What Is The Oddest Food You've Eaten?

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Don't think I've had the sweet ones. Just the lemon rice standard I guess. Saw them at a steak house salad bar a few years ago and loved them......pretty sure I had them before that but these where real good.

The roast wasn't bad. A bit to well done for me.......I saw it hit 120° and got pulled away for a min and should have just pulled it at 120. Flavor was awesome! Salt, pepper, thyme, speared with lots of garlic. I seared it in bacon fat and gave it a butter rubdown. The mashed potatoes where a hit. Boiled the potatoes with fresh rosemary then greak yogurt, feta, butter and milk. I leave the skin on so they where dirty. Lipstick red chard and onions.
yogurt and feta are you sure you're not Greek ;)