You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage Most Minimum Wage Earners Live in Poverty?

No. The average family income of a minimum wage earner is $53,000 per year.

In 94 percent of families with an adult who works a job that pays at or below the minimum wage, the spouse works as well, making a two-income household.

In 8 out of 10 of the families with children present, the minimum wage accounts for less than 20 percent of the household’s total income.

Two-thirds of adults living below the poverty line do not work.
  • Only 9 percent of adults living below the poverty line work full time.
  • 25 percent of adults living below the poverty line work part time.

Among those paid by the hour, 1.5 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

So less than 300K people who earn min wage are making less than 15K a year. If we raise min-wage without also raising social security, then the elderly and disabled's pittance would not go as far to make up for the minimal cost of goods rising to absorb the min wage raise.

In your effort to raise less than 300K people out of poverty, millions on a fixed income who are unable or too old to work would be harmed.

If we raise min wage without raising SSI/D, we are doing our elderly and disabled a disservice. Raise both or raise neither. If we raise both, the price of goods would go up, taxes would go up to cover the increase in soc sec benefits and now most of us are operating with less of our pay check that doesn't go as far.
If we raise both, the price of goods would go up, taxes would go up to cover the increase in soc sec benefits and now most of us are operating with less of our pay check that doesn't go as far.

you guys keep on using this talking point even though it has been so thoroughly debunked that it is a joke.

i went down the BLS list with kynes, nodrama, muyloco, robroy and others.

the raise in the minimum wage outpaces the rise in the cost of goods by a long shot for every single item on the BLS list.

then you retards start to say that the BLS numbers are fake (despite the fact that you just cited the BLS) so then i have to do some online shopping at a grocery store near where you live to show you idiots that the BLS prices correspond precisely to the prices in the store.

no matter how many times this happens, you deluded morons persist in parroting this crap that raising wages will somehow hurt people instead of help them (in an economy that is 70% based on aggregate demand and consumption, no less).

where do you idiots find the temerity to continue trotting out this crap in the face of all evidence and facts?
Funny all the progs with the there fem studies and other bs lib degrees bitching about having to live in moms basement.
Instead I think there should be at least 8 of them per single wide.
Well try growing up in California in a big city, shit went from reasonably affordable to outrageous real quick. A studio is 1200 a month just for rent... impossible for someone to make it alone on minimum wage. Hard as hell for someone to make it without a second job.
Well try growing up in California in a big city, shit went from reasonably affordable to outrageous real quick. A studio is 1200 a month just for rent... impossible for someone to make it alone on minimum wage. Hard as hell for someone to make it without a second job.
That's nuts isn't it. But to be fair, compare the salaries in areas that able to charge 1200/mth rent for a studio to where that same apartment would go for 400/month. Now compare section 8 housing in both cities and see which has more available. If you can stick the gov for 1000 a month or 200 month, where are you building?

Weird thing about supply and demand, housing costs and salaries seem to run hand and hand.
I thought it was fabulous.

I guess it just depends how much you feel you need to live comfortably.

You said 15.50 required avg for a 1 bed and 19.35 for two?..i dont know how thats calculated. But i have a couple 2 bedroom places i pay 495 a month on and even a 2 bed in the "ghetto" for 250 (yes thats a steal, i jumped on it, not gonna use that in the example)

But 495 a month, 150 for elec, 80 for utilities (water, trash)...these are real numbers from personal bills.
Food for 1 person 75 a week and thats not even really pinching very hard
Brings all monthly bills too $1025
$8/hr at 80 - $640 a paycheck before taxes
After will be about 530
Or ~1060 a month

So you can see that a full time minimum wage job will provide for all you "need" .. still, this is a minimalist no hussle and single person. Being as lazy as possible. A second part time job, a roomate, "partner", work nights instead for a pay raise, walmart heb mcdonalds tacobell etc will pay more than the suggested $8. That's an incredibly small portion of workers i mean etc etc. There isnt a "business" in my area i could think of that actually got paid minumum wage and didnt recieve another form of compensation wether tips or whatever

Your post was a complete waste of time. Even if your shit was close to the truth it's so far from the norm anywhere in the US, that what you've just provided is anecdotal specific only to you.

A studio apartment in NYC or Boston will cost you roughly $1650 and up, in general. A studio apartment in Mesa Arizona will run you around $600 a month, and that's in a shitty area.

Needless to say, without a doubt, minimum wage will not get you a 1 bed apartment and all the fixin's, most anywhere. Even in your fantasy land.
why does buck also come on here as see4? How many screen names does this puppet have.
Hell sometimes i see him on here debating and liking himself
why does buck also come on here as see4? How many screen names does this puppet have.
Hell sometimes i see him on here debating and liking himself

It's clear tinfoil hats and penis size are inversely related. Allow me to explain what that means to you dumb dumb. The larger your tinfoil hat gets, the smaller your penis becomes.

Have a nice night!
Well try growing up in California in a big city, shit went from reasonably affordable to outrageous real quick. A studio is 1200 a month just for rent... impossible for someone to make it alone on minimum wage. Hard as hell for someone to make it without a second job.
But entirely possible if you have a roomate. Most Minimum Wage Earners Live in Poverty?

No. The average family income of a minimum wage earner is $53,000 per year.

In 94 percent of families with an adult who works a job that pays at or below the minimum wage, the spouse works as well, making a two-income household.

In 8 out of 10 of the families with children present, the minimum wage accounts for less than 20 percent of the household’s total income.

Two-thirds of adults living below the poverty line do not work.
  • Only 9 percent of adults living below the poverty line work full time.
  • 25 percent of adults living below the poverty line work part time.

Among those paid by the hour, 1.5 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

So less than 300K people who earn min wage are making less than 15K a year. If we raise min-wage without also raising social security, then the elderly and disabled's pittance would not go as far to make up for the minimal cost of goods rising to absorb the min wage raise.

In your effort to raise less than 300K people out of poverty, millions on a fixed income who are unable or too old to work would be harmed.

If we raise min wage without raising SSI/D, we are doing our elderly and disabled a disservice. Raise both or raise neither. If we raise both, the price of goods would go up, taxes would go up to cover the increase in soc sec benefits and now most of us are operating with less of our pay check that doesn't go as far.
Pada doesn't give a damn about his parents. Throw them under the bus if he can get a raise out of it.
The topic of this thread describes a SYMPTOM (high rent). The root cause of the high cost of rental housing must be struck in order to alleviate the problem.

Supply of rental housing is artificially restricted by (guess who?) coercive government. Flailing around in the branches of the tree does not address the root cause.

A free market would have solved this problem, a restricted market has created it.

Of course many of the people that read this will not understand what I just said...telling...very telling.
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Your post was a complete waste of time. Even if your shit was close to the truth it's so far from the norm anywhere in the US, that what you've just provided is anecdotal specific only to you.

A studio apartment in NYC or Boston will cost you roughly $1650 and up, in general. A studio apartment in Mesa Arizona will run you around $600 a month, and that's in a shitty area.

Needless to say, without a doubt, minimum wage will not get you a 1 bed apartment and all the fixin's, most anywhere. Even in your fantasy land.

You have just described an element of supply and demand.