Those poor rapists

Everyone keeps calling this rape. It makes me feel bad for real rape victims.

I'm not even going to get into this one, i just get pissed off.

Some kids getting drunk and touching each others special spots is not rape in my opinion. And i find it sad how the media trivializes the suffering and trauma of violent rape victims by over sensationalizing every everything with catch phrases and coin terms to rile up the ignorant masses.

it keeps saying these kids were 15 and 16 and talking about how drunk they were but they never even once question WTF, 15 and 16 year old kids are doing out in the middle of the night drunk to the point of incapacitation.

I'm not saying, in any way, that the boys should not be punished.... but i don't agree with how this was handled at all.

i hope your daughter gets "raped". i'm sure you won't be upset at all.
You are such a sweet guy, thank you so much, I wish you the same.

except not, because its not her fault you fathered her.

you sound pretty upset.

but why would you be upset? if a bunch of boys get your teenage daughter drunk and touch her, that's not really rape. you even said so.

what am i missing here?
you sound pretty upset.

but why would you be upset? if a bunch of boys get your teenage daughter drunk and touch her, that's not really rape. you even said so.

what am i missing here?

upset?!? I smiled when I saw it was you who replied. I'm just not as good at trolling as you, haven't figured out how to add that air of not caring, while still taking the time to type out a reply.
Everyone keeps calling this rape. It makes me feel bad for real rape victims.

retard of the day award... please ask the victim if she thinks she was "really" raped...

You must be one of those guys who thinks "any holes a goal" a true fucking retard
When I was thirteen I was banging thirteen year old girls and so on. We didn't just touch each other. Today kids are much worse because of technology such as UB. LOL
this day and age when girls make mistakes they regret instead of standing up and taking responsibility for thier actions they cry rape so that they dont have rumors spread about them....instead it was rape and she was a victim when in fact she decided to go to a party, get drunk and fuck the football team....

really? are you serious? you actually think that most of the time teen girls run around trying to fuck the whole football team and then turn around AND turn and cry rape as an excuse?
Ok though really why where they carrying uncle bucks big sister around by her hands and feet. That was the worst pic of them all!

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this picture dosent prove anything unclefuck....could have been moving her or i said before im not saying these dude didnt get what they deserve if anything they got off easy...IF THEY ACTUALLY DID WHAT SHE SAYS THEY DID..

your a fucking moron..thats all i have to say...sorry you are a fucking retard who cant understand the concept i was trying to put across...or you just feel like trolling like a big boy...either way i could give a fuck less what your opinion of me is and i could also give a fuck less about your troll a bowl of dicks..
You loaded the statement. Then you proceeded to state that the girl who was raped here, was only raped if the boys were under 18; and then it's only a possibility of rape (See the bolded all counts.). Then you act like people saying you are implying the girl is just trying to cover up a mistake are just trying to make baseless accusations? Now, I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt lately, but you're making it hard. All the issues here can be simply dispelled by explaining that you just phrased it badly.

There's video evidence of this girl being unconscious during this party, and it's pretty damning; an unconscious person cannot consent. There may be issues with the sex offender registry, but you make it sound like most women who bring up rape charges are faking it; thus attacking the credibility of the girl in this situation. You can't be honestly surprised by the reactions, given the context. You were either baiting people; overlooking the context; or someone who feels the rape here didn't occur. Please feel free to clarify which end you were working towards.

i wasn't taking any sides.....i was simply saying that there seems to be alot of girls out there calling rape to cover for bad decisions.

i dont have all the evidence on hand to make a decision on wether she was concious or un concious when the "act" actually occured. and just because theres a video of her being unconcious dosent mean the act took place while she was passed out (tired of probabally spelling that wrong)

now if they had footage of the young men fucking this girl while she was passed out..then i taking

I dont know what happened, and like i said if they did in fact rape this girl while she was passed out drunk then they deserve thier dicks cut off...if she wasnt passed out and being a "friendly" party goer then i personally dont think they did anything wrong..

my opinion is soley based on what happened in any case...not blame the victim. and not blame the rapist either.

i also said that if they were older men then they have no business having sex with a 16 year old girl regaurdless of her state of mind...

not really sure why im getting flamed...all i said was seems like chicks are using the rape whistle as a scapegoat for poor decisions...i never said this girl was doing it, it was a generalized statement on the topic at hand..

so again sorry if i was misunderstood, i have no side to pick on this particular case..nor do i really care...i dont feel bad for them boys if they were in the wrong..and i sure as shit dont feel bad for the girl if she is making false accusations..again i dont know what went on so i cant pick a side.
i just want to know why its the guys fault?

2 people get drunk...and have sex, later it becomes rape and its the males fault.....maybe them boys should claim rape on the girl......since you retards (uncleben) are mising my overall statement ill just start being a dick like the rest of you closed minded opinionated fuckholes...hope your sons go to prison on a false rape claim then you can ask the girl if it was "really rape"

BTW in my mind rape is when a man grabs a woman. drags her into a ally and forces himself into her....not when 2 people get drunk...make a stupid decision and then regret it the next day.

anyways thanks for the free rep just to tell me i suck...i already knew that..

and just a FYI i have no respect for a rapist....a real rapist..a 35 year old man diddling 10 year olds......thats a sick fuck....a few drunk teenagers.....thats high school so get off your high fucking horse and fuck off :)

have a nice day cunts
i just want to know why its the guys fault?

didn't your dad ever tell you that it's wrong to take advantage of drunk women?

how pathetic do you have to be if you have to get a girl drunk beyond drunk in order to get your dick in her?

what's worse is when people try to justify this kind of rape.
i just want to know why its the guys fault?

2 people get drunk...and have sex, later it becomes rape and its the males fault.....maybe them boys should claim rape on the girl......since you retards (uncleben) are mising my overall statement ill just start being a dick like the rest of you closed minded opinionated fuckholes...hope your sons go to prison on a false rape claim then you can ask the girl if it was "really rape"

BTW in my mind rape is when a man grabs a woman. drags her into a ally and forces himself into her....not when 2 people get drunk...make a stupid decision and then regret it the next day.

anyways thanks for the free rep just to tell me i suck...i already knew that..

and just a FYI i have no respect for a rapist....a real rapist..a 35 year old man diddling 10 year olds......thats a sick fuck....a few drunk teenagers.....thats high school so get off your high fucking horse and fuck off :)

have a nice day cunts

ex football player?

edit - after reading your above reply again, there's no doubt you're an ex footballer... In your mind she can't say NO so that means YES...
Everyone keeps calling this rape. It makes me feel bad for real rape victims.

I'm not even going to get into this one, i just get pissed off.

Some kids getting drunk and touching each others special spots is not rape in my opinion. And i find it sad how the media trivializes the suffering and trauma of violent rape victims by over sensationalizing every everything with catch phrases and coin terms to rile up the ignorant masses.

it keeps saying these kids were 15 and 16 and talking about how drunk they were but they never even once question WTF, 15 and 16 year old kids are doing out in the middle of the night drunk to the point of incapacitation.

I'm not saying, in any way, that the boys should not be punished.... but i don't agree with how this was handled at all.

If this had been a a violent rape they would of gotten more years.

It is still rape. Perhaps even premeditated rape.