math right? What's more, if .5% of the military is transgender, that would mean that 10% of all transgenders in the nation join the military.
That is a ridiculous assumption on its face.
Given the ridicule that transgenders already face, do you really think they're going to enlist in the military where they know full well they'll not only be outed, but abused and bullied endlessly and without relief?
It would be like 10% of all African Americans wanting to join the KKK for crying out loud.
My estimate takes into account not only how very, very rare transgenders are as a whole, but that they're not idiots and wouldn't sign up for the military due to the abusive nature of it to begin with.
Everybody else is assuming that transgenders just wander on in to the recruiting center in the same percentages as the rest of us.
I find that highly, highly unlikely. Not surprisingly, so does the U.S. Military, as they've never once dealt with it in their entire history.