Wolfie's Social Experiment

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Well, the URL's won't properly link for some reason I cannot figure out. So I will Copy/Paste the blogs: I have since given up on the blog for the simple reason I don't have time to put my biography up as qualifications for the Truth of what I stand on, as I said I am NOT important. Time is up. So am I. Done. accept or reject, and move on...

Entry one: And God Kept shouting "Write!"

wolfielee (28)
in #life • 3 years ago
Or, Maybe, it was me interpreting it as a shout after the decades of listening to that one somehow promising, definitely intimidating single little word. I was raised learning that God has a still and quiet voice.
So what on Earth about my life could warrant even considering that putting it down in writing might find even one interested reader, God? What good would it do anyone, besides the therapy it may or may not provide me? HOW could I put down so many private and very embarrassing, even despicable things for the World to see and lay my dirty rotten self right out there on the line like that?
Never a response. Just that same simple, scary word.
Right now. On the verge of fifty. 4-month, very torn up, yet deserved, divorce'. We both tore at each other till there was just nothing left for us to hang on to. No driver's license since 2008 due to DUI's. Had to leave the house we tried to make into a home right on about a year ago to go back to the job I had when we were married, back on July 16, 2011. Seems like "Little Mexico" in that place, you can seriously feel the racism on the floor and the apathy from the top down, there. That's ok though, I don't really take crap from anyone anymore, and there are some good decent sorts there also. House hopping since I got re-hired and landed back with the folks, again, finally for the second time since I had to leave the only "real" property I have ever, actually owned behind, as well. Trying to sell said house, and kinda optimistic actually, due to a promising call from the blue about showing it this coming Monday, not even on the market yet, prospect looked me up. Waiting on a response to my resident application to a trailer court that is conveniently located for my situation.
This is the first attempt, and frankly may be the last post about this whole "What am I supposed to do with my life" sort of, I guess, blog. So, you are warned, you are reading a very reluctant writer, here.
Ok that's it for now. Possibly more to follow.
Post 2 - "Forward" 10/29/2019

WolfieLee - in #faith • 6 months ago
I would like to give warning and make a request. The Warning is you are going to read a story of redemption, BRUTAL redemption. I will pull no punches and make NO apologies and am going to lay it up front. I am a Christian. You will, should you call yourself a Christian, before this biography is through, in every likelihood, want to either call for a straight-Jacket and patty wagon... OR - to have me burned at the stake for heresy. This is my testimony. It is impossible to expect I could fully relate my experiences in such a manner as for you to be able to come to the conclusions and CONVICTIONS of what Jesus has become, to ME. I can only praise my Heavenly Father and pray He provide the miracle of revelation in whom I have come to know as my Savior. If you are a non-believer, I actually believe it will be easier for you to grasp, and accept (though I very well may be totally wrong, that is what I feel). This is my ministry. Again, I will make NO apologies, but I TRULY Pray for you to withhold your judgments until I have reached my final thesis. He has truly revealed himself in my life.... I can only PRAY you CAN feel what I am trying to engender in you. Only this... an ABSOLUTE thirst for the TRUTH. Another request: if this is the first of my posts for you, I simply ask you start with my first (2 year old [wow!]) post... Another warning: You are STILL reading a reluctant, writer. I am also currently seeking counsel on starting this IN EARNEST, and am even, because of that, reluctant to even post this, until I am certain it will be continued. Last warning. THIS is going to contain GRAPHIC depictions of an addicts life, as WELL as SPIRITUAL encounters that are NOT for minors. PLEASE I beg you, if that is you, I ask you ask for your parents' / guardians' permission and GUIDANCE! God Bless, till the next...
Post 2 - "Forward" 10/29/2019

