Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

Most of the men I know would fuck women I wouldn't even look at, does that make me less male?
Some of them would fuck a hole in a couch.

While we're on the subject of fucking unusual things like couches, and for those of you not in that other thread, please enjoy this video of a dolphin using a fish carcass like a flesh jack.

Mammals. What in the fuck is our deal?
Right. It's not like they are enlisting for the peanuts they'll be paid. Putting their lives on the line only to have the mouth breathers ridicule them. Smh


Remember when everyone said the same of teachers and firefighters? They still do, even though the average teacher salary is $70k......a firefighter lives 20 acres behind me in a $700k home.

Fact is I know more people that enlist for the benefits than for patriotism alone. Not that I disagree with any other points you've made.
People like chemphlegm are simply astounding.

well thank you sir. I have no personal beef with anyone because of their sexual preferences as long as they are not hurting themselves or others. (guess that cinches it eh?)

The mentally ill need protection, form themselves and others too. I am humbled as i realize that one man didnt make this decision, only the decision to announce it, but
The majority of the worlds most powerful military complex agrees with me. Finally, something we can agree on. I like th eopinioins of a few posters here, all of them actually, but reality is...Generals urged the president to do this to protect these fragile mentally challenged people from being exploited any further by the armed forces. enough is enough they said

adjective: astounding
surprisingly impressive or notable.
"the summit offers astounding views"
synonyms: amazing, astonishing, staggering, surprising, breathtaking, remarkable, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable, phenomenal;
"his speed and fitness were astounding"

Thank you again, I would never have described myself as astounding, but hey, thanks man.
I don't believe there is such a test. Every transgender person I've ever heard talk about describes it as a knowing ache they've had since they first started forming memories. That's good enough for me. Does it really matter where that comes from?

of course there are genetic tests to verify xy genes. hell even marijuana bits can be sent off to be tested this way, gotta stay up on this sexual revolution eh

Remember when everyone said the same of teachers and firefighters? They still do, even though the average teacher salary is $70k......a firefighter lives 20 acres behind me in a $700k home.

Fact is I know more people that enlist for the benefits than for patriotism alone. Not that I disagree with any other points you've made.

The national average for teacher salary is $43,269 as of 2014. (Which is the last year they have all the data for.)

The national average for firefighters is $46,870.

The average military pay is $29,380...but if you add in their housing allowance of $16,164, their food allowance of $3,900, their tax advantage of $2,716 and their health care worth $12,348 on average, then your total average military compensation is $64,508.

Edit to add: Military pay and compensation have taken a leap forward under President Obama as 6 increases in compensation took place during his presidency.
Veterans cannot even get medical cannabis, even though proven it would help them and the military has now in the past year cut down on every veterans medication for any type of pain killers they had been prescribed/ No matter if they have had multiple surgeries for pre existing medical issues or not!!( here in Florida anyway) But, in saying this, I agree with Trump on this being gay in the military. My personal opinion is not of value as far as being gay or straight only b/c will not get into what I feel about it.. do not want to make arguments here. If our veterans cannot even get the fricking care they rightfully deserve for serving our country, especially our Vietnam vets and other war heroes for one biggie, then why in hell should ones that choose to be gay get anything free from the military so they can have a fricking sex change, which is what will happen if Trump does not go through with this. There is going to be so much chit hit the fan over this issue it is going to be sicking, but.. I 100% agree that allowing this in the military that it will lead to everyone of us taxpayers paying for a fricking penis or coochie... Take care of our veterans and the families that need help and are doing without b/c of cuts to the american ppl. that fought and families with loved ones that died to do this for each one of us here today.... my goodness look what this world has come many issue, not just this one:cry: nothing else to say, just voicing my thoughts as everyone has the right too, agree or not agree. Have a great day everyone and be happy :D
of course there are genetic tests to verify xy genes. hell even marijuana bits can be sent off to be tested this way, gotta stay up on this sexual revolution eh

Those tests are meaningless in this context. We know what they say. It doesn't prove mental illness is the cause as you are implying.
The national average for teacher salary is $43,269 as of 2014. (Which is the last year they have all the data for.)

The national average for firefighters is $46,870.

The average military pay is $29,380...but if you add in their housing allowance of $16,164, their food allowance of $3,900, their tax advantage of $2,716 and their health care worth $12,348 on average, then your total average military compensation is $64,508.

My number must have added bennies for teachers as well, my mistake......the guy that lives behind me is some sort of fire chief in all fairness, must be paid a little better; and this is California so prolly higher than average.
Those tests are meaningless in this context. We know what they say. It doesn't prove mental illness is the cause as you are implying.
yeah there is pretty much 0 possibility that trans is a mental disorder. They are really just normal folks like you are. I don't see why we can't send them off to work on the muslim problem the world has.
Even if they had "mental illness" relating to their sexual identity, why should this affect their performance in any other field?

the use of steroids will affect their performance in all fields, erratic behaviour, google the drugs you'll see.
without those drugs they could not perform their duties?
is everyone allowed to take performance enhancing drugs legally paid for by the armed forces because they feel like it?

what about olympic runners? the ones who used to be girls now are guys taking performance enhancing drugs. not related but kinda weird eh?
I honestly don't have the right to have the crap we were told as we grew up, influence what other people decide to do with their bodies.
I remember at school, a female teacher's husband left her for a man.... Oh, what shame, what humiliation it was back then... Now, it is like ..."meh, so what"

Gender is not binary, there is every shade.
My number must have added bennies for teachers as well, my mistake......the guy that lives behind me is some sort of fire chief in all fairness, must be paid a little better; and this is California so prolly higher than average.

He may also have had rich parents or inlaws that willed him a nest egg he blew on a house he really can't afford to be living in.
Those tests are meaningless in this context. We know what they say. It doesn't prove mental illness is the cause as you are implying.

of course they do. if your genes say boy, you are a fucking boy. if you dont want to be a boy, to the extent of begging for someone to cut your dick off and sew on a pussy you are for sure mentally ill, as mentally ill as one who thinks they can fly off buildings.
to protect these fragile mentally challenged people

They are not mentally fragile by default and protecting them has absolutely nothing to do with the Orange Retard's "Look! Squirrel", ploy.

I misjudged you. Your issues with this appear to go way beyond mere ignorance. If you're feeling icky about all of this for some reason, I'd suggest using that as a jumping off point for your own quest for metal health.