zimmerman news

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Who thinks that Zimmerman should take the witness stand?

I don't think he needs to. Especially since he isn't very bright and the prosecution would just love to try and confuse him.

Why would he, the defense APPEARS to be light years ahead in this trial. Any and all of the trouble he finds himself in, is in large part, due to the opening of his mouth to say anything other than "I went behind the houses to maintain observation, I was attacked, I feared for my life and I fired in self defense. I remember NOTHING else...no details, nothing specific." Perfect example of why you NEVER speak to the police without an attorney.
Why would he, the defense APPEARS to be light years ahead in this trial. Any and all of the trouble he finds himself in, is in large part, due to the opening of his mouth to say anything other than "I went behind the houses to maintain observation, I was attacked, I feared for my life and I fired in self defense. I remember NOTHING else...no details, nothing specific." Perfect example of why you NEVER speak to the police without an attorney.

He decided not to take the stand, which was the best option.
I would talk to police without an attorney. But then again, I know the law and I know just as much as attorneys. :lol:
Be careful...

With what?

This case reminded me of something my instructor told me during my firearm training. He was like, if you 'really' need to shoot someone, put a knife in their hand afterwards, it gives you more probable cause for using deadly force. :lol: He was a police officer.
With what?

This case reminded me of something my instructor told me during my firearm training. He was like, if you 'really' need to shoot someone, put a knife in their hand afterwards, it gives you more probable cause for using deadly force. :lol: He was a police officer.

If you decide to talk to the cops after a Zimmerman-like episode, be careful. I wouldn't do it, except for a bare minimum statement as outlined by Muy.
name, rank, serial number. Never talk to the police if you are a suspect! never never never never. I record cops AMAP. Also, guns are for weenies. Get a can a mace and go to the gym. don't be a weenie like zimmmerman.
If you decide to talk to the cops after a Zimmerman-like episode, be careful. I wouldn't do it, except for a bare minimum statement as outlined by Muy.

If he hadn't talked to them, but instead ran and kept quiet he would be in some REALLY deep s**t and would have a lot harder time of it.
name, rank, serial number. Never talk to the police if you are a suspect! never never never never. I record cops AMAP. Also, guns are for weenies. Get a can a mace and go to the gym. don't be a weenie like zimmmerman.

I carry a rock hammer in the door of my truck, a knife near the tailgate, and usually have a gun with me somewhere. I've been the minority in a few cities I've lived in and I have seen first hand how that will make you a target. The times I have been in trouble, I've just ran to my car and sped off. No way I can fight off 7 people.
If you decide to talk to the cops after a Zimmerman-like episode, be careful. I wouldn't do it, except for a bare minimum statement as outlined by Muy.
I would never put myself into a situation where I would be the guilty party. Fact is, if you are innocent and did nothing wrong, there is no reason to hide from the cops. Zimmerman didn't and they felt all his story checked out and sent him home. We all know why this trial is in place to begin with.
name, rank, serial number. Never talk to the police if you are a suspect! never never never never. I record cops AMAP. Also, guns are for weenies. Get a can a mace and go to the gym. don't be a weenie like zimmmerman.

You are only a suspect if you did something wrong.

Also, guns are not fore weenies. I use guns for many a different reasons, which include but is not limited to: Protection, hunting, target shooting, sport etc....

Here is a scenario for you; You and your wife/girlfriend whatever, are walking to your car, you for some reason fall behind and the next thing you see is some dipshit pointing a gun in the face of your loved one. would you rather not have a gun to put one in that fuckers head, or watch your loved ones get their blown off? Mace is for my fiancee, she carries it everywhere, but that is only because she hasn't been though the course yet to carry one. Also, I am very active with working out, and by no means a weenie and can very much hold my own.

Don't get me wrong, not all situations are for a gun. If someone is running their mouth and puts their hands on me, I'll put them down and not with the gun. I carry a gun because you never know when you will need it, and you never know when someone else is going to pull one on you. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
I carry a rock hammer in the door of my truck, a knife near the tailgate, and usually have a gun with me somewhere. I've been the minority in a few cities I've lived in and I have seen first hand how that will make you a target. The times I have been in trouble, I've just ran to my car and sped off. No way I can fight off 7 people.

You'd be surprised how easy it is. Just extend your arms, ball your fists in a hammer fashion and spin in a really good circle. :lol:
I stand by every comment I made. I believe that nature, and science, supports everything I said.

As far as nature's "wants", I believe I explained that to you sometime last year...you don't learn very well do you?

It is a common conversational piece for people to say that nature "wants" when we mean that nature "dictates" based upon "natural" happenings...

Just like nature "wants" Downs Syndrome people to NOT procreate. It's just a figure of speech that educated people use. Sorry, but I mean no disrespect to you.

Come on Buck, humble yourself and go back to college and finish that degree you quit on all those years ago...dying a dropout quitter will do you no good...Leave a positive legacy for your children...besides giving them the ultimate guide to treadmills...

Please do research before you post..Down's Syndrome children can marry..females are very capable of having children..men are sterile.
I would never put myself into a situation where I would be the guilty party. Fact is, if you are innocent and did nothing wrong, there is no reason to hide from the cops. Zimmerman didn't and they felt all his story checked out and sent him home. We all know why this trial is in place to begin with.

You are only a suspect if you did something wrong.

Also, guns are not fore weenies. I use guns for many a different reasons, which include but is not limited to: Protection, hunting, target shooting, sport etc....

Here is a scenario for you; You and your wife/girlfriend whatever, are walking to your car, you for some reason fall behind and the next thing you see is some dipshit pointing a gun in the face of your loved one. would you rather not have a gun to put one in that fuckers head, or watch your loved ones get their blown off? Mace is for my fiancee, she carries it everywhere, but that is only because she hasn't been though the course yet to carry one. Also, I am very active with working out, and by no means a weenie and can very much hold my own.

Don't get me wrong, not all situations are for a gun. If someone is running their mouth and puts their hands on me, I'll put them down and not with the gun. I carry a gun because you never know when you will need it, and you never know when someone else is going to pull one on you. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

Zim's cooperation with the cops might have helped him, but as a practical matter and "words to live by" you should never talk to the cops. Every defense attorney will tell you the same thing.
Zim's cooperation with the cops might have helped him, but as a practical matter and "words to live by" you should never talk to the cops. Every defense attorney will tell you the same thing.

Well of course they will, they want your business.

Hell, I would say anything to get someone to pay me 300 dollars an hour. :wink:
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