You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage

Bs lots of work for new graduates.. they may have to start at a nursing home for a year but plenty of work.
Incorrect, hospitals are phasing out LPN positions, forcing them to move to rehab facilities(nice word for nursing home). The two classes before me as well as the class I would have graduated with are only 15% employed.
Incorrect, hospitals are phasing out LPN positions, forcing them to move to rehab facilities(nice word for nursing home). The two classes before me as well as the class I would have graduated with are only 15% employed.

Then be a real nurse thats called an RN these days.
An EXCELLENT point! All these apologists for low wages- welllllll, so why isn't the economy doing better then? They've been getting exactly what their economic prescription has been calling for, for over forty thirty years now! They never want to explain that, however.

Personally, if it doesn't work, it's time to try something different. The neurosis of the right never ceases to amaze me.

i found this last extended interview (30 minutes) with katie 'the cow' couric with bernie:hug:..this guy is the real deal! katie is such a fucking biatch trying to get my bernie bear to criticize as he deflects so eloquently!

Incorrect, hospitals are phasing out LPN positions, forcing them to move to rehab facilities(nice word for nursing home). The two classes before me as well as the class I would have graduated with are only 15% employed.

But that's by government mandate. They are making it illegal to perform certain activities based on a piece of paper. I had to let my PT aide go (transfer to different department) who had 25 years experience and was one of the best therapists re: ther ex I've ever worked with. He was awesome in the ICU, much better than I was with dealing with the myriad of IVs and other impediments because of his years of experience. It's now illegal for him to have direct pt care contact without direct supervision. If I had to send a new grad person with a piece of paper to watch him do everything while doing nothing it kind of defeated the purpose of having a licensed person there.

If you were post-op joint replacement, the aide on staff was the safest and most skilled person on my staff to work with. The government made it illegal for him to his job anymore.
i found this last extended interview (30 minutes) with katie 'the cow' couric with bernie:hug:..this guy is the real deal! katie is such a fucking biatch trying to get my bernie bear to criticize as he deflects so eloquently!


If the supply of housing is artificially kept low by government restriction would Bernie, let the supply increase to meet the demand in the natural flow of things (have government butt out) or would he steal money or inflate it, then forcefully redistribute the money and "solve" the problem while creating other problems too?

Yes, you don't understand supply and demand, now go eat some Kale.
But that's by government mandate. They are making it illegal to perform certain activities based on a piece of paper. I had to let my PT aide go (transfer to different department) who had 25 years experience and was one of the best therapists re: ther ex I've ever worked with. He was awesome in the ICU, much better than I was with dealing with the myriad of IVs and other impediments because of his years of experience. It's now illegal for him to have direct pt care contact without direct supervision. If I had to send a new grad person with a piece of paper to watch him do everything while doing nothing it kind of defeated the purpose of having a licensed person there.

If you were post-op joint replacement, the aide on staff was the safest and most skilled person on my staff to work with. The government made it illegal for him to his job anymore.
Yea, I'm not arguing the efficacy of LPN s. I knew a few great ones. I'm arguing with that other guy the reason there's no jobs. Healthcare industry is going to shit, between HCAHPS and everyone afraid of lawsuits.
Sometimes I wonder if pharmacists sometimes feel like I did selling cigars- like some kind of pusher...

I used to work with a GP from Turkey that needed to be reminded all the time to put which med on the Rx. His country he wrote the symptoms and diagnosis and the pharmacist who was more trained in meds decided the meds and dosage. That made so much more sense to me.

I understand that here, that would lead to fraud and abuse, but doctors already get accused of being in the pocket of big Pharma.
Yea, I'm not arguing the efficacy of LPN s. I knew a few great ones. I'm arguing with that other guy the reason there's no jobs. Healthcare industry is going to shit, between HCAHPS and everyone afraid of lawsuits.

i knew this would's actually pretty mass exodus as people are finding this out..enrollment is down at school.
Why aren't all the job creators "growing our economy"? They're enjoying some of the lowest tax rates in US history at the moment, so where are all these jobs they promised to create if we lower their taxes?

The internet is where all the jobs went. It sounds like you said to somebody that you were making money posting here and you never answered me about it, so you have it figured out. Why would someone go to the store nowadays when you can buy stuff online cheeper than driving to the local store? Don't you think that has something to do with job creation?

Why do you think all these empty store fronts are still empty? I believe it doesn't pay to compete with big business when shipping is free and products are cheeper online. The very tool you use to bitch about things, is part of the reason things are going in the shitter with job creation. imo
The internet is where all the jobs went. It sounds like you said to somebody that you were making money posting here and you never answered me about it, so you have it figured out. Why would someone go to the store nowadays when you can buy stuff online cheeper than driving to the local store? Don't you think that has something to do with job creation?

Why do you think all these empty store fronts are still empty? I believe it doesn't pay to compete with big business when shipping is free and products are cheeper online. The very tool you use to bitch about things, is part of the reason things are going in the shitter with job creation. imo

nitro -

it's one can ever catch a fish through the internet..shhhhhh it's okay, you are safe.

<schuylaar pets nitro to calm him>

EDIT: i think bernie metphorically had addressed this and was laughed, @nitro harley highlighted a very true concern:

Democrat Bernie Sanders: Don’t Need 23 Choices of Deodorant, 18 Choices of Sneakers
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