Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

right, and kings would do the same, pack their front lines with the mentally challenged, disfigured and sick folks, expendables, is that what you're implying? the mentally challenged are expendable war pieces ? thats deep man, real deep
Every soldier is 'expendable'. Every volunteer for military service knows this.

You're distracting yourself from the point.
If you meditate on this long enough you will realise, if you had a strong emotional reaction about this, the reaction was about something inside, some unaddressed fear or insecurity.
I get the feeling that such introspection is not this guy's strong suit.
Noone argues with you, the point of the quote was not the numbers estimate but the cost estimate, which is the reason trump stated.
As it shows even if you multiply it several fold it is still a negligible amount.

My fault. I completely missed that point.

But you missed one too: It cost 3.6 million dollars for Trump to fly to Mar a lago just once. So Trump has already blown more than triple what the cost of the transgenders would be in less than 6 months.
does it take courage to cut off your dick sir? does it take courage to pretend your someone else in order to join the army? does it take courage to swallow pills all day in order to grow face hair so other guys and gals wont know your secret?
'all signs point to yes'
If you meditate on this long enough you will realise, if you had a strong emotional reaction about this, the reaction was about something inside, some unaddressed fear or insecurity.

"strong emotional reaction" lol.

you must realize the only acceptable genital mutilation in our society forever has been circumcision. This has taken that practice to a whole new level. I imagine if adult circumcisions were the norm many adults would need drugs too just to live with the mutilation
If I encountered a person who was begging to have their wiener cut off and a pussy glued on, one who begged for hormones to wear their mask comfortably, one who needed antidepressants just to deal with the their mental illness, one who suffered from various mental illness all their life and still do, the last thing I would consider is their courage. courage or mental illness, slippery slope eh

You simply do not understand. That's okay. You're a smart guy. You'll get it eventually.

Here's what ICD (International Classifications of Diseases) says, "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition."

The ICD & my experience vs. your bigotry? You lose, my friend.

I still like you, though. You have skills and you share.
My fault. I completely missed that point.

But you missed one too: It cost 3.6 million dollars for Trump to fly to Mar a lago just once. So Trump has already blown more than triple what the cost of the transgenders would be in less than 6 months.
Once again, we've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that our president is a facile and transparent demagogue.

I wonder how many more times we'll get to confirm this over the balance of his tenure?

He's the greatest embarrassment to our nation today, and that's saying something.
Every soldier is 'expendable'. Every volunteer for military service knows this.

You're distracting yourself from the point.
not at all. I get it, some more expendable than others. like the mentally ill, cannon fodder I get it. the practice is age old, your president just put an end to it is all. Generals gave the practice a year or so, weighed the issues and advised competently.
The president could not of course state the reasons the Generals offered up, fo rfear of the pc's, so he says yada yada about money and we all gonna jump on the money point. thats fukken funny man
You have to understand there is a difference between people being forced to have genitals mutilated with blunt blades in some "cultural" event and someone who spent their whole life believing they were in the wrong gender body having it modified to fit their mental image of themselves.

How do you feel about Jewish kids getting the snip?
Or liposuction, or lip implants, they are all facets of the same phenomena.
not at all. I get it, some more expendable than others. like the mentally ill, cannon fodder I get it. the practice is age old, your president just put an end to it is all. Generals gave the practice a year or so, weighed the issues and advised competently.
The president could not of course state the reasons the Generals offered up, fo rfear of the pc's, so he says yada yada about money and we all gonna jump on the money point. thats fukken funny man

Another completely moronic post.

"The Generals" didn't tell Trump a damn thing. The join chiefs were completely stunned by this. They had no clue at all it was coming. They are pretty upset about it. In fact, NOBODY in the military knew about it.

This is pure Trump and nobody else.
You simply do not understand. That's okay. You're a smart guy. You'll get it eventually.

Here's what ICD (International Classifications of Diseases) says, "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition."

The ICD & my experience vs. your bigotry? You lose, my friend.

