You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage

Minimum wage workers are just stupid and lazy.. your bullshit has been debunked ad nauseum

Look at the numbers

More than 50% of COLLEGE GRADUATES, (COLLEGE, YOU FUCKTARD! PEOPLE WITH HIGHER DEGREES) are unemployed or underemployed.

That pretty much settles your bullshit non evidence claim

Getting an education today doesn't mean the same thing it meant 30 years ago, you believe it does. You're an idiot who hasn't studied history

You condemn free education as it will decrease hireability for new college grads, while simultaneously exclaiming "JUST GET AN EDUCATION!!" Shut your whore mouth, I see right through your bullshit conservative tactics.
A 4 year degree might as well be a high school diploma now a days.
You are not supposed to be able to afford a one bedroom apt on minimum wage.
Minimum wage is for TEENAGERS. If you arent a teenager, GO GET A REAL JOB.
If you are an adult working a minimum wage job, you made some really bad life decisions.
Go work 3 jobs now to make up for your dumb choices in life.
You are not supposed to be able to afford a one bedroom apt on minimum wage.
Minimum wage is for TEENAGERS. If you arent a teenager, GO GET A REAL JOB.
If you are an adult working a minimum wage job, you made some really bad life decisions.
Go work 3 jobs now to make up for your dumb choices in life.

You're not supposed to...? WTF kind of logic is that?

A worker isn't SUPPOSED to expect a decent wage from their employer?!
You are not supposed to be able to afford a one bedroom apt on minimum wage.
Minimum wage is for TEENAGERS. If you arent a teenager, GO GET A REAL JOB.
If you are an adult working a minimum wage job, you made some really bad life decisions.
Go work 3 jobs now to make up for your dumb choices in life.

citation for the above nonsense?

i'm kinda wondering how this works..when i was 21 my bff and i split a one bedroom apartment..she worked in a pizza place and i was bartending..we could not afford a 2 bedroom. this was new jersey.

MW now is 290/week..1BR in a building somewhere $1050/month (includes water - no laundry in apartment) in sofla..i seriously hope you can do the math..on a road in a town that's considered where the poor people know..'that' part of town?

then fast forward to super stardom within your industry..leave for school to fulfill a your book of business is outdated..therefore, you are?
Around here a 1 person studio is $600-$700/month..and you'll be dodging crackheads and hookers every time you leave..also..don't park your car within 5 miles of your apartment if you care about it..oh and you should probably invest in a gun or a big F'ing knife...oh yeah..and these places are nowhere near where the jobs are so now you have an hour commute each way to get to your shitty min wage job to pay for your shitty apt where you'll probably get stabbed and die in the a puddle of some vagrants piss...

One house costs $1 million, the other house costs $1
You only make $5 a day.
On average you cannot afford any of the houses since they cost $500,000.
In reality you can afford it.

The entire argument that people cannot afford housing has been made invalid.
People may not be able to afford the "average" home, but they can still afford a place to live.
A 4 year degree might as well be a high school diploma now a days.

Well for decades everyone has been bum rushing colleges, getting degrees in whatever the fuck they thought they might enjoy, with little to no thought put into how valuable their skill set will be worth.

Most failed to look at market trends, compare the number of employers to the number of potential college grads, and thought out whether their career choice was even something anyone was going to need. Just picked what floated their boat that day.

Of all college grads that are "underpaid" "unemployed" or "under employed", how many have bullshit degrees or needless degrees in areas that have been whored out? Who doesn't have a communications degree these days?! OH, SAD PANDA UNDER EMPLOYED, ZOMG HOW THIS HAPPENS?!

I'd would be like an entrepreneur bitching about his failed business, why it should of worked, and all the "hard work" they put into it, and then come to find they tried to open a mechanics shop on a dead end road where 10 other mechanics shops were already struggling to survive, and 3 others had already closed up shop previously. Seriously, who's fucking fault is that other than the idiot pulling the trigger?

Just like college, be smart in your selection of school and field of study. It isn't just about getting a fucking piece of paper, its obtaining skills people will need later. If you have a degree and no one needs you, maybe its just your area of "expertise" isn't desired, or mayube so many others really are better at it.

I only offer about 1/10th of the services to my customers that I have previously trained in. Why? Because I either did not become proficient enough in those particular services, or they just weren't as profitable as originally thought. Most were just ideas that never paid, like having a degree that no employer desires. Do I bitch about being "underpaid" "unemployed" or "under employed" because I have so much more to offer and all my badassery should make me more valuable?! Fuck no, that doesn't get me paid and it will never get anyone else paid either.
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Well for decades everyone has been bum rushing colleges, getting degrees in whatever the fuck they thought they might enjoy, with little to no thought put into how valuable their skill set will be worth.

Most failed to look at market trends, compare the number of employers to the number of potential college grads, and thought out whether their career choice was even something anyone was going to need. Just picked what floated their boat that day.

Of all college grads that are "underpaid" "unemployed" or "under employed", how many have bullshit degrees or needless degrees in areas that have been whored out? Who doesn't have a communications degree these days?! OH, SAD PANDA UNDER EMPLOYED, ZOMG HOW THIS HAPPENS?!

I'd would be like an entrepreneur bitching about his failed business, why it should of worked, and all the "hard work" they put into it, and then come to find they tried to open a mechanics shop on a dead end road where 10 other mechanics shops were already struggling to survive, and 3 others had already closed up shop previously. Seriously, who's fucking fault is that other than the idiot pulling the trigger?

Just like college, be smart in your selection of school and field of study. It isn't just about getting a fucking piece of paper, its obtaining skills people will need later. If you have a degree and no one needs you, maybe its just your area of "expertise" isn't desired, or mayube so many others really are better at it.

I only offer about 1/10th of the services to my customers that I have previously trained in. Why? Because I either did not become proficient enough in those particular services, or they just weren't as profitable as originally thought. Do I bitch about being "underpaid" "unemployed" or "under employed" because I have so much more to offer and all my badassery should make me more valuable?! Fuck no, that doesn't get me paid and it will never get anyone else paid either.
Interesting anecdote, where's the evidence?

Why don't any of you ever provide any evidence to back up what you claim?

Your claim:
College grads are unemployed or underemployed because of the degree they chose

Go fetch the evidence
Interesting anecdote, where's the evidence?

Why don't any of you ever provide any evidence to back up what you claim?

Your claim:
College grads are unemployed or underemployed because of the degree they chose

Go fetch the evidence

First one on google.

Why don't they match? Are there employers somewhere just screaming for college grads and not getting them or something? Fuck no, they are kicking them out their office doors in groves because of whored out degrees, and they are seeking the best of the best.
First one on google.

Why don't they match? Are there employers somewhere just screaming for college grads and not getting them or something? Fuck no, they are kicking them out their office doors in groves because of whored out degrees, and they are seeking the best of the best.

It's very clear getting a college education doesn't mean the same thing it did when most of you had the opportunity to get one

ALL college graduates face unemployment/underemployment, it doesn't matter what degree they earn

This is a problem that needs to be addressed, and right wing talking points won't solve it
You're not supposed to...? WTF kind of logic is that?

A worker isn't SUPPOSED to expect a decent wage from their employer?!
Was going to answer with something about getting pay that reflects your skill set, then I read this
What difference does it make? You aren't making minimum wage, so clearly you have skills your employer values.
and realized you see it, you just don't accept it.
There are alot of fields that desperately need people.

Pharmacy techs and pharmacists are in high demand.
So much so that i get a sign on bonus equalling more than a typical minumum wage jobs salary