Why are "the whites" killing so many police officers

Tampon's here! LOLOL!

Holy fuck, Karma is shining on ME today! This shit is better than ANYthing on cable! My ribs hurt....

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Yo if you wanna fuck him take it to the DM's, you're being a bit of a drama queen. You don't actually think anyone on this site cares if the guys dick works, lol you keep throwing that out there as if he didn't already publicly post it himself. Let the butthurt floooooow through you

Buck cares. He's my limp dick lover. His health care plan won't cover viagra, mine will. Envy I think. Or maybe, he's just discriminating against folks with medical issues. They're not "pure" enough for him anymore.
Buck cares. He's my limp dick lover. His health care plan won't cover viagra, mine will. Envy I think. Or maybe, he's just discriminating against folks with medical issues. They're not "pure" enough for him anymore.

bragging about needing viagra is totally an alpha thing. doesn't make you look like a beta cuck at all.
Get your little calculator out and punch it in per capita and then tell me who is killing more cops.

Also, do the same thing for those educated and in the workforce being productive.

Dont bother getting back to me, as we both all ready know the answers.

You just implied it was stupid people that kill cops. Considering incarceration rates are higher among minorities, meaning more contact with cops and therefore more opportunities to kill cops, but they don't.. No matter how you add it up, white people are killing cops at a staggering rate.

It must be part of their cultural, don't you think?

Non-Hispanic Whites totaled about 197,870,516, or 62.06% of the U.S. population.
bragging about needing viagra is totally an alpha thing. doesn't make you look like a beta cuck at all.

You're the only one to ever make it a point! Not me, Dr., girlfriend, friends,family, co-workers, neighbors. I'm "out" with it. No shame or embarrassment. It's out of my control due to cancer/treatment. The only one to ever want to use it disparagingly is you. You're special.

How many kids have you sired?
You're the only one to ever make it a point! Not me, Dr., girlfriend, friends,family, co-workers, neighbors. I'm "out" with it. No shame or embarrassment. It's out of my control due to cancer/treatment. The only one to ever want to use it disparagingly is you. You're special.

How many kids have you sired?
you don't have a girlfriend though.