Yo if you wanna fuck him take it to the DM's, you're being a bit of a drama queen. You don't actually think anyone on this site cares if the guys dick works, lol you keep throwing that out there as if he didn't already publicly post it himself. Let the butthurt floooooow through you
Buck cares. He's my limp dick lover. His health care plan won't cover viagra, mine will. Envy I think. Or maybe, he's just discriminating against folks with medical issues. They're not "pure" enough for him anymore.
Get your little calculator out and punch it in per capita and then tell me who is killing more cops.
Also, do the same thing for those educated and in the workforce being productive.
Dont bother getting back to me, as we both all ready know the answers.
bragging about needing viagra is totally an alpha thing. doesn't make you look like a beta cuck at all.
you don't have a girlfriend though.You're the only one to ever make it a point! Not me, Dr., girlfriend, friends,family, co-workers, neighbors. I'm "out" with it. No shame or embarrassment. It's out of my control due to cancer/treatment. The only one to ever want to use it disparagingly is you. You're special.
How many kids have you sired?
you don't have a girlfriend though.
Correct, I have two including you my limp dick lover.
Correct, I have two including you my limp dick lover.
That cat is gross.LOL. right.
That cat is gross.
I thought you were kidding about the school grizzlies.
She's crazy pants. And me with a 2 year old. Ugh.Talk about out of touch, huh.
I'm like God , I'm always watching!For no reason other than I miss him, I am tagging @LetsGetCritical
I could point a gun at a cop and and not get shot.
It's a cultural phenomenon, but maybe someday crazy crackers like spandy will respect police officers enough to stop killing/ threatening them, sigh.
Free Pinworm. He's grown a lot lately.Fortunately for the members of RIU, I am very skilled at crushing Saltines.
I smash them in my massive hands, and blow the dust into the wind.