What Is The Oddest Food You've Eaten?


Well-Known Member
A lot of Chinese in America Is just wrong. Sweet and sour sometimes looks like a thick pink sauce out of can, nothing like authentic Chinese. And the Japanese food? Teriyaki chicken is not made by dumping a thick gross sauce onto meat. The meat is marinated overnight in soy, saki and ginger with sugar.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid dad would bring home head cheese from a premium German butcher.
I remember 3/8” squares of meat like material, as delicately striated as a September sky.
Bet pig cheek figured big in that mix.
They had head cheese at the Hungarian butcher shops too many years ago. It was actually much tastier than it looked and I would request it when my dad went to the out of town Hungarian butcher shop.

I still make Hungarian paprika bacon once every few years. Bacon isn't odd (obviously) but it's boiled and appears raw at first glance. So it looks like you're eating raw bacon. Until you taste it with fresh hard crust rye bread and a good IPA. Covered with a crushed garlic paprika paste, you kind of smell like garlic every day until it's gone.

Pig's Feet Jelly was a thing my dad made.

Basically it was pork flavored Jello. Not bad but I always thought it needed chunks of pork in it, I was never a Jello fan though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I grew up in Burbank, the Chopsticks always had a fairly sketchy rep, but it kept going for awhile. I don't recall when it went under but we stopped eating there before I got out of 8th grade. Remember that owner? That little old perennially angry rude Chinese guy; the nice waitresses saved the biz for a long time
I actually never ate there thank God lol.
Didn't the owner have a wife that helped him run the place?

The Jack In The Box on the corner of Alameda and Buena Vista got shut
down due a kid ate a burger there and died. Not sure if you remember that.
Just before they got shut down, I remember hearing that the parents who
had kids at the child care center inside the Disney studios while the parents were working there would not bring there kids to eat
at that Jack In The Box across the street due the one kid that ate there and died from it.
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Well-Known Member
Same kid, but from Utah with fried grasshoppers and a big story about Angel Macaroni and his magic spectacles.
You can imagine how that went over with the 4th grade on the east coast, pretty sure the girls fed him live bugs for lunch on the playground.
If you couldn't fight, you had to play with the girls back then.
This one kid in Burbank I knew named Pat Perry would eat his boogers all the time so much so that
it was always raw red above his upper lip from digging in his nose all the time lol.


Well-Known Member
Literally a pigs face in downtown Minneapolis as traffic drove by :-) buddy had booked a brewery down there for a wedding reception and had a pig roast it was great!
Every year before I was born and after up until my late 20's or so my dad would roast a pig on Nov. 21st.
It has been a family tradition for over 500 years celebrating Saint Michael becoming an Arch Angel.
My mom would also prepare other Eastern European (Serbian) foods for a couple days prior to
the celebration. We would invite family and friends every time. Always a huge feast. I was the only
one that since I was a kid would not eat the roast pig. Each year, my dad would slap me around
because of that but as I grew up he stopped. He figured after all the slapping around I still
would not eat it so he finally gave up lol.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid dad would bring home head cheese from a premium German butcher.
I remember 3/8” squares of meat like material, as delicately striated as a September sky.
Bet pig cheek figured big in that mix.
Described as you said, but looked God awful to me and tasted even worse. To me the taste was putrid to say the least. Chewing
on it and trying to swallow my eye's teared up it tasted so bad. I was kind of laughing as I was chewing and tearing up and my buddy was
laughing as well cause he knew what I was going through.
Did you eat the head cheese? I heard it was scrapings from the inside of the pigs skull.
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Well-Known Member
have you ever had the Turkish dolma? Kinda the same thing but with sugar and allspice. It's an odd flavour.

How did your roast turn out last night?
Don't think I've had the sweet ones. Just the lemon rice standard I guess. Saw them at a steak house salad bar a few years ago and loved them......pretty sure I had them before that but these where real good.

The roast wasn't bad. A bit to well done for me.......I saw it hit 120° and got pulled away for a min and should have just pulled it at 120. Flavor was awesome! Salt, pepper, thyme, speared with lots of garlic. I seared it in bacon fat and gave it a butter rubdown. The mashed potatoes where a hit. Boiled the potatoes with fresh rosemary then greak yogurt, feta, butter and milk. I leave the skin on so they where dirty. Lipstick red chard and onions.