They couldn't make it as private practitioners, so they go work for government for 90K a year.
When they show Martin's father's statement immediately ofter first hearing the tape where he said that wasn't his son, that will tip towards the defense. The only witness who actually saw any of the fight saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him. All the physical evidence agrees with Zimmerman's account. I don't see anything but acquittal here.
Im so sick of hearing about this garbage, shit!
If trayvon was the one to kill zimmerman we'd never even know who these people were.
The media is just looking to divide and conquer by racist propaganda.
I for one am sick of the media trying to make racism prevalent among everyone like its fucking normal.
One thing I know is that with over 40,000 posts on this site (30,000 within the last year), you have nothing to do except read news and post. Still selling treadmills, or just collecting welfare there Buck?
"I want to feel more a part of the whole""for the longest time employers have devised ways in making sure employees do not get health coverage".......Do you have any idea how brainwashed you are?
still waiting on citation of your claim that zimmerman's DNA was not on his own gun.
either cite it or just admit that you tried to tell (yet another) lie, herr red.
If I were seated on that jury the cries for help wouldn't even matter..bottom line..the wannabe warrior got the surprise of his life with an azzzzzzzzzzz beating from the unarmed 17 year old kid from Miami..crying out like an oversized Pillsbury Dough Boy..he made THE lethal choice of the many NON lethal choices he could have made as he outweighed TM by 25 pounds..GZ had the autonomy of his limbs and weight while being hammered WAS testified to..FACT.
FACT: GZ DNA was the only DNA to be found EXCLUSIVE of anyone else..
police reports had zimm at 200 pounds, martin at 158, so it was more like 42 pounds.
and yes, zimm himself said he was able to exercise full wrist control over martin, which would be enough to stop any fight that he caused with his following and pursuing.
still, the defense did a good job in this case, and zimm will likely walk.
his life is still ruined, so i'm not worried.
FACT: GZ DNA was the only DNA to be found EXCLUSIVE of anyone else..
Hahahahahaha... "full wrist control...", "wandering around in the back looking for addresses...", "stalked Trayvon...", "Zim out weighed Travyon..."
You seize on the most ridiculous shit, Buck.
So what?
Are you watching the live trial right this moment? If not, the gym owner is testifying where GZ trained and he has said that GZ was not athletic and not very trained and he gives him around a 1 in athleticism and training. He also said that within a "ground and pound" position it would be very hard to get out of that position if someone is not trained. He also gave him a .5 in boxing.zimmerman himself assented that he had wrist control, so your accusation of "ridiculous shit" is on zimmerman, not me.
zimm weighed more than martin by plenty, so not sure why a mundane fact is "ridiculous shit".
addresses are not on the backs of houses, that's not "ridiculous shit", that's pure fact.
i'm sorry these things upset you so much, cupcake.
Genius defense team! This is a easy Not Guilty verdict.
Hometown buffet?Where the hell is Zimmermans wife?
Hometown buffet?