I still like you, though. You have skills and you share.

gender non comformity is not what is being discussed here. we are talking about women who beg to have their genitals mutilated, beg for hormones to cover up the identity of the mentally ill, change it even, and then attempt to live the opposite sex whle drugged in the military. thats it. who cares how they felt before that?

begging for genital mutilation is a serious mental illness any way you slice it
not at all. I get it, some more expendable than others. like the mentally ill, cannon fodder I get it. the practice is age old, your president just put an end to it is all. Generals gave the practice a year or so, weighed the issues and advised competently.
The president could not of course state the reasons the Generals offered up, fo rfear of the pc's, so he says yada yada about money and we all gonna jump on the money point. thats fukken funny man
Factually incorrect, wrongheaded and reaching.
gender non comformity is not what is being discussed here. we are talking about women who beg to have their genitals mutilated, beg for hormones to cover up the identity of the mentally ill, change it even, and then attempt to live the opposite sex whle drugged in the military. thats it. who cares how they felt before that?

begging for genital mutilation is a serious mental illness any way you slice it
You simply do not understand. That's okay. You're a smart guy. You'll get it eventually.

Here's what ICD (International Classifications of Diseases) says, "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition."

The ICD & my experience vs. your bigotry? You lose, my friend.

I still like you, though. You have skills and you share.
No it isn't. You're just an angry bigot who's terrified of someone else's sexuality.

Probably because you're insecure in yours.
gender non comformity is not what is being discussed here. we are talking about women who beg to have their genitals mutilated, beg for hormones to cover up the identity of the mentally ill, change it even, and then attempt to live the opposite sex whle drugged in the military. thats it. who cares how they felt before that?

begging for genital mutilation is a serious mental illness any way you slice it

Okay. I'll just move along now.
You have to understand there is a difference between people being forced to have genitals mutilated with blunt blades in some "cultural" event and someone who spent their whole life believing they were in the wrong gender body having it modified to fit their mental image of themselves.

How do you feel about Jewish kids getting the snip?
Or liposuction, or lip implants, they are all facets of the same phenomena.

ok, so Joe wants to be Josie. I get it. he wants to fuck men guilt free, feel connected to his sexual identity with physical appearance, I get it. So Joe needs to get his xy genes checked. If they are Male he is mentally ill, if they are female he needs help, surgery , drugs, I get it. Without those drugs though Josie would not be able to perform her duty.
No it isn't. You're just an angry bigot who's terrified of someone else's sexuality.

Probably because you're insecure in yours.

and so lemme guess here, you would be ok with men marrying horses you say? because as you know some of them believe they are reincarnated and actually have horse genes. should we allow admitted testosterone ridden horse marrying men to join the armed forces too ?
I'm still wondering where the hell you get the idea that all transgenders have sexual reorientation. The two are not remotely related.

Oh they are indeed remotely related sir
Transgender people are people who have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex.[1][2][3] Transgender people are sometimes called transsexual if they desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another. Transgender is also an umbrella term: in addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex (trans men and trans women), it may include people who are not exclusively masculine or feminine (people who are genderqueer, e.g. bigender, pangender, genderfluid, or agender).[2][4][5] Other definitions of transgender also include people who belong to a third gender, or conceptualize transgender people as a third gender.[6][7] Infrequently, the term transgender is defined very broadly to include cross-dressers,[8] regardless of their gender identity.
You're an idiot.

You just quoted definitions that state they are not always related, that there are in fact two different types, that not all transgenders are in fact transsexuals.

Wow man...just fucking wow.
ok, so Joe wants to be Josie. I get it. he wants to fuck men guilt free, feel connected to his sexual identity with physical appearance, I get it. So Joe needs to get his xy genes checked. If they are Male he is mentally ill, if they are female he needs help, surgery , drugs, I get it. Without those drugs though Josie would not be able to perform her duty.
You are trying to get into someone else's head, you don;t have to. Fat people are also mentally ill in the same way, they are allowed to have surgery to fix it.
You have to understand mental illness is much more complicated than we give it credit for. Surely you know many many people who are mostly normal but have some quirks. Having one facet of your identity that you don't want to live with, does not come at the expense of making you a nymphomaniac psychopath.

Many transgender people actually marry normal consenting adults who fully know about their history but loves them for the person they are now. Guess this will also not make that thing in your chest burn with discomfort. ....that emotions thing.

As a straight father with physical and metal disease, you have no idea how many pills I need to take to do MY thing.