What Is The Oddest Food You've Eaten?


Well-Known Member
There is a California state law prohibiting eating horse. One of our dumber ballot initiatives.
Many years ago I remember here in Cali (NoHo) a Jack In The Box got in trouble for using
horse meat for their burgers. Also, in Burbank where I grew up a Chinese Restaurant named
Chopstix got busted for serving cat and dog. They were closed down immediately. True story!


Ursus marijanus
Many years ago I remember here in Cali (NoHo) a Jack In The Box got in trouble for using
horse meat for their burgers. Also, in Burbank where I grew up a Chinese Restaurant named
Chopstix got busted for serving cat and dog. They were closed down immediately. True story!
I remember an early ‘70s MickeyDeez scandal. 25 cases of Aussie beef.
17 tested positive for beef.
20 or so for horse.
25 (full score!) positive for kangaroo.

That is when the “100% American beef” branding offensive began.


Well-Known Member
Many years ago I remember here in Cali (NoHo) a Jack In The Box got in trouble for using
horse meat for their burgers. Also, in Burbank where I grew up a Chinese Restaurant named
Chopstix got busted for serving cat and dog. They were closed down immediately. True story!
Yeah I grew up in Burbank, the Chopsticks always had a fairly sketchy rep, but it kept going for awhile. I don't recall when it went under but we stopped eating there before I got out of 8th grade. Remember that owner? That little old perennially angry rude Chinese guy; the nice waitresses saved the biz for a long time

go go kid

Well-Known Member
ostrich is about the strangest thing ive ever eaten. funny story, me and my ex partner were stopped in a farm lane on a long trip for a joint, we had our backs to a chain link fence when we herd this rummbling sound, we turned to see a field full of them charging the fence we were sat up against. wow man are they ferocious and curious. they just crashed into the fence, well the front ones did, freaky