zimmerman news

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Are you watching the live trial right this moment? If not, the gym owner is testifying where GZ trained and he has said that GZ was not athletic and not very trained and he gives him around a 1 in athleticism and training. He also said that within a "ground and pound" position it would be very hard to get out of that position if someone is not trained. He also gave him a .5 in boxing.
I'm also going to assume that you either cant fight, or don't know how. Simply because size DOES NOT MATTER. I have beat the hell out of someone twice my size and weight, explain that, since the guy was much bigger than myself.

well then that totally negates the fact that he said he had wrist control over martin.
well then that totally negates the fact that he said he had wrist control over martin.

The "wrist control" statement was made by Serino during interrogation. I had never heard the term "wrist control" before you started chanting it, Buck. I doubt anybody else reading this had ever heard it before either. It means exactly nothing. Eye witnesses all corroborate Z's account of that night. Z was getting beaten viciously and shot TM in self defense, exactly as I have been saying for about a year.

Z's defense team is good, but that is not the main reason he is winning. He is winning because he told a true story and he has the facts on his side. The fact that you want to see an innocent person behind bars, or with "his life ruined" marks you as the soulless, self loathing liberal we have all ridiculed for as long as I have been an RIU member.
police reports had zimm at 200 pounds, martin at 158, so it was more like 42 pounds.

and yes, zimm himself said he was able to exercise full wrist control over martin, which would be enough to stop any fight that he caused with his following and pursuing.

still, the defense did a good job in this case, and zimm will likely walk.

his life is still ruined, so i'm not worried.

I took GZ weight from Wiki..so with 42+ pounds its even more compelling.

GZ could have stopped his assbeat by "shrimping" or any one of a dozen ways as explained by GZ martial arts instructor..additionally anyone who loses 50-80 pounds after one year of training (while still obese) he had to have been strong..martial arts guy looked stupid and cocky.

Defense made their own mistakes including today..I wouldn't discount prosecution just yet.

The meat of the case is still the same.

I'm still saying manslaughter..it totally fits.
The "wrist control" statement was made by Serino during interrogation.

and zimmerman assented. zimm said yes to the question of whether or not he had wrist control.

of course, you think serino should have been fired for asking a question during an interrogation, thereby proving what a knuckleheaded baboon you are.

TI had never heard the term "wrist control" before you started chanting it, Buck. I doubt anybody else reading this had ever heard it before either. It means exactly nothing.


it means he had wrist control, it means he was able to take control over martin's hands and arms.

are you fucking stupid?

Eye witnesses all corroborate Z's account of that night.

some, not all. no need to lie there, sweetheart.

He is winning because he told a true story

which one was that? he told lots of different stories, and many parts have been proven to be 100% false.

again, are you fucking stupid, or do you leave this all out on purpose?

and he has the facts on his side.

except for the facts that contradict his account.

The fact that you want to see an innocent person behind bars, or with "his life ruined" marks you as the soulless, self loathing liberal we have all ridiculed for as long as I have been an RIU member.

he's not innocent. he instigated a confrontation and ended it with a bullet when wrist control would have done the same thing.

zimm is a wannabe cop vigilante who made a series of very poor decisions that night and then lied about it.

he ruined his own life with his own poor decisions. at least he still gets to watch sunsets and breathe air though.

and eat food, dude is eating a lot of food.
I took GZ weight from Wiki..so with 42+ pounds its even more compelling.

GZ could have stopped his assbeat by "shrimping" or any one of a dozen ways as explained by GZ martial arts instructor..additionally anyone who loses 50-80 pounds after one year of training (while still obese) he had to have been strong..martial arts guy looked stupid and cocky.

Defense made their own mistakes including today..I wouldn't discount prosecution just yet.

The meat of the case is still the same.

I'm still saying manslaughter..it totally fits.

manslaughter works, but i'm in the murder 2 camp.

zimm acted with reckless disregard for human life, and acted out of ill will and hatred for martin.

that fucking punk. that fucking asshole. can't be letting him get away.
Hahahahahaha... "full wrist control...", "wandering around in the back looking for addresses...", "stalked Trayvon...", "Zim out weighed Travyon..."

You seize on the most ridiculous shit, Buck.

Full wrist control is import because the gun was concealed in a soft holster on GZ's small of his back..all he had to do was lift his butt slightly and pull from the right.

Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. I'm gonna say this definition fits what GZ did.

As for addresses..in Florida, all of our streets run north/south and east/west and 99% of our streets are numerals..I find it really hard to believe GZ had ANY issue with addresses where he lived..his complex had ONLY 3 streets..c'mon already!

Many of these ideas are mine so why are you attacking UB?
zimmerman himself assented that he had wrist control, so your accusation of "ridiculous shit" is on zimmerman, not me.

zimm weighed more than martin by plenty, so not sure why a mundane fact is "ridiculous shit".

addresses are not on the backs of houses, that's not "ridiculous shit", that's pure fact.

i'm sorry these things upset you so much, cupcake.

