Wolfie's Social Experiment

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I DARE you to watch this in it's entirety and STILL CALL Alex Jones a CONPSIRACY THEORIST!... He is a Consiracy INVESTIGATOR....and this Video, Having NOTHING to do with him, backs him up 100%. Except it throws more light (BAD light) on what you all ARE saying about Trump... I concede.... I can't stand ANY ONE who won't shake off the WARMONGERS... and 5G!??!! FUCK OFF!!!

bro i watched the entire video and am stil a little disappointed that i didn't even learn how to combat the deep state at all, and basically just left more confused then when i came. how am i supposed to jihad on liberal america? this is fucking bullshit. bro, i want my 56 minutes and 36 seconds back, bro


It was only God!

God says these prayers for us!

I DARE you to watch this in it's entirety and STILL CALL Alex Jones a CONPSIRACY THEORIST!... He is a Consiracy INVESTIGATOR....and this Video, Having NOTHING to do with him, backs him up 100%. Except it throws more light (BAD light) on what you all ARE saying about Trump... I concede.... I can't stand ANY ONE who won't shake off the WARMONGERS... and 5G!??!! FUCK OFF!!!

Oh yeah? Well, I double dog dare you to lick a frozen pole!
Edit: A "dare". Seriously, what's my reward?
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