Tucker Carlson, trust fund baby, yet again advocating violent rebellion. Must be nice to be able to escape the flames to his daddy's private island when enough idiot neo-confederate terrorists actually act on his words.
He is indicted for obstruction of congress and witness intimidation by the DOJ. Alternately Nancy could try him in the full house and sentence him up to 10 years in the congressional dungeon for contempt of congress, no parole and no pardon possible. He will probably be nailed for lying to congress under oath, cause Trump will probably rat him out in a media interview. Also Kevin told shit to other people including Matt Gaetz. Matt was in on a few meetings and he is desperate for any kind of deal, cause it looks like he might only get out of prison in a bag without one.
You seem really preoccupied with going to the bathroom this morning, are you having issues?
You know that 'people are saying' that Covid causes all kinds of issues 'down there'. I would recommend going to a doctor for that, but I forget your stance on modern medicine, and just assuming you are some anti-vaccine nut because you are pushing right wing nonsense is wrong.
Tucker Carlson, trust fund baby, yet again advocating violent rebellion. Must be nice to be able to escape the flames to his daddy's private island when enough idiot neo-confederate terrorists actually act on his words.
He's a classic narcist, almost as bad as a sociopath. Lindsay Graham is another one, Ted Cruz is an obvious psychopath, the GOP is filled the character flawed. Just look at the sheer number of criminals among them and if they faced proper scrutiny, a lot more would be headed for prison. The republican party has become essentially an anti democratic criminal enterprise, headed by con artists who pander to it's most extreme elements, and it is filled with radical, hate filled racist loonies. They are in an almost constant state of arousal, as they watch and listen to enrage to engage right wing media. It makes them angry and shuts down parts of the brain required for empathy and wisdom, as anger causes them to go into fight or flight mode. This method generally turns them into programable sheep and to prove the point they are using livestock medication for sheep to treat covid, while eschewing masks and vaccines that can save their lives. Many die or are intubated with the covid lie on their lips as their final words, they are dying to own the libs in many cases.
WAPO Cites Kevin McCarthy's "Downward Spiral" Culminating in Obstructing Congressional Investigation
The editorial board of the Washington Post published a piece titled, "Kevin McCarthy's Downward Spiral." Here is why, "the pitiful path Mr. McCarthy" is traveling will very likely end inside a courtroom. This video also takes on the question of what constitutes probable cause to arrest, what politicians may already have crossed that evidentiary threshold, and what the Department of Justice MUST now do to protect our republic.