What has Trump done to this country?

tRUmptards are also easily triggered.
They are sensitive right now, folks are getting to the core of white privilege and the main way blacks are oppressed by the white American society. It is a keystone for them and allows them to carry guns in cars and not blacks and to scream in cops faces from a foot away while armed to the teeth in a lockdown. They will be easily triggered by recent events, it's sinking in they are losing badly, even Donald gets the fact he is losing, he just doesn't understand why.
I expected them to show up when the tide turned and they are right on schedule, after so much silence, desperation drives the cockroaches into the sunlight.
They are sensitive right now, folks are getting to the core of white privilege and the main way blacks are oppressed by the white American society. It is a keystone for them and allows them to carry guns in cars and not blacks and to scream in cops faces from a foot away while armed to the teeth in a lockdown. They will be easily triggered by recent events, it's sinking in they are losing badly, even Donald gets the fact he is losing, he just doesn't understand why.
I expected them to show up when the tide turned and they are right on schedule, after so much silence, desperation drives the cockroaches into the sunlight.

they riding around town revving their engines because THAT will show us.
We've told you about the rise of left-wing mobs in this country, and the threat they pose to all of us. We told you that — no matter what they’re claiming, or how loudly they’re claiming it — their main goal is power. It always is. In order to seize that power, they will do whatever it takes. They will silence you. They will hurt you. They will burn your country down. They’re doing all of that now. How should you respond to it? With courage. You are an American. You live in a free country. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to apologize for crimes you didn’t commit.
chink in the armor has commenced..

Gleeson slammed the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case, saying the arguments from prosecutors were “riddled” with legal errors.

“The Government’s ostensible grounds for seeking dismissal are conclusively disproven by its own briefs filed earlier in this very proceeding,” Gleeson wrote. “They contradict and ignore this Court’s prior orders, which constitute law of the case. They are riddled with inexplicable and elementary errors of law and fact. And they depart from positions that the Government has taken in other cases.”

Trump is really running with the JV squad. They just keep throwing bodies in front of Dear Leader though.