Robbin Hood style/Anti-Police Violence Bank Robbing Movie Plan & Pyrotechnics Discussion

Do you know.................................The Amish Fucker?

I will, and I'll habe other people read and edit it like a book. And I'm writing it on a computer instead of on my phone.

Was just messing with you, as usual. I like the idea of you writing something; less copacetic on the 'splosives part but that's natural I guess.
I've been writing the screenplay and most of this is going to take place in Texas. But one of the main characters will be from Chicago or New York, and be like in to the Black P Stones network.

And just btw, in case anyone doesn't know these people are Texans. I'm not saying that only Texans can play parts or suggesting that these people would be good for any specific parts, but they are Texans and most people don't realize it.

Willie Nelson
Janis Joplin
Mathew McConaughey
Jamie Foxx
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Lance Armstrong
Selena Gomez
Dennis Rodman
Woody Harrelson
Jennifer Garner
Patrick Swayze
Steve Martin
Owen Wilson
Dennis Quaid
Kris Krisofferson
Forest Whitaker
Gary Busey
Farrah Fawcett
Dan Rather
Sully (the Pilot)
Sly Stone
Bobby Seale (Founder of the Black Panther Party)
Nolan Ryan
Bonnie and Clyde
George Foreman
Sandra Day O'Connor
Erykah Badu
Vanilla Ice
Geto Boys
Mike Jones
Michael Dell
Melinda Gates
Tom Landry
Ricky Ross
Ross Perot

And there are way more than that.
And if anyone doesn't know the history of Bonnie and Clyde, they were considered like folk heroes during their time and after, and it started because no one liked banks after the great depression, so Bonnie and Clyde were like heroes. And that's why heist movies are the way they are now, where most people watching want them to do it, because those stories started from that perspective, so as movies were made they reflected the stories.