Paranormal Experience

So, a woman is having trouble with being tired at work. She starts using a phone app to monitor her sleep, suspecting she may snore or have sleep apnea. One of the features is that it records any sounds it detects during the night. She quickly learns that she talks in her sleep just about every night, normally just one or two sentences. She finds it amusing at first, be after a few weeks she loses interest and doesn't even listen to the recordings anymore.

Several months later she gets up in the morning and notices a few objects out of place in her kitchen and bedroom. Nothing major, just stuff sitting slightly off from where she remembered it, or things that were supposed to be in a drawer were now on the counter. She started to wonder if she had been sleep walking, and maybe that would explain her tiredness. She then remembered the app and checked to see if it had recorded anything during the night.

Listening to the playback, she hears a series of strange clicks and bumps coming from the kitchen. She assumes it's herself sleep walking but then realizes she can hear herself breathing as if she is asleep. The noises get closer to her bedroom, and then sound as if they are right next to the phone, which was on the stand. She then hears her own voice from across the room and realizes she is talking in her sleep in the same manner as she heard herself do so many times before. She says in a friendly voice "oh, what are you doing?" Then she hears a male voice answer back "nothing." The clicks start up again and a few seconds later he says something that sounds like "I'm done."

Listen to the recording here This version does not include the sounds from the kitchen. It starts when the sounds were already in the bedroom and right before she speaks.

Analysis of the recording seems to confirm that it was two different voices, and not simply her answering herself. Nothing was missing. Her house was locked with no sign of forced entry. However, she believes that an intruder was snooping around her house and bedroom, and that when she talked in her sleep it startled him and he decided to leave. The only thing that gives her pause is that she had heard the clicking noises on several occasions prior to that night. She never heard them from the kitchen, but she woke up a couple of times to them coming from the darkness in her room. She also heard them again one night several weeks after this incident, and despite being scared she got out of her bed and tried to find the source. As she approached the noises they faded and then stopped when she got to the place they were coming from. She lived there for another few months before moving with no further incidence.
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So, a woman is having trouble with being tired at work. She starts using a phone app to monitor her sleep, suspecting she may snore or have sleep apnea. One of the features is that it records any sounds it detects during the night. She quickly learns that she talks in her sleep just about every night, normally just one or two sentences. She finds it amusing at first, be after a few weeks she loses interest and doesn't even listen to the recordings anymore.

Several months later she gets up in the morning and notices a few objects out of place in her kitchen and bedroom. Nothing major, just stuff sitting slightly off from where she remembered it, or things that were supposed to be in a drawer were now on the counter. She started to wonder if she had been sleep walking, and maybe that would explain her tiredness. She then remembered the app and checked to see if it had recorded anything during the night.

Listening to the playback, she hears a series of strange clicks and bumps coming from the kitchen. She assumes it's herself sleep walking but then realizes she can hear herself breathing as if she is asleep. The noises get closer to her bedroom, and then sound as if they are right next to the phone, which was on the stand. She then hears her own voice from across the room and realizes she is talking in her sleep in the same manner as she heard herself do so many times before. She says in a friendly voice "oh, what are you doing?" Then she hears a male voice answer back "nothing." The clicks start up again and a few seconds later he says something that sounds like "I'm done."

Listen to the recording here This version does not include the sounds from the kitchen. It starts when the sounds were already in the bedroom and right before she speaks.

Analysis of the recording seems to confirm that it was two different voices, and not simply her answering herself. Nothing was missing. Her house was locked with no sign of forced entry. However, she believes that an intruder was snooping around her house and bedroom, and that when she talked in her sleep it startled him and he decided to leave. The only thing that gives her pause is that she had heard the strange clicks on several occasions prior to that night. She never heard them from the kitchen, but she woke up a couple of times to them coming from the darkness in her room. They also woke her up one night several weeks after this incident, and despite being scared she got out of her bed and tried to find the source. As she approached the noises they faded and then stopped when she got to the place they were coming from. She lived there for another few months with no further incidence.
So eerie:shock:
Why's it always something vague, or easily faked? Of all the explanations, the paranormal one requires the most assumptions. But of course it's fun to be scared, so we decide it's the paranormal. At some level, it's self indulgence. Don't people value having their feet planted firmly on the ground?
Why's it always something vague, or easily faked? Of all the explanations, the paranormal one requires the most assumptions. But of course it's fun to be scared, so we decide it's the paranormal. At some level, it's self indulgence. Don't people value having their feet planted firmly on the ground?
Strangely enough, there's a lot of people out there who don't want the obvious answers that square with the same laws of physics that gave them their car or the Internet.

While I'm aware there's a lot out there that science doesn't explain, that's exactly no reason at all to shitcan it in favor of touchy feely bullshit.