WolfieLee - in #faith • 6 months ago
I would like to give warning and make a request. The Warning is you are going to read a story of redemption, BRUTAL redemption. I will pull no punches and make NO apologies and am going to lay it up front. I am a Christian. You will, should you call yourself a Christian, before this biography is through, in every likelihood, want to either call for a straight-Jacket and patty wagon... OR - to have me burned at the stake for heresy. This is my testimony. It is impossible to expect I could fully relate my experiences in such a manner as for you to be able to come to the conclusions and CONVICTIONS of what Jesus has become, to ME. I can only praise my Heavenly Father and pray He provide the miracle of revelation in whom I have come to know as my Savior. If you are a non-believer, I actually believe it will be easier for you to grasp, and accept (though I very well may be totally wrong, that is what I feel). This is my ministry. Again, I will make NO apologies, but I TRULY Pray for you to withhold your judgments until I have reached my final thesis. He has truly revealed himself in my life.... I can only PRAY you CAN feel what I am trying to engender in you. Only this... an ABSOLUTE thirst for the TRUTH. Another request: if this is the first of my posts for you, I simply ask you start with my first (2 year old [wow!]) post... Another warning: You are STILL reading a reluctant, writer. I am also currently seeking counsel on starting this IN EARNEST, and am even, because of that, reluctant to even post this, until I am certain it will be continued. Last warning. THIS is going to contain GRAPHIC depictions of an addicts life, as WELL as SPIRITUAL encounters that are NOT for minors. PLEASE I beg you, if that is you, I ask you ask for your parents' / guardians' permission and GUIDANCE! God Bless, till the next...
thank you sir
I am not defending the man who brought us the SUPER-PAC (disgusting, to me) but man when he got Trump elected, I really thought he was the SHIT... Until I watched his most recent documentary, when I then learned about how he an two Lawyer buddies of his stated the FIRST PAC (with Reagan). I also don't know what you are trying to point out, but my response is this: For a MADE up Crime, ANY Process Crime really is mute. Should NOT be prosecuted. Period. As far as him Praying, Good, that's where it HAS to start. For all of us...
That shit right there... The FORCED testing and FORCED Vaccine (POISON) that is MORE than I can probably allow them to do to me, but the thing I will NEVER accept, and, weather a MF THREATEN me with a needle or ampule, most likely that MF WILL DIE! Or I will TRYING to kill him/her. BUT! Should I allow them even THOSE things which IS a possibility... I will NEVER allow them to TAG me with an electronic "Tattoo" onto my RIGHT hand to TRACK me.... See... THAT shit right there IS the number of the beast: the FINAL lock on YOUR prison. Laugh it off if you want. That is FACT!
You got anymore vids, I’m particularly interested in mantis headed aliens, motherships and hybrid creatures.
YUP. I already posted them. And some "keyboard diarrhea" as, I am sure, you lost boys will label the blogs I posted. ENJOY. Love Mark
That shit right there... The FORCED testing and FORCED Vaccine (POISON) that is MORE than I can probably allow them to do to me, but the thing I will NEVER accept, and, weather a MF THREATEN me with a needle or ampule, most likely that MF WILL DIE! Or I will TRYING to kill him/her. BUT! Should I allow them even THOSE things which IS a possibility... I will NEVER allow them to TAG me with an electronic "Tattoo" onto my RIGHT hand to TRACK me.... See... THAT shit right there IS the number of the beast: the FINAL lock on YOUR prison. Laugh it off if you want. That is FACT!
its not really a vaccine though. It just hooks you up to the 5g towers so bill gates and al gore can mind control you. A pedophile neo nazi told me so thus it must be true

You moron
lemme get that time back bruh
Somewhere... In all that media I posted... you will also find there is something else beside Money that does NOT exist (as anything MORE than a prison)... guess what that thing is? ALL TIME EXISTS - All of the time... so, therefore... LINEAR Time (HUMAN time) Does NOT exist. THAT is also part of our Third - Dimensional PRISON, and is (Like my physical life) of absolutely no concern to me, anymore, either. There, since It does not exist, I NEVER took it from you in the first place. You GAVE it too me...
"The Day Democracy Died" Sung by Founders Sing

Some of the Founders and Framers of the Constitution did more than turn over in their graves... they actually resurfaced to sing “The Day Democracy Died.” That, plus they “dig those rhythm
and blues!
And this is very possibly going to be the LAST 3 things I will post, as to what I believe, anyway... I will ALWAYS try to answer, or respond after this, but this is the final, total conclusions to what I believe. Btw... Fluoride deactivates, Shrivels and CALCIFIES the Pineal Gland...it is a non-radioactive by-product of Nuclear Fission. Nuclear WASTE.
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When we say "Believe"... that is something I am JUST now realizing is actually another part of our manufactured consent to our prison. Religion can not possibly enter into your Brain and Spirit without it. The Truth has a vibration. Belief is the vibration of what you have allowed to replace KNOWING. You will KNOW the Truth and it will set you free. Belief is the most insidious of all the lies we have been crammed with, really. So, no I don't actually believe these things. The Truth within each of these media I have studied actually resonates WITH me... the LIES become VERY glaring in the end.
Again... THESE people are not Human anymore they handed their humanity RIGHT over to the Enemy, and have BECOME YOUR enemy... And THEY are the Wizard of OZ behind the Curtain of your life, trying DESPERATELY... and in Vein, to destroy your humanity; your LIFEFORCE that is your SPIRIT (Your "PLASMA" Being). IF you accept the Radio-active Tracking Vaccine Certification "TATTOO" they WILL implant into your hand (likely, but not definately) your RIGHT hand... then those efforts are no longer in VEIN... They are FUFILLED.
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