Australia exports pedophiles.

There is also now a wiki page regarding the out of control pedophilia problem in Australia.
but it's from wikipedia so it's almost certainly full of shit.
There is also now a wiki page regarding the out of control pedophilia problem in Australia.
you just blew my mind.

due to wikipedia's long standing habit of making bizarrely specific but entirely incorrect assertions which deviate markedly from their purported source, i checked the numbers on that page.

and wouldnt you know it, the numbers all seem to be accurate, and the sources look valid!

trust the wikipedos to get that one right.
it is kinda their wheelhouse.

NCJRS Abstract
The document referenced below is part of the NCJRS Library collection.
To conduct further searches of the collection, visit theNCJRS Abstracts Database.

The conference was attended by academics, health and welfare professionals, lawyers, policymakers, police, and representatives of Commonwealth, State, and local government agencies. The aim of the conference was to explore various interpretations of pedophilia, to provide a forum for professionals from all relevant disciplines, to inform their practice, and to generate ideas that could also inform policy. Papers presented at the conference, 10 of which are included in this book, covered detection and reporting; investigation, prosecution, and defense; public education; treating offenders; and implications for civil liberties. One paper profiles pedophilia in Australia as the public health problem of the decade; it examines the nature of pedophilia and the characteristics of pedophiles, its causes, and how society has and should respond to this illness. A second paper explores opinion, policy, and practice in child sexual abuse and implications for detection and reporting. This is followed by a law enforcement perspective on the detection and reporting of child sexual abuse. Papers on the legal aspects of dealing with pedophilia focus on problems in the prosecution of pedophiles, the defense of alleged pedophiles, and the role of the courts. Other papers consider the role of public education in addressing pedophilia, risk-management measures for adolescent sexual offending, the treatment of pedophiles, and the implications of sex offender registration for privacy laws. References accompany the papers.
I still have not seen a donkey show. I asked a cab driver in Tijuana once to take me to it and he dropped me off at Adelitas and insisted that there was going to be a donkey show. When I went in I was greeted by a waiter who spoke broken English and had no idea that I spoke fluent Spanish. He took me to a table and asked me what I wanted to drink, it was a few years ago and I ordered a beer. I don't drink alcohol anymore though. Anyway when he returned, he asked me if I wanted a chica and I thought fuck no I don't want to associate with a woman who fucks donkeys, so I passed and asked what time the donkey show would start. He just laughed and walked away with out giving me change for my beer, I paid with a ten. Suddenly a gorgeous woman came and sat on my lap. When I say gorgeous, I mean she was hotter than all the porno actresses I had ever seen. A perfect 10 knock out. So I asked her "por que una mujer hermosa como usted necesita tener sexo con un burro?". She explained that there have not been donkey shows since the 90s and that she would never have sex with an animal. She said it was just in border towns because so many gringos wanted to see it. She made sure to point out that a self respecting Sinaloense is above such acts of depravity. Then she offered to take me upstairs to--well you can guess.
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There is a 22 year old woman that works at the Oxxo (conv. store like 7-11) down the street from my house with a 6 month old kid far better looking than her.

What the? Didn't you just come back from South America? Who thinks a toddler is hotter than her mother? OP is obviously a pedo.
What the? Didn't you just come back from South America? Who thinks a toddler is hotter than her mother? OP is obviously a pedo.

he said "better looking", not "hotter".

leave it to an australian like echelon1k1 to sexualize a fucking baby thereby proving the point of this thread.
not only that, sketchy etchy misquoted you and then sexualized a toddler, thereby proving the point that australia exports pedophiles.

lol no, the 22 year old who worked at Oxxo was better looking than some ugly ass Australian "model" despite having had a child 6 months earlier. I shouldn't have been posting that day. Of course Sketchy Etchy saw it and the pedo brain interpreted the tiny snip.
he said "better looking", not "hotter".
You got reading comprehension issues again drunkard.

You gonna zim zam the thread rape guy?

rapist for a cause

i will rape your daughter, no joke. in the butt.

i bet your GF could turn my soft into my hard, especially if i licked her tears during a non-consensual romp.

it's OK, i think one of them is blackout drunk and being raped against his will.

also, if your uncle drugs and rapes your 19 year old daughter, tough titties.
i hope your daughter gets raped.

Go back to stromfront you racist stooge and rape your nazi walrus
The conference was attended by academics, health and welfare professionals, lawyers, policymakers, police, and representatives of Commonwealth, State, and local government agencies. The aim of the conference was to explore various interpretations of pedophilia, to provide a forum for professionals from all relevant disciplines, to inform their practice, and to generate ideas that could also inform policy. Papers presented at the conference, 10 of which are included in this book, covered detection and reporting; investigation, prosecution, and defense; public education; treating offenders; and implications for civil liberties. One paper profiles pedophilia in Australia as the public health problem of the decade; it examines the nature of pedophilia and the characteristics of pedophiles, its causes, and how society has and should respond to this illness. A second paper explores opinion, policy, and practice in child sexual abuse and implications for detection and reporting. This is followed by a law enforcement perspective on the detection and reporting of child sexual abuse. Papers on the legal aspects of dealing with pedophilia focus on problems in the prosecution of pedophiles, the defense of alleged pedophiles, and the role of the courts. Other papers consider the role of public education in addressing pedophilia, risk-management measures for adolescent sexual offending, the treatment of pedophiles, and the implications of sex offender registration for privacy laws. References accompany the papers.