You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage

It's very clear getting a college education doesn't mean the same thing it did when most of you had the opportunity to get one

ALL college graduates face unemployment/underemployment, it doesn't matter what degree they earn

This is a problem that needs to be addressed, and right wing talking points won't solve it

I know you guys think suggesting we grow our economy which would increase the demand for those skills is just a talking point.. while you preach redistribution and raising taxes to solve the problem, which is not ironic at all:roll:
Around here a 1 person studio is $600-$700/month..and you'll be dodging crackheads and hookers every time you leave..also..don't park your car within 5 miles of your apartment if you care about it..oh and you should probably invest in a gun or a big F'ing knife...oh yeah..and these places are nowhere near where the jobs are so now you have an hour commute each way to get to your shitty min wage job to pay for your shitty apt where you'll probably get stabbed and die in the a puddle of some vagrants piss... can get that in hollywood (FL) area near I-95..everyone know who gets to live near the interchanges.
Interesting anecdote, where's the evidence?

Why don't any of you ever provide any evidence to back up what you claim?

Your claim:
College grads are unemployed or underemployed because of the degree they chose

Go fetch the evidence

My rebuttal to his contention is to point to the simple fact that education is poorly correlated with eventual life station. When high school dropouts from wealthy families end up better off than hard-working college graduates from middle class ones, the conversation about who makes what and why needs to widen beyond how much of what kind of education someone gets.

When will this conversation start talking about trust funds? What's the minimum wage on those? How about the taxes owed on them?!
I know you guys think suggesting we grow our economy which would increase the demand for those skills is just a talking point.. while you preach redistribution and raising taxes to solve the problem, which is not ironic at all:roll:

Then how strange for your argument that when taxes go UP, our economy does BETTER?! It's true, look it up.

Nice try though...
There are alot of fields that desperately need people.

Pharmacy techs and pharmacists are in high demand.
So much so that i get a sign on bonus equalling more than a typical minumum wage jobs salary

i have 2 pharmacists in my program..something is up in that industry as of recent..they do make excellent money..i'm seeing people turn away form it..that and nursing..very competetive..hard to get weird..this is the happening place for healthcare workers.florida is.deaths waiting room.
Then how strange for your argument that when taxes go UP, our economy does BETTER?! It's true, look it up.

Nice try though...
A high tax rate causes economic bliss?
Would being the only grocery store in town help sales? What if you were the only grocery store/hardware store/best-buy in the whole world? Think that might help sales?

After WW2 the rest of the industrial world was devastated and bombed out. Leaving good ol USA as the only grocery/hardware/best-buy/car dealership in the world. That's what made us economically successful during that period, not a high tax rate.
Does the current 40 million foreigners here have anything to do with it?
How about another 40 50 million more that the dems are advocating for?
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
i have 2 pharmacists in my program..something is up in that industry as of recent..they do make excellent money..i'm seeing people turn away form it..that and nursing..very competetive..hard to get weird..this is the happening place for healthcare workers.florida is.deaths waiting room.
I joined a nursing program after I left the service. I quit with one semester left, because the hospitals were continually asking me to do the impossible without support. That is a trend across all healthcare jobs.
I know you guys think suggesting we grow our economy which would increase the demand for those skills is just a talking point.. while you preach redistribution and raising taxes to solve the problem, which is not ironic at all:roll:
Why aren't all the job creators "growing our economy"? They're enjoying some of the lowest tax rates in US history at the moment, so where are all these jobs they promised to create if we lower their taxes?
i have 2 pharmacists in my program..something is up in that industry as of recent..they do make excellent money..i'm seeing people turn away form it..that and nursing..very competetive..hard to get weird..this is the happening place for healthcare workers.florida is.deaths waiting room.

Sometimes I wonder if pharmacists sometimes feel like I did selling cigars- like some kind of pusher...
Then how strange for your argument that when taxes go UP, our economy does BETTER?! It's true, look it up.

Nice try though...
Are you claiming that as causation? When has raising taxes brought us out of a recession? I thought Obama saved the world by lowering taxes on 95% of Americans? Did the 80's crush the 70's after raising taxes or lowering them?
Why aren't all the job creators "growing our economy"? They're enjoying some of the lowest tax rates in US history at the moment, so where are all these jobs they promised to create if we lower their taxes?

An EXCELLENT point! All these apologists for low wages- welllllll, so why isn't the economy doing better then? They've been getting exactly what their economic prescription has been calling for, for over thirty years now! They never want to explain that, however.

Personally, if it doesn't work, it's time to try something different. The neurosis of the right never ceases to amaze me.
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Are you claiming that as causation? When has raising taxes brought us out of a recession? I thought Obama saved the world by lowering taxes on 95% of Americans? Did the 80's crush the 70's after raising taxes or lowering them?

The eighties only crushed the seventies for some people. The rest saw their wages stagnate or worse.
After WW2 the rest of the industrial world was devastated and bombed out. Leaving good ol USA as the only grocery/hardware/best-buy/car dealership in the world. That's what made us economically successful during that period, not a high tax rate.
"The post–World War II economic expansion, also known as the postwar economic boom, the long boom, and the Golden Age of Capitalism, was a period of economic prosperity in the mid-20th century which occurred, following the end of World War II in 1945, and lasted until the early 1970s. It ended with the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, the 1973 oil crisis, and the 1973–1974 stock market crash, which led to the 1970s recession. Narrowly defined, the period spanned from 1945 to 1952, with overall growth lasting well until 1971, though there are some debates on dating the period, and booms in individual countries differed, some starting as early as 1945, and overlapping the rise of the East Asian economies into the 1980s or 1990s.

During this time there was high worldwide economic growth; Western European and East Asian countries in particular experienced unusually high and sustained growth, together with full employment. Contrary to early predictions, this high growth also included many countries that had been devastated by the war, such as Greece (Greek economic miracle), West Germany (Wirtschaftswunder), France (Trente Glorieuses), Japan (Japanese post-war economic miracle), and Italy (Italian economic miracle)."–World_War_II_economic_expansion
Why aren't all the job creators "growing our economy"? They're enjoying some of the lowest tax rates in US history at the moment, so where are all these jobs they promised to create if we lower their taxes?
Where are Obamas 13 trillion jobs "created or saved" now?
Sometimes I wonder if pharmacists sometimes feel like I did selling cigars- like some kind of pusher...

i know one of the pharms pretty well next time i see..gonna ask..nurses told me too much comeptetiion..4 year nursing degree and now they are going through another 3 years of mortuary for just to have some work..