zimmerman news

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how is he innocent? he instigated an incident which ended up in a life being taken away, and could have ended the incident with his hand on martin's wrist instead of a bullet to the heart.

that's far from innocent, even if he is found not guilty.

words have meanings, ya know.
I think he tried that dumb shit.
how is he innocent? he instigated an incident which ended up in a life being taken away, and could have ended the incident with his hand on martin's wrist instead of a bullet to the heart.

that's far from innocent, even if he is found not guilty.

words have meanings, ya know.

At this point he is presumed innocent. Unless he is found guilty, the presumption of innocence remains. Trayvon instigated the incident by assaulting Z viciously. Z is innocent because he fired that gun in self defense.

Words, and actions, mean something, you know.
Asking someone "What the fuck are you doing in my neighborhood, motherfucker" That is not illegal. It is not nice. But not illegal.
Maybe Martin felt it with his leg? Maybe TM was straddling Z's waist and bent over Z raining blows and saw it?

ok, so you're going with the "magical eyeballs in the back of the head" theory. got it.

Let me ask you (anybody reading this) a question: Have you ever been breathing heavily from physical exertion, your heart pounding, your respiration rate through the roof? Try holding your breath in that scenario. See how long you can do it. Now imagine if somebody clamps their hand over your mouth and nose to stop you from screaming for help and in the process stop you from breathing. Would that feel like being smothered?

ok, so you're going with the magical "screaming while suffocated" theory, as well as the "blood from the nose doesn't get on the other person's hands" theory.

alright. wood nymphs, leprechauns, and narwhals it is!
Trayvon instigated the incident by assaulting Z viciously.

you have no evidence for that at all, and repeating it won't make it true.

there is more evidence to believe that martin acted in self defense since, by zimmerman's own account, martin was running away and zimmerman was chasing.

but go on with your assumptions if they make you feel better, buttercup.
In my opinion its a good thing zimm shot him.
Look what this little gang banger "no limitz nigga" was capable of.



The moral of this sad story is, Don't jump on top of someone to 'ground and pound'. If you knock someone(a stranger) to the ground then it is your moral and human responsibility to get up and assess the situation. Either, run away or try and establish communication with a witness. Otherwise, no matter who started the argument, or even threw the first punch DOES NOT MATTER. WE are talking about LAW here, not what is moral. The Law says, you have the right to defend yourself with deadly force if you life is endanger...in Florida
In my opinion its a good thing zimm shot him.
Look what this little gang banger "no limitz nigga" was capable of.




you grow pot and have guns too, why shouldn't you be chased down and shot?

hell, we don't even know whose pot or gun that is, and you are glad he was shot for it.

so much for your denial from way long ago about when you called this shooting "a necessary good". you tried to deny saying that for the longest time.

well, i guess you've decided to dust off the white robe and wear it proudly now.

remember though, you did it to yourself.
you grow pot and have guns too, why shouldn't you be chased down and shot?

hell, we don't even know whose pot or gun that is, and you are glad he was shot for it.

so much for your denial from way long ago about when you called this shooting "a necessary good". you tried to deny saying that for the longest time.

well, i guess you've decided to dust off the white robe and wear it proudly now.

remember though, you did it to yourself.
Your statement beautifully illustrates how ignorant and fervently you are foaming at the mouth.
Gun laws in all 50 states, you cannot buy a pistol at 17.
That gun you see him holding is probably most likely hot.
TM is a hardened criminal.
Your statement beautifully illustrates how ignorant and fervently you are foaming at the mouth.
Gun laws in all 50 states, you cannot buy a pistol at 17.
That gun you see him holding is probably most likely hot.
TM is a hardened criminal.

there is zero evidence that martin is holding that gun.

and if it is, it could very well belong to someone over 18, legally owned and all.

you are making baseless, racist assumptions.
well then that totally negates the fact that he said he had wrist control over martin.
Serino: Compact? And you were able to overpower him as far as holding his wrist, you gained wrist…we call it wrist control…you gained wrist control on him basically, and you were able to basically liberate both hands…

Serino asked him about having wrist control, and he agreed that he managed to grab his wrist right before he shot him. Get your facts straight. Hopefully you'll shut up about, derp derp full wrist control. But more than likely not.

Full wrist control is import because the gun was concealed in a soft holster on GZ's small of his back..all he had to do was lift his butt slightly and pull from the right.

Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. I'm gonna say this definition fits what GZ did.

As for addresses..in Florida, all of our streets run north/south and east/west and 99% of our streets are numerals..I find it really hard to believe GZ had ANY issue with addresses where he lived..his complex had ONLY 3 streets..c'mon already!

