Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

Most trannies in the military are women, they dont require penis installation and thats ok. transgender women arent the issue, its the freaks in the forest preserve near my house that back into a parking spot in order to invite people for a blowjob- while kids are 50 feet away. every day of the year... do you want me to take a picture tomorrow? If lgbt wants respect they have to start regulating the community because from my experience its freaks who are sex crazed- just what military needs. the guy who narced me out for weed go off scott free, raped a child, and now lives at a gay nightclub according to the database. Hes not a tranny except when hes in jail he dresses up like that.
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so why didnt he declare trump tower the white house and say fuck you. he owes nothing to anybody until 4 years from now. He isnt pandering to anybody .
You can't see that all Trump has done in office is continue campaigning.

This isnt about being President to him, it's a source to feed his narcissistic personality.
If tranny meaning dick removal is real and legit then why doent lesbians feel the need for dick installation? Im moving out of the USA the minute that the military funds dick removal. THe whole thing is a mental issue and cannot be solved by dick removal. Bruce jenner says he isnt even gay?
If lgbt wants respect they have to start regulating the community because from my experience its freaks who are sex crazed- just what military needs.
GTFOH with that shit. Since when is up to the gay and lesbian community to police other people? Why not look to those who are actually PAID to enforce the indecency laws.

There are just as many STRAIGHT sex crazed nuts in the Morman/Catholic church...not to mention those dirty old straight white male politicians!
same as if potheads were robbing. Id talk to them and make it clear that was unacceptable. Im part of the pothead community so I have a responsibility. Im getting older but I may even crack heads/. for the guys I ws referring to it may be a start to not go the the forest preserve for a tranny blowjob.
im not talking about strangers and you are right that people giving shitheads good advice rarely works. Im a bit paternal on my potscene but they never listen I can only hope for the best. At least none of those 20 year old kids have cut a weiner off! Or joined the military, Ive done my job LOL
why do people who identify as a different gender frighten you so much?

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the men and women who put their lives on the line for frightened little bigots like you are not that fragile. why are you?

you want someone to remove your fat smashed up gaping pussy and put a baby dick on it, that about right? you looking here for acceptance? maybe a judge free zone for the addadicktome crowd you attract?
If they are willing to put their lives on the line in service of their country, why the fuck does it matter?

Were you aware that one of the navy seals that offed bin laden was in fact transsexual?

I see mentally ill people giving up their life for all kinds of reasons. Exploiting the mentally ill in our society is not forward movement.
Transexuals save lives, take lives, love lives hate fucking what, samo samo as any other person, without the mental challenges and illness
he isnt a leader you dumbass, hes never made a presidential decision other than the moab bomb. He just signs off on the laws, or will never sign off in the case of military trannies. they never put a decision in front of him so this is just liberal jibber jabber- but I agree with Trump and support his decision if its ever put in front of him.
He isn't a leader; he's just the President.
He's never made a Presidential decision; agreed!
He hasn't signed any laws yet. Can't seem to get any passed...
The jibbering isn't coming from anywhere but your mouth.

Are you proud of being this stupid?
There are roughly 323,000,000 people in the United States.

There are roughly 1,281,900 people in the United States Military, representing roughly .37% of the population of the United States.

Roughly .6% of the population of the United States is transgender.

Since the percentage of people in the overall population is less than 1%, and les than half of 1% will ever serve in the Military, that means that this law will affect, at best, 10 to 15 people.

All of this shit over 10 to 15 people, and that is ONLY if they are open about it.

I don't know which is worse: Trump for making a big deal of it, or for other people making a big deal of it.


You know what's wrong with your selective facts? one is talking US as a is it you men survive life? Buttoning your buttons? Can I pin your mittens on for you?

There are 2400 transgender currently serving in our armed forces.
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