Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

trannies do weird shit to differentiate themselves. It has no place in the military if they wear makeup and dresses. If they wear a uniform and are confused about whether their penis is real then send them into battle. Im quitting the USA if the va starts doing penis chops for veterans. my Grandma warned me about this shit and I thought she was crazy.
IF they want penis removal surgery and hormones. those are guaranteed costs if so, unlike being injured in combat. Military wouldnt hire me because of my knee, it will cost them, but penis removal aint cheap either -probably over 50 grand, and it serves our country no purpose as opposed to fixing my knee. Trannies would flock to the military if we offered the surgery. I could go on with my military funded functional knee and work, what work can you do by removing a penis?
Im not sure if its an issue but Ill bet it is. Like I said they are good to go as a soldier but they bring issues that baffle my mind.

Btw = have you seen a tranny? they are disturbing and it aint good to confuse all the kids in the military. LOLA Im ok with trnsgender in the military, but no dressing up like women, and no surgeries. the girls have it easy because they just wear the uniform and thats that.
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Yet another cheap Dumpster Fire trick to distract the nation and rally his base- that fools no one and gains him nothing.

If even Orrin Hatch and John McCain are coming out against it, that's gotta be proof that the smokescreen tactic is an utter fail.

Never thought I'd find myself agreeing with Orrin Hatch on anything...
Trumps initial statement was to lgbt= who the fuck is that? How is a lesbian or a gay related to a tranny??? You can find lesbians straights or gays in nature, you are one or the other, but you cant group up and gang up on straight people. How is a tranny related to gay or lesbian? Its not related at all. Trump is ok with lesbians and gays, but he has enough sense to not allow military benefits to cover sex change operations. If you disagree then you are a moron.
The whole male female thing is purely human, my dog doesnt know if shes a girl or not.
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Trumps initial statement was to lgbt= who the fuck is that? How is a lesbian or a gay related to a tranny??? You can find lesbians straights or gays in nature, you are one or the other, but you cant group up and gang up on straight people. How is a tranny related to gay or lesbian? Its not related at all. Trump is ok with lesbians and gays, but he has enough sense to not allow military benefits to cover sex change operations. If you disagree then you are a moron.
The whole male female thing is purely human, my dog doesnt know if shes a girl or not.
Trump only has just enough sense to fool stupid people with distractions like this.

Judging by your responses, it seems to be working.
This was not Trumps distraction, Its the liberals repeating and berating him constantly that is distracting. You are the ones thinking he has to do something to appease a group of people. Hes the president, he will be for at least 4 years. And he doesnt give a fuck about politics or pleasing anybody. he wants good things for the USA and you and me. Unlike any other politician, hillary would be on her campaign trail already except she will die from bad health within 2 years.

Trump is focussing your hate on him, eventually you may figure out why. Its exposed th media and the snowflakes. Everything you hate in Trump will not be improved by another politician.
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you are the one thinking he has to do something to appease me. Hes the president, he will be for at least 4 years. he doesnt give a fuck about politics or pleasing anybody. he wants good things for th USA and you and me. Unlike any other politician, hillary would be on her campaign trail already except she will die from bad health within 2 years.

Trump is focussing your hate on him, eventually you may figure out why. Everything you hate in Trump will not be improved by another politician.
His ability to fool some of the people all the time is beyond doubt.

PT Barnum would understand.
hes the pres, thats that, whats the foolery about? I thought this was about my taxes funding men joining the military in order to have their penis chopped off for free. stay on topic please.
If that's what you think this is about then the point of the whole exercise has gone right over your limp head.
hes the pres, thats that, whats the foolery about? I thought this was about my taxes funding men joining the military in order to have their penis chopped off for free. stay on topic please.
Histrionic meltdown.

You can join the Bernietards in the long, delusional descent to madness.

I bet most (all probably) transgendered people in the military would kick your ass easy, that's what we need in the military, people who kick ass despite what genitals they have.