
I dont think anyone has blind faith in the Trump administration.

He hasnt even taken office yet and he has been accused, tried and impeached by the left already.

Give him a chance, he isnt a politician. I am sure the Republican congress will fuck up much of the good he could do.

  1. a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
    synonyms: legislator, elected official, statesman, stateswoman, public servant; More
    • US
      a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.

I dont want universal healthcare. I want competition and options.

Do you even know what you're saying here? Why would you want to pay more for the exact same service? The only difference between universal healthcare and a for profit system is that the health insurance companies are removed from the equation. They exist solely to skim profit.

What value do you feel that health insurance companies add?
None of this or anything else is doable, unless EVERYONE pays into the kitty in a fair and equitable manner.


By getting rid of lobby and pay to play..

Was this accomplished with electing Trump?

No, just the opposite.
This is where you lose people.

I never said it would happen under Trump, I was simply giving an example of how it works in 99% of civilised countries.

Lobbying and pay to play are a slightly different topic.

But ultimately we don't even need to change the tax rates, we just need to remove the exemptions (usually only accessible by the top scale of earners).

One huge part of it would be making a clear divide between what is income and what is capital gains.
I have kept the same health insurance plan throughout my career. It's a "Cadillac" plan. Had surgery yesterday, extensive shoulder work. I'll max out deductible and co pay and be on the hook for $5400. I expect that to inflate significantly due to usual and customary charges getting exceeded.

I don't wanna be taxed my rate for long term gains. Keep it at 15%.
My point is that the government lies to us. Excuse me for not buying in.

Giant corporations don't? Health insurance companies have entire departments dedicated to denying claims. The #1 reason for bankruptcies in this country is due to medical bills, most of which stem from denied claims, gaps in coverage, or no coverage.

So you're willing to put your trust in a for profit, mega corporation, but you don't trust the government to handle the delivery of health care because they lie?

Do you feel that Medicare is wrought with lies and broken promises? Do you know any seniors that turn away their Medicare coverage and instead purchase coverage through an insurance company?

Medicare is the most relevant example of how our govt would handle a single payer system, so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how it's run....
The arguing back and forth about the ACA is kind of pointless.

We need to remove insurance companies from the equation.

We can't have a universal healthcare system with insurance companies.
That's not going to happen under the current administration. Please re-post this when appropriate
Giant corporations don't? Health insurance companies have entire deparents dedicated to denying claims. The #1 reason for bankruptcies in this country is due to medical bills, most of which stem from denied claims, gaps in coverage, or no coverage.

So you're willing to put your trust in a for profit, mega corporation, but you don't trust the government to handle the delivery of health care because they lie?

Do you feel that Medicare is wrought with lies and broken promises? Do you know any seniors that turn away their Medicare coverage and instead purchase coverage through an insurance company?

Medicare is the most relevant example of how our govt would handle a single payer system, so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how it's run....
With choice is the option to choose another...

I put my trust in large corporations every time I get in my car or get on a plane. There are two sides to every coin and I see corporate benefits to society just as I see corporate abuse to society. But I notice far better customer service in the private sector, especially considering recent experiences at DMV and with Obamacare registration. No corporation would survive with a website as bad our Colorado Health Exchange. Every deal I've ever done with private corps was a mutually consensual transaction, which I like.

I have mixed thoughts on Medicare, largely out of deep respect for our seniors and how long the program has been around. But with increasing life spans, it will need to be revised, along with social security (means testing and older eligibility). Then again, I'm someone that believes we need to live within some practical level of debt obligations to be a strong country.

Regarding universal healthcare, the level of trust needed for me to buy into it isn't there. I've lost my doctors multiple times, lost my private plan, and never saved a dime with Obamacare. No thanks on doubling down until they earn my trust back, which probably won't happen. Lucky for you it isn't up to me! Keep promoting it if you believe in it and maybe you'll win me over. :bigjoint::peace: