Tulsi Gabbard Pushes No War Agenda – and the Media Is out to Kill Her Chances

It doesn't matter what the facts are. What matters is that they feel like facts!


And it doesn't matter that Trump called Biden "sleepy Joe" in his tweet, she's sure CNN changed it from "sleezy Joe". Trust her, she's either very smart or a complete delusional idiot. One of those.

actually, you're correct about 'sleepy' but MSNBC did report first as 'sleazy' in the chyron and changed to correct this..but their first impression WAS sleazy- and they were correct in that respect.

-however, Biden will lose to Trump..the 'presumptive nominee' based upon sketchy polling.

most popular was not a consideration when it was Sanders and it's certainly not for Biden..polls are not shows and popularity means 'how familiar' someone is. Considering Biden was a VP? it would be an embarrassment if Biden wasn't considered the more well known of the two.

Popularity does not a president make and Biden will never be higher in polling than he is right now.
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And while you are (not) at it @schuylaar, why are you watching MSNBC so closely so as to notice and insist with such certainty that this happened? Don't you know that Tty hates that? Are you addicted to MSNBC? Are you saying that you saw "an early version" of this MSNBC story? Lol.

And secondly, if it is true (which literally nobody but you believes), so what?

Lastly, please list the people here that support Joe Biden. Be specific.
Im for all candidates against Israel.. Tulsi is against helping the Zionist kill off all the Indigenous Humans of the ME...

Lets Make America Great again by cutting off the Parasite known as Israel
actually, you're correct about 'sleepy' but MSNBC did report first as 'sleazy' in the chyron and changed to correct this..but their first impression WAS sleazy- and they were correct in that respect.

-however, Biden will lose to Trump..the 'presumptive nominee' based upon sketchy polling.

most popular was not a consideration when it was Sanders and it's certainly not for Biden..polls are not shows and popularity means 'how familiar' someone is. Considering Biden was a VP? it would be an embarrassment if Biden wasn't considered the more well known of the two.

Popularity does not a president make and Biden will never be higher in polling than he is right now.
You idiots should be going after Elizabeth Warren

Bernie won’t lose any voters to Biden, but Warren has already stolen enough Bernie voters to overtake him for second place
Since Israel and the United States have been allies since 1953, no.


idk, Netanyahu is pretty darn dirty. I don't put it past him to also have meddled in the last election, maybe even earlier that Russia along with Saudi Arabia and possibly UAE. But its looking like he might end up in jail too, so we might find out. I just don't trust how fast Trumps bent over and moved the embassy and gave so much with 'nothing' in return. Unless they paid Trump/Kushner upfront.