Wait a minute!!!..I thought I was YOUR cupcake..I'm jelly!!!!
Full wrist control is import because the gun was concealed in a soft holster on GZ's small of his back..all he had to do was lift his butt slightly and pull from the right.

Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. I'm gonna say this definition fits what GZ did.

As for addresses..in Florida, all of our streets run north/south and east/west and 99% of our streets are numerals..I find it really hard to believe GZ had ANY issue with addresses where he lived..his complex had ONLY 3 streets..c'mon already!

Many of these ideas are mine so why are you attacking UB?

I will happily say you are dumb as a fucking post as well. All of your stated "facts" are wrong.
Hmmmmmm...TM did not touch the gun? Kinda think that's important since that is part of GZ's very FLUID story..IMO

You just reinforce your reputation at excessive stupidity. Absence of DNA on the gun does not mean that Trayvon did not touch the gun.
Are you watching the live trial right this moment? If not, the gym owner is testifying where GZ trained and he has said that GZ was not athletic and not very trained and he gives him around a 1 in athleticism and training. He also said that within a "ground and pound" position it would be very hard to get out of that position if someone is not trained. He also gave him a .5 in boxing.
I'm also going to assume that you either cant fight, or don't know how. Simply because size DOES NOT MATTER. I have beat the hell out of someone twice my size and weight, explain that, since the guy was much bigger than myself.

That was in the beginning when he first started to train..he lost weight and gained strength during that year he was training..do you think if he had no results he would still be going to training? That instructor really tried to minimize which is why he went cocky..
You just reinforce your reputation at excessive stupidity. Absence of DNA on the gun does not mean that Trayvon did not touch the gun.

i still want to know how he even saw it.

goode says zimm is inching towards the sidewalk, zimm says he is inching towards the grass, but despite the clear contradiction between what eyewitnesses saw and what zimm says happened, the gun becomes exposed according to zimm.

but according to zimm, at this point martin is straddling him and trying to suffocate him (even though he has none of zimm's nose blood on his hands, cuffs, or fingernails, and zimm says it is him screaming, despite being suffocated....ignore the impossibility of all of that).

so if martin is on top and suffocating zimm, or landing those "25-30" blows that are totally not consistent with zimm's actual injuries, or slamming his head on concrete which is also not consistent with the injuries, how the hell would martin have seen the gun that was directly behind and below him?

are we gonna go with the eyes in the back of the head theory? did martin pause, turn around to take a sip of his refreshing beverage, and notice the gun then?

someone please explain how martin sees the gun given the rest of this (very unlikely) story.
manslaughter works, but i'm in the murder 2 camp.

zimm acted with reckless disregard for human life, and acted out of ill will and hatred for martin.

that fucking punk. that fucking asshole. can't be letting him get away.

I agree..but magic florida 8-ball says manslaughter..
Is it possible that GZ's pants rode up his waist & that TM was straddling him about the thighs ?
IDK the answer - just a possible scenario.
Is it possible that GZ's pants rode up his waist & that TM was straddling him about the thighs ?
IDK the answer - just a possible scenario.

i suppose that's possible, although zimm woukld have wedgied himself pretty bad to do that since he said martin was straddling his chest.

also, as you can see in the pics from right after, zimm's shirt is neatly tucked in and not really messed up in any way.

i suppose zimm could have tended to his shirt after shooting martin, he seems like the kind of guy who would be more worried about that than the kid he just shot dead.
I won't speak for anybody else, but I am always happy when an innocent person is exonerated.

how is he innocent? he instigated an incident which ended up in a life being taken away, and could have ended the incident with his hand on martin's wrist instead of a bullet to the heart.

that's far from innocent, even if he is found not guilty.

words have meanings, ya know.
i still want to know how he even saw it.

goode says zimm is inching towards the sidewalk, zimm says he is inching towards the grass, but despite the clear contradiction between what eyewitnesses saw and what zimm says happened, the gun becomes exposed according to zimm.

but according to zimm, at this point martin is straddling him and trying to suffocate him (even though he has none of zimm's nose blood on his hands, cuffs, or fingernails, and zimm says it is him screaming, despite being suffocated....ignore the impossibility of all of that).

so if martin is on top and suffocating zimm, or landing those "25-30" blows that are totally not consistent with zimm's actual injuries, or slamming his head on concrete which is also not consistent with the injuries, how the hell would martin have seen the gun that was directly behind and below him?

are we gonna go with the eyes in the back of the head theory? did martin pause, turn around to take a sip of his refreshing beverage, and notice the gun then?

someone please explain how martin sees the gun given the rest of this (very unlikely) story.

Maybe Martin felt it with his leg? Maybe TM was straddling Z's waist and bent over Z raining blows and saw it?

Let me ask you (anybody reading this) a question: Have you ever been breathing heavily from physical exertion, your heart pounding, your respiration rate through the roof? Try holding your breath in that scenario. See how long you can do it. Now imagine if somebody clamps their hand over your mouth and nose to stop you from screaming for help and in the process stop you from breathing. Would that feel like being smothered?
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