Robbin Hood style/Anti-Police Violence Bank Robbing Movie Plan & Pyrotechnics Discussion

So we need people to run Mining Pools, Nodes and Exchanges; as well as create software like Apps, Web Wallets, things like E-Commerce Plugins. The Pools and Exchanges allow you to personally collect fees, and as long as you keep it open and run it honestly it will grow, and I will advertise them, and you can add whatever Coins you want to your exchanges and pools, but we ask that you add other Team Members Coins.

We are looking for Server Admins who can do this:

Run Step by Step Below Commands on VM Instance, Ubuntu 14.4.5 Trusty Tahr, 2 vCPU with 8 or 13 GB Ram:-

Creating Your Own Mining Pool

sudo apt-get install git

sudo apt-get install redis-server

sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev

sudo apt-get install nodejs-dev

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy

sudo apt-get install npm

sudo apt-get install cmake

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

git clone pool

cd pool

npm update

nano config.json

Replace XDN Wallet Address:
ddeTPyKKxV4dSfpnPG9H5HbLXnRmJ2HKvVG3u6zwvJYY1TkSwoVRNJYgUw7wMnJH82FS8noajsHKGiN ABUygXMdm1oKjojAHf

node init.js