I fully understand your frustrations and I share them.
Strangely enough, there's a lot of people out there who don't want the obvious answers that square with the same laws of physics that gave them their car or the Internet.

While I'm aware there's a lot out there that science doesn't explain, that's exactly no reason at all to shitcan it in favor of touchy feely bullshit.

I fully understand your frustrations and I share them.
I get what both y'all are saying. Have you yourself had any "unexplainable" experiences?
Yep. I don't go running to the paranormal explanation every time it happens, though. I just chalk it up to not fully understanding the physics of the situation.
I get your point but there's definitely things "science" can't explain.

would you like to share one of your experiences with us? At the very least for entertainment value. Everyone likes a "ghost story", or whatever the situation was.
I've had 4 crazy experiences in my life. Two with ghosts and two with unknown stuff. 1st was when i was about 5ish i was down stairs watching tv and keep in mind we had antenna. So the picture was fuzzy as hell. I heard someone call my name and figured it must been my mom. She said no so i went back down stairs. I was young so i always scooted down so i wouldn't fall. I glanced over at the tv while going down and noticed the picture went completely out. In the static i could still make out 3 shapes that looked very human. While i got from the stairs to the tv i noticed a fourth smaller human shape had came on the screen. While at the tv to turn if off the smaller shape was in the center of the 3. As soon as my hand went to turn the knob i heard Greg.
2nd i was 16 me and 4 friends were out on a burn ride. In the distance i noticed 3 lights at ground lv and while driving around them noticed that they made a triangle. I told my bud driving to head that way n see what was up. We're trying to get there and come off a gravel road onto just a tire track road. Eventually we come onto state po no lights on or anything but a road block. 1 of my friends even has the balls to ask whats going on. We're told it's a farming accident and to turn around. While we're pulling away 2 black suv's come flying down the path. We have to pull off and almost get stuck. Now if they were ambulances or something that'd make more sense.
3rd time i was also 16 and me n 2 friends were ripping on a hookah. Were just about to rip it again and we all stop dead mid spark. All of us look at each other with dread. I ask do you guys feel that? Everyone else does too and 1 says somethings watching us. My bedroom was on the 2nd floor and was a addition. It stuck out and had 1 window on each wall. While still all indian style around the hookah i glimpse something like a face in the corner of a window. Right after it looked like it ducted down and ran under it. I seen what was obviously a spine on very horror movie style skin. My friend seen it dart too.
4th time there's this back road thats between 2 small towns. A girl was walking down this road one night and disappeared. Eventually days later it was found a guy that lived on the road had abducted her and tortured/killed her. He was caught and went to jail. The girls brother after burned the house down. This is real shit too nj. So me n friends are out there scooby doin it up. The girls decide to stay in the car me and phil go looking around. There's the burnt down house with only a chimney left. Behind that there was another house. It was boarded up to well for us to get in easily. But while looking around we hear the distinctive sound of metal hitting metal hard. I'm not afraid of a ghost but a hammer wielding ghost naa pass. We're running around this bush to get back to the car. Right after we get past my buds show falls off. I tell him fuck it keep running but there's broken glass everywhere. So while he's getting his shoe back on i'm watching his back. Shit you not i see straight up grudge style girl stick he head out from behind the bush.
Yep. I don't go running to the paranormal explanation every time it happens, though. I just chalk it up to not fully understanding the physics of the situation.
I briefly discussed with Heisenberg that naming thread “paranormal” experience was slightly ignorant on my behalf..
So, a woman is having trouble with being tired at work. She starts using a phone app to monitor her sleep, suspecting she may snore or have sleep apnea. One of the features is that it records any sounds it detects during the night. She quickly learns that she talks in her sleep just about every night, normally just one or two sentences. She finds it amusing at first, be after a few weeks she loses interest and doesn't even listen to the recordings anymore.

Several months later she gets up in the morning and notices a few objects out of place in her kitchen and bedroom. Nothing major, just stuff sitting slightly off from where she remembered it, or things that were supposed to be in a drawer were now on the counter. She started to wonder if she had been sleep walking, and maybe that would explain her tiredness. She then remembered the app and checked to see if it had recorded anything during the night.

Listening to the playback, she hears a series of strange clicks and bumps coming from the kitchen. She assumes it's herself sleep walking but then realizes she can hear herself breathing as if she is asleep. The noises get closer to her bedroom, and then sound as if they are right next to the phone, which was on the stand. She then hears her own voice from across the room and realizes she is talking in her sleep in the same manner as she heard herself do so many times before. She says in a friendly voice "oh, what are you doing?" Then she hears a male voice answer back "nothing." The clicks start up again and a few seconds later he says something that sounds like "I'm done."

Listen to the recording here This version does not include the sounds from the kitchen. It starts when the sounds were already in the bedroom and right before she speaks.