Many of these ideas are mine so why are you attacking UB?
Negative, inside the pants holster in on your side.
Serino: Compact? And you were able to overpower him as far as holding his wrist, you gained wrist…we call it wrist control…you gained wrist control on him basically, and you were able to basically liberate both hands…

Serino asked him about having wrist control, and he agreed that he managed to grab his wrist right before he shot him. Get your facts straight. Hopefully you'll shut up about, derp derp full wrist control. But more than likely not.

so he was able to take control over martin's hand and arms by exercising wrist control, and so he needed to shoot him why?

glad you finally decided to do some homework, desert dud and red flatly refuse to even bother learning all the facts of the case.
That was in the beginning when he first started to train..he lost weight and gained strength during that year he was training..do you think if he had no results he would still be going to training? That instructor really tried to minimize which is why he went cocky..

Incorrect again. He said that even when he lost all the weight he was still unathletic and weak.
so he was able to take control over martin's hand and arms by exercising wrist control, and so he needed to shoot him why?

glad you finally decided to do some homework, desert dud and red flatly refuse to even bother learning all the facts of the case.

I've known that facts of the case. And it wasn't his arms, it was his wrist and it was only long enough to grab his gun before TM did. Either way, during the struggle, if TM went for his gun that is reason enough to shoot him. Cause all in all, it seems like he only shot him because he was going for his gun to shoot him first. At least that is the way it sounds, and at that point, no marks, bruises, broken nose or anything matters, cause his life was instantly in danger if he went for his gun.
I've known that facts of the case. And it wasn't his arms, it was his wrist and it was only long enough to grab his gun before TM did. Either way, during the struggle, if TM went for his gun that is reason enough to shoot him. Cause all in all, it seems like he only shot him because he was going for his gun to shoot him first. At least that is the way it sounds, and at that point, no marks, bruises, broken nose or anything matters, cause his life was instantly in danger if he went for his gun.

the wrist bone is connected to the arm bone, silly.

and there is zero evidence that martin went for the gun. none at all.

in fact, it would be basically impossible for martin to see the gun, unless you invoke the "eyeballs in the back of the head" theory.
the wrist bone is connected to the arm bone, silly.

and there is zero evidence that martin went for the gun. none at all.

in fact, it would be basically impossible for martin to see the gun, unless you invoke the "eyeballs in the back of the head" theory.
How would it be impossible? During a scuffle you are moving side to side, your jacket gets caught up under you and your firearm is exposed. You could say that it was impossible for him to see the gun, but I'm pretty sure his eyes were adjusted enough to see it. Even if he didn't see it first, he probably felt it with his leg, and TM has handled firearms so I know he knew what it felt like.

You do know that any slight finger prints can be washed away by regular water right? But the fact still remains that he doesn't even need to touch his firearm as long as he goes for it.
there is zero evidence that martin is holding that gun.

and if it is, it could very well belong to someone over 18, legally owned and all.

you are making baseless, racist assumptions.
Who ever is holding it is someone trying to be hard.
My guns don't have side by side shots with my garden.
Also the fact that they are resting their finger on the trigger shows their lack of respect for the weapon.
Most likely some teen who takes on the persona of gangsta thug life.
so he was able to take control over martin's hand and arms by exercising wrist control, and so he needed to shoot him why?

glad you finally decided to do some homework, desert dud and red flatly refuse to even bother learning all the facts of the case.

Oh, I know the facts quite well. You skirt them continuously, and it is not worth responding to your lying troll-work. It is amusing, though. Watching the prosecution stepping on their own dicks over and over is kind of fun. Pretty much all of your "facts" have fallen by the way side.
I won't speak for anybody else, but I am always happy when an innocent person is exonerated.

i look at it for what it is. dude thought he was badass. approached someone at night like a fucking prick/creep and gets his ass kicked. serves him right. but the kid deserved to be shot? in what way was this dude doing the right thing? i don't give a flying fuck about the kids history. I smoked tons of weed when i was 16 and held my fair share of guns at 16. people like george shouldn't have guns. we have no need for those people in society. armed aggressors.
i look at it for what it is. dude thought he was badass. approached someone at night like a fucking prick/creep and gets his ass kicked. serves him right. but the kid deserved to be shot? in what way was this dude doing the right thing? i don't give a flying fuck about the kids history. I smoked tons of weed when i was 16 and held my fair share of guns at 16. people like george shouldn't have guns. we have no need for those people in society. armed aggressors.

You have the facts wrong. Z did not approach TM, it was the other way 'round. Z was "keeping an eye on" TM just as the police dispatcher asked him to.

How long would you allow somebody to pound your head against the concrete before you took the only defensive measure you were capable of taking by shooting TM? Don't answer for your own bad-ass self who knows how to fight and grapple, instead put your self in Zimmerman's shoes: you are a soft, over weight, guy with no fighting skills and you are being beaten savagely by a guy who shows no signs of stopping the beating. How long before the fatal blow lands against your head? That is the question the jury will have to answer.

I would have done the same thing that Z did. Nobody gets a free shot at killing me. TM crossed that line, and he died because of it.
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