Analysis of the recording seems to confirm that it was two different voices, and not simply her answering herself. Nothing was missing. Her house was locked with no sign of forced entry. However, she believes that an intruder was snooping around her house and bedroom, and that when she talked in her sleep it startled him and he decided to leave. The only thing that gives her pause is that she had heard the clicking noises on several occasions prior to that night. She never heard them from the kitchen, but she woke up a couple of times to them coming from the darkness in her room. She also heard them again one night several weeks after this incident, and despite being scared she got out of her bed and tried to find the source. As she approached the noises they faded and then stopped when she got to the place they were coming from. She lived there for another few months before moving with no further incidence.
What are your thoughts?
I've seen some things. Once while sitting at my dining room table. Something moved. It was a small object, an antique key and presumably an earthquake tremor. Made it dance. Or other. Then the phone rang, it was that person you picked up hitch hiking in the city a week prior. The call only lasted a minute.
What are your thoughts?

I think it's creepy no matter the explanation. The woman seems genuine in her reporting and she was reluctant to believe a paranormal explanation, so I don't think it's a hoax. I also don't think the voice is just background noise like so many crappy EVPs on youtube. I think someone was in her room, possibly someone she knew or someone who was familiar with the house. They don't seem too startled. It seems like their decision to leave was more of a calculation than knee-jerk fear.

She claims the house was locked up, but we don't know what her idea of locked up is. Perhaps there was a window or basement door or something that granted access. If the answer is no, that suggests to me that the intruder could have had a key. If she hadn't changed the locks after moving in, the previous renter may have kept a key. The fact that things were riffled through yet nothing taken makes me think they were looking for something specific. Again, maybe someone who used to live there left something behind.

The clicking noises sound to me like some sort of briefcase or suitcase, although there are a few too many clicks. I would assume any sort of case with latches would have only two. She also says she heard the clicking noises before and after that night, which is puzzling. She says they were coming from the area where her fan was running, but she had never heard the fan make any noises during the day. I've heard oscillating fans make clicking noises when their path is blocked, but they are rhythmic and sound different than what was recorded. They also sound very close to the recording. Nevertheless, the clicking noises could have been an independent occurrence that just happened to coincide with the intruder. Doesn't really seem right to me, but it's a possibility.

The woman did contact a local paranormal group who was relatively uninterested because it seemed to be an isolated incident. They put her in touch with someone who could "clean" the house but she didn't follow up. She changed the locks and moved out a few months later.

One other strange detail is her son, who was three, asked her the next day where "Ho" was. When she asked who Ho was, her son said "the black man with no face." She didn't report any more of the conversation, but she claims he says weird stuff all the time, and may have been asking about Santa Clause.

It would be interesting to know if any other houses in the neighborhood were broken into. It would be interesting to know if she had past friends or lovers who had been given a key. Did any of the neighbors see anything strange that night. Did she ever notice things out of place when she came home after being gone for a long period?This is where I'd focus if I were doing an investigation.
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Not paranormal per say; but might as well be as it's not real but can kill you.. I get night terrors and bad. Like to the point where if I don't sleep with someone in my bed I couldn't be suffocated by my own unconscious mind.

Not crazy either; thought I was but been happening for 15 years and only certain things trigger it.

Anyone else know what they are or get them? I don't know many people who experience this :/
Not paranormal per say; but might as well be as it's not real but can kill you.. I get night terrors and bad. Like to the point where if I don't sleep with someone in my bed I couldn't be suffocated by my own unconscious mind.

Not crazy either; thought I was but been happening for 15 years and only certain things trigger it.

Anyone else know what they are or get them? I don't know many people who experience this :/
Taking SSRI meds give me night terrors.

I stopped taking them. I wake up fighting and cussing for my life. My Dog stopped sleeping near me because of the violent reactions to the meds.

To bad. The SSRIs actually worked for anxiety. They have a reversed effect on me. They calm my days and turn my nights into a bloody hell.

Now I'm on OCO meds. Organic Cannabis Only. Calm days and restful nights are mine again.

Oh, crazy? Yes I'm still crazy AND I have papers to prove it. But I am sleeping comfortably thru the night again:weed:
Taking SSRI meds give me night terrors.

I stopped taking them. I wake up fighting and cussing for my life. My Dog stopped sleeping near me because of the violent reactions to the meds.

To bad. The SSRIs actually worked for anxiety. They have a reversed effect on me. They calm my days and turn my nights into a bloody hell.

Now I'm on OCO meds. Organic Cannabis Only. Calm days and restful nights are mine again.

Oh, crazy? Yes I'm still crazy AND I have papers to prove it. But I am sleeping comfortably thru the night again:weed:
Lol I wish I had a med that stopped them; that would be bliss